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Update gray_scott.jl
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Updates the gray scott model with boundary conditions and constants to produce cool looking behavior. This should probably be turned into a doc page.
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GeorgeR227 authored and jpfairbanks committed Jan 10, 2025
1 parent 8cb43b9 commit 19473fe
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 163 deletions.
232 changes: 69 additions & 163 deletions examples/chemistry/gray_scott.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
using Catlab
using Catlab.Graphics
using CombinatorialSpaces
using CombinatorialSpaces.ExteriorCalculus
using DiagrammaticEquations
using DiagrammaticEquations.Deca
using Decapodes
using MLStyle
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using LinearAlgebra
using CairoMakie
import CairoMakie: wireframe, mesh, Figure, Axis
using Logging
using JLD2
using Printf
using ComponentArrays

using GeometryBasics: Point2, Point3
Expand All @@ -27,189 +20,102 @@ GrayScott = @decapode begin
(U̇, V̇)::Form0
(f, k, rᵤ, rᵥ)::Constant

UV2 == (U .* (V .* V))
== rᵤ * Δ(U) - UV2 + f * (1 .- U)
== rᵥ * Δ(V) + UV2 - (f + k) .* V
lap_U == mask(Δ(U), B)
lap_V == mask(Δ(V), B)

== rᵤ * lap_U - UV2 + f * (1 .- U)
== rᵥ * lap_V + UV2 - (f + k) .* V
∂ₜ(U) ==
∂ₜ(V) ==

# Visualize. You must have graphviz installed.

# We resolve types of intermediate variables using sets of rules.

# Resolve overloads. i.e. ~dispatch

s = loadmesh(Rectangle_30x10())
scaling_mat = Diagonal([1/maximum(x->x[1], s[:point]),
1/maximum(x->x[2], s[:point]),
s[:point] = map(x -> scaling_mat*x, s[:point])
s[:edge_orientation] = false
# Visualize the mesh.
sd = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool,Float64,Point2D}(s)
subdivide_duals!(sd, Circumcenter())

# Define how operations map to Julia functions.
function generate(sd, my_symbol; hodge=GeometricHodge()) end

# Create initial data.
@assert all(map(sd[:point]) do (x,y)
0.0 x 1.0 && 0.0 y 1.0

U = map(sd[:point]) do (_,y)
22 * (y *(1-y))^(3/2)

V = map(sd[:point]) do (x,_)
27 * (x *(1-x))^(3/2)

constants_and_parameters = (
f = 0.024,
k = 0.055,
rᵤ = 0.01,
rᵥ = 0.005)

# Generate the simulation.
sim = eval(gensim(expand_operators(GrayScott)))
fₘ = sim(sd, generate)

# Create problem and run sim for t ∈ [0,tₑ).
# Map symbols to data.
u₀ = ComponentArray(U=U,V=V)
n = 100

# Visualize the initial conditions.
# If GLMakie throws errors, then update your graphics drivers,
# or use an alternative Makie backend like CairoMakie.
fig_ic = Figure()
p1 = mesh(fig_ic[1,2], s, color=u₀.U, colormap=:jet)
p2 = mesh(fig_ic[1,3], s, color=u₀.V, colormap=:jet)
s = triangulated_grid(n,n,0.8,0.8,Point3D);
sd = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool,Float64,Point2D}(s);
subdivide_duals!(sd, Circumcenter());

tₑ = 11.5
sim = eval(gensim(GrayScott))

@info("Precompiling Solver")
prob = ODEProblem(fₘ, u₀, (0, 1e-4), constants_and_parameters)
soln = solve(prob, Tsit5())
soln.retcode != :Unstable || error("Solver was not stable")
prob = ODEProblem(fₘ, u₀, (0, tₑ), constants_and_parameters)
soln = solve(prob, Tsit5())
left_wall_idxs = findall(x -> x[1] <= 1.0, s[:point])
right_wall_idxs = findall(x -> x[1] >= n - 1.0, s[:point])
top_wall_idxs = findall(y -> y[2] == 0.0, s[:point])
bot_wall_idxs = findall(y -> y[2] == n, s[:point])

@save "gray_scott.jld2" soln

# Visualize the final conditions.
mesh(s, color=soln(tₑ).U, colormap=:jet)

begin # BEGIN Gif creation
frames = 100
## Initial frame
fig = Figure(resolution = (1200, 800))
p1 = mesh(fig[1,2], s, color=soln(0).U, colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).U))
p2 = mesh(fig[1,4], s, color=soln(0).V, colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).V))
ax1 = Axis(fig[1,2], width = 400, height = 400)
ax2 = Axis(fig[1,4], width = 400, height = 400)
Colorbar(fig[1,1], colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).U))
Colorbar(fig[1,5], colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).V))
Label(fig[1,2,Top()], "U")
Label(fig[1,4,Top()], "V")
lab1 = Label(fig[1,3], "")

## Animation
record(fig, "gray_scott.gif", range(0.0, tₑ; length=frames); framerate = 15) do t
p1.plot.color = soln(t).U
p2.plot.color = soln(t).V
lab1.text = @sprintf("%.2f",t)
wall_idxs = unique(vcat(left_wall_idxs, right_wall_idxs, top_wall_idxs, bot_wall_idxs))
function generate(sd, my_symbol; hodge=GeometricHodge())
op = @match my_symbol begin
:mask => (x,y) -> begin
x[wall_idxs] .= y
_ => error("Unmatched operator $my_symbol")

end # END Gif creation
fₘ = sim(sd, generate, DiagonalHodge())

# Run on the sphere.
# You can use lower resolution meshes, such as Icosphere(3).
s = loadmesh(Icosphere(5))
# Visualize the mesh.
sd = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool,Float64,Point3D}(s)
subdivide_duals!(sd, Circumcenter())
init_multi = 0.5

# Define how operations map to Julia functions.
function generate(sd, my_symbol; hodge=GeometricHodge()) end
U = rand(0.0:0.001:0.1, nv(sd))
V = zeros(nv(sd))

# Create initial data.
U = map(sd[:point]) do (_,y,_)
mid = div(n, 2)

V = map(sd[:point]) do (x,_,_)
mid_p = Point2D(mid, mid)

constants_and_parameters = (
f = 0.024,
k = 0.055,
rᵤ = 0.01,
rᵥ = 0.005)
init = map(p -> if norm(p - mid_p, Inf) <= 5; 1.0 .* init_multi; else 0.0; end, sd[:point])

# Generate the simulation.
fₘ = sim(sd, generate)
# Set up an initial small disturbance
U .+= init
V .+= 0.5 * init

# Create problem and run sim for t ∈ [0,tₑ).
# Map symbols to data.
u₀ = ComponentArray(U=U,V=V)

# Visualize the initial conditions.
# If GLMakie throws errors, then update your graphics drivers,
# or use an alternative Makie backend like CairoMakie.
fig_ic = Figure()
p1 = mesh(fig_ic[1,2], s, color=u₀.U, colormap=:jet)
p2 = mesh(fig_ic[1,3], s, color=u₀.V, colormap=:jet)

tₑ = 11.5
f = 0.055
k = 0.062
constants_and_parameters = (
rᵤ = 0.16,
rᵥ = 0.08,
f = f,
k = k,
B = 0)

# fig = Figure();
# ax = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[1,1], aspect=1, title = "Initial value of U")
# msh = CairoMakie.mesh!(ax, s, color=U, colormap=:jet, colorrange=(extrema(U)))
# Colorbar(fig[1,2], msh)
# display(fig)

# fig = Figure()
# ax = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[1,1], aspect=1, title = "Initial value of V") # hide
# msh = CairoMakie.mesh!(ax, s, color=V, colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(V)) # hide
# Colorbar(fig[1,2], msh)
# fig

tₑ = 10_000

@info("Precompiling Solver")
prob = ODEProblem(fₘ, u₀, (0, 1e-4), constants_and_parameters)
soln = solve(prob, Tsit5())
soln.retcode != :Unstable || error("Solver was not stable")
prob = ODEProblem(fₘ, u₀, (0, tₑ), constants_and_parameters)
soln = solve(prob, Tsit5())

@save "gray_scott_sphere.jld2" soln

# Visualize the final conditions.
mesh(s, color=soln(tₑ).U, colormap=:jet)
function save_dynamics(save_file_name)
time = Observable(0.0)
u = @lift(soln($time).U)
f = Figure()
ax_U = CairoMakie.Axis(f[1,1], title = @lift("Concentration of U at Time $($time)"))

begin # BEGIN Gif creation
frames = 800
## Initial frame
fig = Figure(resolution = (1200, 1200))
p1 = mesh(fig[1,1], s, color=soln(0).U, colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).U))
p2 = mesh(fig[2,1], s, color=soln(0).V, colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).V))
Colorbar(fig[1,2], colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).U))
Colorbar(fig[2,2], colormap=:jet, colorrange=extrema(soln(0).V))
msh_U = mesh!(ax_U, s, color=u, colormap=:jet, colorrange=(0, 1.1))
Colorbar(f[1,2], msh_U)

## Animation
record(fig, "gray_scott_sphere.gif", range(0.0, tₑ; length=frames); framerate = 30) do t
p1.plot.color = soln(t).U
p2.plot.color = soln(t).V
timestamps = range(0, tₑ, step=50)
record(f, save_file_name, timestamps; framerate = 30) do t
time[] = t

end # END Gif creation

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