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File metadata and controls

118 lines (95 loc) · 3.67 KB
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Persistence gives you ability to store events that occur in your system with defined datastore.

To use Persistence you need in your build.sbt:

if (zio.actors.BuildInfo.isSnapshot)
  println(s"""resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")""")
println(s"""libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-actors-persistence" % "${zio.actors.BuildInfo.version}"""")

For current version the only datastore available is postgresql and in-memory datastore for testing purposes. For postgresql you need a configuration in (by default) resources/application.conf:

ActorSystemName.zio.actors.persistence {
  plugin = "jdbc-journal"
  url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres"
  user = "user"
  pass = "pass"

and also use postgresql plugin for that purpose:

libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-actors-persistence-jdbc" % "@VERSION@"

Currently the table that needs to be present in database has such schema:

create table if not exists journal_zio
	persistence_id varchar not null,
	sequence_number serial not null,
	message bytea,
	constraint journal_zio_pk
		primary key (persistence_id, sequence_number)

After successful setup you can create persisted actors by implementing EventSourcedStateful. First method is receive which is similar to receive from basic actors: Here you can perform an effectful computations with possible failures and side effects. Here you must also decide whether processed message should result in an event that will be persisted or no state update.

The second method is sourceEvent which must be a pure function that performs state updates. This method is used when restoring an actor after startup.

The imports we need for simple example:

import zio.actors._
import zio.actors.{ ActorSystem, Context, Supervisor }
import zio.actors.persistence._
import zio.{ZIO, UIO}

Case objects for messages that our actor can process and persisted events:

sealed trait Message[+A]
case object Reset    extends Message[Unit]
case object Increase extends Message[Unit]
case object Get      extends Message[Int]

sealed trait CounterEvent
case object ResetEvent    extends CounterEvent
case object IncreaseEvent extends CounterEvent

EventSourcedStateful implementation with persisted and idempotent receive patterns:

  val ESCounterHandler = new EventSourcedStateful[Any, Int, Message, CounterEvent](PersistenceId("id1")) {
    override def receive[A](
      state: Int,
      msg: Message[A],
      context: Context
    ): UIO[(Command[CounterEvent], Int => A)] =
      msg match {
        case Reset    => ZIO.succeed((Command.persist(ResetEvent), _ => ()))
        case Increase => ZIO.succeed((Command.persist(IncreaseEvent), _ => ()))
        case Get      => ZIO.succeed((Command.ignore, _ => state))

    override def sourceEvent(state: Int, event: CounterEvent): Int =
      event match {
        case ResetEvent    => 0
        case IncreaseEvent => state + 1

After defining datastore configuration and actor's behavior we can firmly stop an actor, respawn it and expect it's state to be restored to the last event:

for {
  actorSystem <- ActorSystem("testSystem1")
  actor       <- actorSystem.make("actor1", Supervisor.none, 0, ESCounterHandler)
  _           <- actor ! Increase
  _           <- actor ? Increase
  _           <- actor.stop
  actor       <- actorSystem.make("actor1", Supervisor.none, 0, ESCounterHandler)
  _           <- actor ! Increase
  counter     <- actor ? Get
} yield counter == 3