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ability to write code that is agnostic of blocking vs async I/O #1778
This is a great goal. Being able to write a library that e.g. talks to redis, without caring if it's calling async or sync functions is great: it means that the library becomes a non-blocking redis library if run from the right place!
I think the answer here depends: some code will need an event loop. However this can be made transparent: the caller doesn't necessarily need to know. One example I had recently was DNS lookups: you want to do both A and AAAA lookups, and would like to parallelize them: fn resolve(host: []u8) []dnsResults {
var r = dnsResults.init();
var t1 = newthread { r.lookupA(host) };
var t2 = newthread { r.lookupAAAA(host) };
waitFor(t1, t2);
return r;
} This example has no need to yield back to the main loop: the event loop can happen directly inside of this function. However in an existing main loop, waiting on the records should be done at the top level.
If possible this would be good. Though maybe not possible?
I covered this above. Language LevelI think you just need the following functions on coroutines at a language level.
Standard LibraryI'm finding it difficult to express what I'm suggesting. Hopefully this sample pseudo-zig-code makes sense: const JobList = std.LinkedList(void);
struct Job {
node: JobList.Node, // intrusive linked list
co: Coroutine,
waitingOn: []WaitArg,
readyWaits: ArrayList(WaitArg),
onComplete: ?fn (*Job) void,
pub fn init(f: fn(void) void, onComplete: ?fn (*Job) void) Job {
return Job{
.node = JobList.Node.init(undefined),
.co = coroutine.create(self.allocator, @stackRequired(f), startJob), // something here to pass f
.waitingOn = null,
.onComplete = onComplete,
threadlocal var currentLoop: ?&eventLoop = null;
threadlocal var currentJob: ?&Job = null;
struct eventLoop {
allocator: *Allocator,
pendingJobs: JobList,
pub fn empty(self:*eventLoop) bool {
return pendingJobs.len == 0;
pub fn step(self: *eventLoop) !void {
var ready: []waitArg = undefined;
if (currentLoop != null) {
// Let parent event loop do the waiting
ready = wait([]WaitArg{ { .EventLoop = &self } });
} else {
// There is no event loop above us, do the OS-level polling here
ready = someOsPoll(self.miscPrivateFields); // e.g. epoll, poll, select... whatever platform API is best
for (ready) |wait| {
for (findJobsThatWant(wait)) |job| {
job.readyWaits.add(wait); // on failure could just ignore, if not using edge-triggered events it will trigger again on next step() call
try self.pendingJobs.append(job);
var oldLoop = currentLoop;
currentLoop = self;
for (self.pendingJobs) |job| {
var oldJob = currentJob;
currentJob = &job;
job.waitingOn = job.co.resume(job.readyWaits.toSlice());
currentJob = oldJob;
if (job.co.complete) {
// update miscPrivateFields based on job.waitingOn
currentLoop = oldLoop;
pub fn loop(self: *eventLoop) !void {
while (!self.empty()) {
try self.step();
pub fn addJob(self: *eventLoop, job: *Job) void {
pub fn newJob(self: *eventLoop, f: fn(void) void) !*Job {
var job = try self.allocator.create(Job.init(f, allocator.destroy));
addJob(self, job);
return job;
const WaitType = enum { Timeout, PollFD, EventLoop }; // + any other OS primitives to wait on
const WaitArg = union(WaitType) {
Timeout: f64,
PollFD: struct {
fd: i32,
events: i32, // mask of POLLIN|POLLOUT|POLLPRI and possibly other poll() flags
EventLoop: *eventLoop, // We build in support so that event loops are themselves wait-able. This allows multiple layers of loops to be composable.
pub fn wait(arg: []WaitArg) ![]WaitArg {
if (currentJob.co == coroutine.running()) { // if we are inside of a managed coroutine then let the loop do the work
return @yield(arg);
} else {
// otherwise create a new single-use loop. could have a global one prepared.
var loop = eventLoop.init(); // stack allocated
defer loop.destroy();
var job = Job.init(wait); // stack allocated job
try loop.loop();
// filter arg based on job.readyWaits
return arg;
} Then the current pub fn posixWrite(socket: *Socket, bytes: []const u8) usize {
const max_bytes_len = 0x7ffff000;
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < bytes.len) {
const amt_to_write = math.min(bytes.len - index, usize(max_bytes_len));
const rc = posix.write(fd, bytes.ptr + index, amt_to_write);
const write_err = posix.getErrno(rc);
switch (write_err) {
0 => {
index += rc;
posix.EINTR => continue,
posix.EAGAIN => {
var _ = try wait([]WaitArg{ { .PollFD = { .fd = fd, .events=POLLOUT } }});
posix.EINVAL => unreachable,
posix.EFAULT => unreachable,
posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition
posix.EDESTADDRREQ => unreachable, // connect was never called
posix.EDQUOT => return PosixWriteError.DiskQuota,
posix.EFBIG => return PosixWriteError.FileTooBig,
posix.EIO => return PosixWriteError.InputOutput,
posix.ENOSPC => return PosixWriteError.NoSpaceLeft,
posix.EPERM => return PosixWriteError.AccessDenied,
posix.EPIPE => return PosixWriteError.BrokenPipe,
else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(write_err),
} |
I don't think this code can accomplish the stated goals: fn resolve(host: []u8) []dnsResults {
var r = dnsResults.init();
var t1 = newthread { r.lookupA(host) };
var t2 = newthread { r.lookupAAAA(host) };
waitFor(t1, t2);
return r;
} I'd need to understand what If this code were to be used by a target which had no event loop abilities, this function needs to be purely blocking, which means that it does the lookups serially, and there should be no possibility of OutOfMemory error. Zig code cannot use an event loop without one being set up, in userland. There is no event loop runtime set by the language.
I just outlined how this is possible. Do you see a flaw that would be prevent me from implementing it? It looks like you're advocating for stackful coroutines, while my proposal is built on the premise of stackless coroutines. I have a strong stance against stackful coroutines. This kind of concurrency is not really better than creating threads, from a performance and scheduling perspective. One may as well use the OS for what it was designed for. But my main issue with it is that it makes parallelism too intentional. We're back to the threading model for concurrency rather than a more powerful abstraction. Stackless coroutines are also known as "continuation passing style". This allows us to have coroutines without heap allocation, or at least with limited heap allocation. In Zig we don't get to allocate memory for free; it comes at the cost of an extra allocator parameter, and a possible OutOfMemory error, neither of which are typically required for blocking calls. What I have outlined here is a way that will work in Zig, and it even allows expressing "optional concurrency". It's not clear to me what problems you are pointing out in my proposal, or what you are trying to solve with your pseudocode. I think in order to be convincing here, you'd have to show me a use case of userland code you would want to write, but using my proposal find yourself unable to express it, however with your counter-proposal the use case would be rectified. |
I've rewritten that example to use my earlier imaginary library code: fn resolve(host: []u8) []dnsResults {
var r = dnsResults.init();
// create a stack allocated loop
var loop = eventLoop.init();
defer loop.destroy();
// create a stack allocated Jobs
// need to figure out style for passing a callback + argument(s)
// for now I'm pretending we have closures with some sort of block syntax.
var j1 = Job.init({ r.lookupA(host) }, null);
var j2 = Job.init({ r.lookupAAAA(host) }, null);
// Add our new jobs to the loop
// run loop until no jobs left.
// as our loop only has 2 jobs, this is equivalent to waiting for our two jobs
// it could throw an error if e.g. epoll_wait() syscall fails.
// I also would propagate any errors in a job to here.
// i.e. if a Job returns an error, it should be returned from .loop
// preferably along with a pointer to the Job that errored.
try loop.loop();
return r;
I disagree. It's been widely shown that OS threads are too expensive to have e.g. one per HTTP request.
From the zen of zig: "Communicate intent precisely." However with my proposal, the user only needs to know about the abstraction when they wish to have things happening in parallel. The rest of the code may remain oblivious. |
I'm slowly coming around to your proposal. I'm wondering how it would work for interop with non-zig code:
The global |
I think using a per-function flag defeats the mitigation of the red/blue color discrepancy of functions. If I understand correctly, the
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think hiding the asynchronicity of the function is in line with Zig's goals. For example, imagine that you're working on an async web application written in Zig, and you're looking at the account creation part. fn handle_account_creation(login: []const u8, password: []const u8) !void {
if (try sql("SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE login = :?", login) != 0) {
return error.UserAlreadyExist;
try sql("INSERT INTO users VALUES (:?, ...)", login, ...);
} If the |
Thanks for the specific example code.
Isn't this the same problem is the code is blocking? If you do a thread per request, then From the perspective of the More bluntly, I would reject this as a valid use case because the code is inherently flawed, and thus I don't think it should really be considered a guiding example for this proposal. |
Most systems that has to manage external state (SQL, KV-stores etc.) that is distributed in some fashion has this problem, irrespective of if it's single threaded/blocking calls or full async, since it's possible to run more than one instance that is talking to the data APIs. Handling the case where one user might send two requests for being created in the database should be done in the database with e.g. UNIQUE indices and stuff like that, because that's one of the responsibilities of the RDBMS. An interesting example with regards to this discussion is full async coroutines in Lua that are used in a fully procedural manner. |
One thing I am uncertain of with regards to the Lua example, is that it is it not obvious how or if it is possible to run the async functions in parallel. I mean, in the example, the two database queries are sequentially executed, whereas, I can think of situations I would like to execute them in parallel, so that they both wait on I/O simultaneously. Doing a bit of digging in the pgmoon library, it does support parallel execution (from the README):
In openresty (which is where pgmoon runs), you create a new stackful coroutine with e.g.
I think this is a postgres feature rather than a pgmoon one. |
Really like the proposal @andrewrk -- am new to Zig but falling in love very quickly :) |
Done with the merge of #3033. Opening new issues for the remaining details to be ironed out. |
This is a pretty popular blog post from 2015 that helps illustrate
one way of thinking about concurrency and async I/O:
What Color is Your Function?
Here's a proposal along these lines. I think we should at least consider it.
Depends on:
in all packages, so that the standard library and third party packages can access it.Goals:
For example, libraries should be able to use OS features such as the
file system and networking without having an opinion about whether to
use blocking or event-based APIs.
no code generated to deal with event loops.
runtime overhead associated with detecting the event loop, and no code
generated at all to do blocking I/O.
Potentially even would be able to use external Zig packages that make
standard library API calls, and have those directed to functions in the
root source file.
and then wait for them both to be done, and then if this code is used
from a blocking I/O application, with --single-threaded, it is as if
it were implemented fully in a blocking fashion.
In summary, writing Zig code should be maximally portable. That means proper
Zig libraries could work in constrained memory environments, multi-threaded environments,
single-threaded environments, blocking I/O applications, evented I/O applications,
inside OS kernels, and userland applications. And not only work correctly in these environments, but work optimally.
notation from functions. A function is a coroutine if it has aawait
in it. This is still part of the function's prototype; howeverwhether it is a coroutine or not is inferred.
a function could either be a coroutine or a normal function.
Standard library functions that perform I/O, such as
, have bodies that look likethis:
:In the root source file,
pub const io_mode
determines whetherthe application is 100% blocking, 100% evented, or mixed (per-thread).
If nothing is specified then the application is 100% blocking.
Or an application can take even more control, and set the event loop instance directly.
This would potentially be used for OS kernels, which need an event loop specific to their
own code.
When the IO method is Mixed, in the standard library event loop implementation,
worker threads get a thread local variable
set to the event loopinstance pointer. The "main thread" which calls
also sets this thread localvariable to the event loop instance pointer. In this way, sections of the codebase
can be isolated from each other; threads which are not in the thread pool of the
event loop get blocking I/O (or potentially belong to a different event loop) while
threads belonging to a given event loop's thread pool, find their owner instance.
Now let's look at some everyday code that wants to call
function ends up callingsuspend
and is therefore a coroutine. And following this,
is also therefore acoroutine, since it calls
.When a coroutine calls a coroutine in this manner, it does a tail-async-await
coroutine call using its own stack.
But what if the code wants to express possible concurrency?
is a keyword that takes any expression, which could be a block, but inthis case is a function call. The async expression itself returns a coroutine frame
type, which supports
. The inner expression result is stored in the frame,and is the result when using
. I'll elaborate more onasync
blocks later.If an application is compiled with
, then thewrite
function isblocking. How
interacts with an expression that is all blocking,is to have the result of the async expression be the result of the inner expression.
So then the type of
remain the same as before for consistency,but in the code generated, they are just the result values, and then the
expressions are no-ops. The function is essentially rewritten as:
Which makes
blocking as well.What about a CPU bound task?
is defined as:So, if you build this function in multi-threaded mode, with
io_mode != IoMode.Blocking
,the async expression suspends in the startCpuTask and then gets resumed by the event
loop on another thread.
becomes a coroutine. So even thoughcalculatePi
are blocking functions, they end up executing in differentthreads.
If you build this application in
ends up beingreturn;
. It is thus not a coroutine. And so the async expressions inareTheyEqual
have only blocking calls, which means they turn into normal expressions,and after the function is analyzed, it looks like this:
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