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feat: Authorized parties endpoint in enduser API (#661) #256

feat: Authorized parties endpoint in enduser API (#661)

feat: Authorized parties endpoint in enduser API (#661) #256

GitHub Actions / Test Results failed Apr 25, 2024 in 0s

1 fail, 227 pass in 0s

228 tests   227 ✅  0s ⏱️
 77 suites    0 💤
  1 files      1 ❌

Results for commit 050ccbb.


Check warning on line 0 in Check if we get any parties

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

expected response status to equal 200 (Check if we get any parties) failed

Raw output
Check failed. See output K6 task for more details.
expected response status to equal 200

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

228 tests found

There are 228 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Allow deleting dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Allow dialog create as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Allow getting activities as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow getting activity entry as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow getting dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow getting dialog element as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow getting dialog element list as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow patch with valid If-Match ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Allow patching dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Allow posting activity as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Allow posting dialog element as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Allow putting dialog element as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Allow updating dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Arrange: Create a dialog to test against ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Arrange: Create some dialogs to test against ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Arrange: Create some dialogs to test against ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ expected error to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ expected reponse to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ expected response status to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ expected error to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ expected reponse to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ expected response status to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ expected error to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ expected reponse to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ expected response status to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element delete with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog element delete with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element delete with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element delete without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog element delete without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element delete without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element get with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog element get with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element get with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element get without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog element get without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element get without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element post with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog element post with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element post with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element post without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog element post without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element post without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element put with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog element put with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element put with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog element put without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog element put without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog element put without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt get single without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt get single without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt get single without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt search without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt search without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt search without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Check if we get 404 Not found ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Check if we get any parties ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ expected dialog to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ expected dialog to have property 'guiActions'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ expected dialog to have property 'length'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ expected gui action to equal true
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ expected gui action to have property 'isAuthorized'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ expected url to have property 'url'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ expected url to include 'https://'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ expected api action to equal false
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ expected api action to have property 'isAuthorized'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ expected dialog to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ expected dialog to have property 'apiActions'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ expected dialog to have property 'length'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ expected url to have property 'endpoints'
Cleanup ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Deny attempt to patch with invalid If-Match ‑ expected response status to equal 412
Deny deleting dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny deleting dialog element as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny dialog create as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 403
Deny getting activities as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny getting activity entry as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny getting dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny getting dialog element as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny getting dialog element list as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny patching dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny posting activity as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny posting dialog element as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny putting dialog element as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny searching dialogs without search-scope ‑ expected response status to equal 403
Deny updating dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response json to have a length of 2 got ${actual}
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Filter by extended status ‑ has valid json body
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected ${this} to be an array
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected ${this} to have property 'content'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected first dialog reversed title to have a localized text of 75744af5-4313-4aab-be32-f3911f8d779...
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected first dialog reversed to have a localized text of updated_f8a8cb51-d6a0-4617-9746-16a31ff6a...
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected first dialog title to have a localized text of 4f276aae-018c-4e5d-bb89-7f8a2e85dc54
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected first dialog to have a localized text of due_43784955-3d3b-41aa-85ba-1fa6b2e75a54
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response json to have a length of 3 got ${actual}
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response status to equal 200
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected second dialog reversed title to have a localized text of e0a3bfc3-43a0-4a47-90ab-733e3d1e34...
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected second dialog reversed to have a localized text of last_398022b5-39d5-43b8-a6c2-75f55aa0c54...
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected second dialog title to have a localized text of 75744af5-4313-4aab-be32-f3911f8d7799
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected second dialog to have a localized text of updated_f8a8cb51-d6a0-4617-9746-16a31ff6aa73
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected third dialog title to have a localized text of e0a3bfc3-43a0-4a47-90ab-733e3d1e3459
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected third dialog to have a localized text of last_398022b5-39d5-43b8-a6c2-75f55aa0c54c
List with custom orderBy ‑ has valid json body
List with limit ‑ expected ${this} to be false
List with limit ‑ expected response json to be true
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have a length of 3 got ${actual}
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'continuationToken'
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'hasNextPage'
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
List with limit ‑ expected response status to equal 200
List with limit ‑ has valid json body
List with party filter ‑ expected party to equal 'urn:altinn:organization:identifier-no…'
List with party filter ‑ expected party to have property 'party'
List with party filter ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
List with party filter ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
List with party filter ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
List with party filter ‑ expected response status to equal 200
List with party filter ‑ has valid json body
List with resource filter ‑ expected party to equal 'urn:altinn:resource:ttd-dialogporten-…'
List with resource filter ‑ expected party to have property 'serviceResource'
List with resource filter ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
List with resource filter ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
List with resource filter ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
List with resource filter ‑ expected response status to equal 200
List with resource filter ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog create ‑ expected response json to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-...
Perform dialog create ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Perform dialog create ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog delete ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to equal '…'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have nested property 'apiActions[0].endpoints[1].url'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have property 'createdAt'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have property 'revision'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have property 'updatedAt'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected updated revision to not equal 'ae9c0b53-fa7b-40fb-92eb-5a6686438979'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected updatedAt to match /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{7}Z$/
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected updatedAt to not equal '2024-04-25T12:39:22.6221810Z'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog get ‑ expected createdAt to match /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{7}Z$/
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to equal '44158f01-5483-1976-9d0b-a79d7843e00e'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'createdAt'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'id'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'revision'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'updatedAt'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Perform dialog get ‑ expected updatedAt to equal '2024-04-25T12:39:22.6221810Z'
Perform dialog get ‑ has valid json body
Perform simple dialog get ‑ expected response json to equal '44158f01-4ecf-6774-8842-3a5e70a10dae'
Perform simple dialog get ‑ expected response json to have property 'id'
Perform simple dialog get ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Perform simple dialog get ‑ has valid json body
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response json to have a length at least 10 got ${actual}
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Perform simple dialog list ‑ has valid json body
Search for body ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Search for body ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Search for body ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Search for body ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Search for body ‑ has valid json body
Search for sender name  ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Search for sender name  ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Search for sender name  ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Search for sender name  ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Search for sender name  ‑ has valid json body
Search for sender name ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Search for sender name ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Search for sender name ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Search for sender name ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Search for sender name ‑ has valid json body
Search for title ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Search for title ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Search for title ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Search for title ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Search for title ‑ has valid json body