Clone the project, install SBT, setup Docker and type
sbt docker:publishLocal
docker run -p 9000:9000 zouzias/play-2-4:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
and you have a running docker container in play. Almost no configuration needed.
You can test the API on your browseer http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:9000/ping
, you should receive pong.
The docker host ip can be found using docker-machine ip default
(replace default with the name of the docker host).
- Enumerator.apply:
curl -N http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:9000/enum
- Enumerator.generateM:
curl -N http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:9000/generateM
- Enumerator.repeatM:
curl -N http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:9000/repeatM
- Enumerator.interleave:
curl -N http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:9000/interleave
- Enumerator.andThen:
curl -N http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:9000/andThen
Go to http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:9000/docs/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/assets/swagger.json#!/routes/get_ping
This project is based on