A simple HTTP development server in C.
Help message:
httpsrvdev [OPTIONS/FLAGS] [SRC1 SRC2 ...]
Serve files and directories via HTTP.
For non-deployment (a.k.a. non-production) software development.
[SRC1 SRC2 ...] .... A list of 0 or more sources. A source may
a) be the path to a file or a directory
b) be "-", as a placeholder for the standard input.
If 0 sources are provided, the CWD (current
working directory) will be served.
If 1 source is is provided, only that source will
be served.
If multiple sources are provided, a listing that
links to each source will be served.
Paths to directories will serve the HTML page
'index.html' or 'index.htm' if contained within
directory; otherwise, a directory listing will be
--ip ADDRESS ......... Set the server's IPv4 address. Default "".
-p/--port PORT ....... Set the server's port. Default "8080".
-h/--help ............ Display this usage message.
--stdin-type ......... Set the MIME type that the standard input will be
served as (if "-" is provided as a source).
Default "text/plain".
--override-opts ...... Allow the last duplicate of a flag or option to
override the first. If not provided, duplicates will
causes an error. When provided this flag additionally
allows duplicate flags and options to be provided
after the sources list.
This flag is useful in scripts when you want to
use different defaults and still provide the
ability to override your new defaults from the
command line, when calling the script.
E.g. a bash script containing:
httpsrvdev --port 9000 $@
allows the caller to override the port:
$ ./my-script --port 9001
Currently under development.