Scylla Operator 1.8 introduced a new API resource ScyllaDBMonitoring
, allowing users to deploy a managed monitoring
setup for their Scylla Clusters.
kind: ScyllaDBMonitoring
name: example
type: Platform
matchLabels: scylla identity
scylla/cluster: replace-with-your-scyllacluster-name
storage: 1Gi
ingressClassName: haproxy
- test-grafana.test.svc.cluster.local
annotations: "true"
For details, refer to the below command:
$ kubectl explain
Note: as of v1.8, ScyllaDBMonitoring is experimental. The API is currently in version v1alpha1 and may change in future versions.
Before you can set up your ScyllaDB monitoring, you need Scylla Operator already installed in your Kubernetes cluster. For more information on how to deploy Scylla Operator, see:
The above example of the monitoring setup also makes use of HAProxy Ingress and Prometheus Operator. You can deploy them in your Kubernetes cluster using the provided third party examples. If you already have them deployed in your cluster, you can skip the below steps.
Deploy Prometheus Operator using kubectl:
$ kubectl -n prometheus-operator apply --server-side -f ./examples/third-party/prometheus-operator
$ kubectl -n prometheus-operator rollout status --timeout=5m deployments.apps/prometheus-operator
deployment "prometheus-operator" successfully rolled out
Deploy HAProxy Ingress using kubectl:
$ kubectl -n haproxy-ingress apply --server-side -f ./examples/third-party/haproxy-ingress
$ kubectl -n haproxy-ingress rollout status --timeout=5m deployments.apps/haproxy-ingress
deployment "haproxy-ingress" successfully rolled out
First, update the endpointsSelector
in examples/monitoring/v1alpha1/scylladbmonitoring.yaml
with a label
matching your ScyllaCluster instance name.
Deploy the monitoring setup using kubectl:
$ kubectl -n scylla apply --server-side -f ./examples/monitoring/v1alpha1/scylladbmonitoring.yaml
Scylla Operator will notice the new ScyllaDBMonitoring object, and it will reconcile all necessary resources.
$ kubectl wait --for='condition=Progressing=False' condition met
$ kubectl wait --for='condition=Degraded=False' condition met
$ kubectl wait --for='condition=Available=True' condition met
$ kubectl rollout status --timeout=5m statefulset.apps/prometheus-example
statefulset rolling update complete 1 pods at revision prometheus-example-65b89d55bb...
$ kubectl rollout status --timeout=5m deployments.apps/example-grafana
deployment "example-grafana" successfully rolled out
For accessing Grafana service from outside the Kubernetes cluster we recommend using an Ingress, although there are many other ways to do so. When using Ingress, what matters is to direct your packets to the ingress controller Service/Pods and have the correct TLS SNI field set by the caller when reaching out to the service, so it is routed properly, and your client can successfully validate the grafana serving certificate. This is easier when you are using a real DNS domain that resolves to your Ingress controller's IP address but most clients and tools allow setting the SNI field manually.
To access Grafana, you first need to collect the serving CA and the credentials.
$ GRAFANA_SERVING_CERT="$( kubectl -n scylla get secret/example-grafana-serving-ca --template '{{ index .data "tls.crt" }}' | base64 -d )"
$ GRAFANA_USER="$( kubectl -n scylla get secret/example-grafana-admin-credentials --template '{{ index .data "username" }}' | base64 -d )"
$ GRAFANA_PASSWORD="$( kubectl -n scylla get secret/example-grafana-admin-credentials --template '{{ index .data "password" }}' | base64 -d )"
In production clusters, the Ingress controller and appropriate DNS records should be set up already. Often there is already a generic wildcard record like *.app.mydomain
pointing to the Ingress controller's external IP. For custom service domains, it is usually a CNAME pointing to the Ingress controller's A record.
Note: The ScyllaDBMonitoring example creates an Ingress object with test-grafana.test.svc.cluster.local
DNS domain that you should adjust to your domain. Below examples use example-grafana.apps.mydomain
Note: To test a resolvable domain from your machine without creating DNS records, you can adjust /etc/hosts
or similar.
$ curl --fail -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' -L --cacert <( echo "${GRAFANA_SERVING_CERT}" ) "https://example-grafana.apps.mydomain" --user "${GRAFANA_USER}:${GRAFANA_PASSWORD}"
To connect to an Ingress without a resolvable domain you first need to find out your Ingress controller's IP that can be resolved externally. Again, there are many ways to do so beyond the below examples.
Unless stated otherwise, we assume your Ingress is running on port 443.
When you are running in a real cluster there is usually a cloud LoadBalancer or a bare metal alternative providing you with an externally reachable IP address.
$ INGRESS_IP="$( kubectl -n=haproxy-ingress get service/haproxy-ingress --template='{{ ( index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0 ).ip }}' )"
NodePort is slightly less convenient, but it's available in development clusters as well.
$ INGRESS_IP="$( kubectl get nodes --template='{{ $internal_ip := "" }}{{ $external_ip := "" }}{{ range ( index .items 0 ).status.addresses }}{{ if eq .type "InternalIP" }}{{ $internal_ip = .address }}{{ else if eq .type "ExternalIP" }}{{ $external_ip = .address }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ if $external_ip }}{{ $external_ip }}{{ else }}{{ $internal_ip }}{{ end }}' )"
$ INGRESS_PORT="$( kubectl -n=haproxy-ingress get services/haproxy-ingress --template='{{ range .spec.ports }}{{ if eq .port 443 }}{{ .nodePort }}{{ end }}{{ end }}' )"
$ curl --fail -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' -L --cacert <( echo "${GRAFANA_SERVING_CERT}" ) "https://test-grafana.test.svc.cluster.local:${INGRESS_PORT}" --resolve "test-grafana.test.svc.cluster.local:${INGRESS_PORT}:${INGRESS_IP}" --user "${GRAFANA_USER}:${GRAFANA_PASSWORD}"