The pages in this section contain best practices for developers going through code review. These guidelines should help you get through reviews faster and with higher-quality results. You don't have to read them all, but they are intended to apply to every Google developer, and many people have found it helpful to read the whole set. 本文包含开发者怎样让代码审核容易通过的最佳实践。在读完本指南后,相信能够让你的审核质量更高,并且更快。作为开发者,可以选择阅读自己感兴趣的部分。当然,我们还是建议你按顺序通读全文,你会发现这篇文档对你非常有用。
See also How to Do a Code Review, which gives detailed guidance for code reviewers. 如果你是代码审核者,可以参考[怎样审核代码]。