Easily configure cron through PHP.
If you use Symfony 2, you could use our cool bridge in order to configure your app jobs in config!
FDevsCron uses Composer, please checkout the composer website for more information.
The simple following command will install cron
into your project. It also add a new
entry in your composer.json
and update the composer.lock
as well.
$ composer require fdevs/cron
FDevsCron follows the PSR-4 convention names for its classes, which means you can easily integrate
classes loading in your own autoloader.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use FDevs\Cron\Cron;
use FDevs\Cron\Model\Job;
use FDevs\Cron\Model\Time;
use FDevs\Cron\Model\Output;
$cron = new Cron();
$time = new Time();
$output = new Output();
$job = new Job('/bin/bash command', $time, $output);
->addHeader(Cron::HEADER_PATH, 'path')
->addHeader(Cron::HEADER_HOME, 'home')
->addHeader(Cron::HEADER_MAILTO, '[email protected]')
->addHeader(Cron::HEADER_SHELL, 'shell')
->addHeader(Cron::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, 'text')
echo strval($cron);
That will print
[email protected]
1 2 3 4 5 /bin/bash command --env=dev > log 2>> error
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use FDevs\Cron\CrontabUpdater;
use FDevs\Cron\Cron;
$cron = new Cron();
// $cron configuration...
$cronUpdater = new CrontabUpdater('unique_key');
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