Train a baseline dual-encoder with ViT-B
mkdir $EXP_PATH
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=8 \
scripts/ \
--root /new-pool/Datasets/Ego4d/v1/videos_288px_15sec/ \
--root-val datasets/EK100/EK100_320p_15sec_30fps_libx264/ \
--use-flash-attn \
--grad-checkpointing \
--use-fast-conv1 \
--batch-size 256 \
--freeze-temperature \
--fused-decode-crop \
--fix-lr \
--output-dir $EXP_PATH 2>&1 | tee $EXP_PATH/log.txt
Train an LM-augmented dual-encoder (LaViLa) with ViT-B
mkdir $EXP_PATH
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=8 \
scripts/ \
--root /new-pool/Datasets/Ego4d/v1/videos_288px_15sec/ \
--root-val datasets/EK100/EK100_320p_15sec_30fps_libx264/ \
--train-metadata datasets/Ego4D/ego4d_train.rephraser.no_punkt_top3.pkl \
--train-metadata-aux datasets/Ego4D/ego4d_train.narrator_63690737.return_10.pkl \
--use-flash-attn \
--grad-checkpointing \
--use-fast-conv1 \
--batch-size 256 \
--freeze-temperature \
--fused-decode-crop \
--fix-lr \
--output-dir $EXP_PATH 2>&1 | tee $EXP_PATH/log.txt
Corpus | LLM-aug. | Corpus size | Backbone | per-gpu batch-size |
GPU×hour^ | EK-100 MIR avg. mAP |
EK-100 MIR avg. nDCG |
checkpoint | md5sum |
Ego4D | no | 4.0M | ViT-B | 256 | ~130 | 27.5/28.4 | 29.1/29.5 | best Epoch | fc3b7f |
Ego4D | yes | 35M | ViT-B | 256 | ~260 | 31.1/32.9 | 31.9/32.7 | best Epoch | 91a90b |
Ego4D | yes | 35M | ViT-L | 112 | ~680 | 36.4/37.6 | 35.1/35.3 | best Epoch | f377f6 |
^ Hardware configuration: 8x NVIDIA A5000 (24GB) GPUs + 2x Intel Xeon Gold 5220(R) 24-Core CPU @ 2.20GHz (96 threads in total).
Finetune a pretrained dual-encoder on EK-100 MIR
mkdir $EXP_PATH
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=8 scripts/ \
--root datasets/EK100/EK100_320p_15sec_30fps_libx264/ \
--video-chunk-length 15 --use-flash-attn \
--grad-checkpointing \
--use-fast-conv1 \
--batch-size 64 \
--fused-decode-crop \
--use-multi-epochs-loader \
--pretrain-model experiments/pretrain_lavila_vitb/ \
--output-dir $EXP_PATH 2>&1 | tee $EXP_PATH/log.txt
LLM-aug. | Backbone | V->T mAP | T->V mAP | avg mAP | V->T nDCG | T->V nDCG | avg nDCG | checkpoint | md5sum |
yes | ViT-B | 55.7 | 48.2 | 52.0 | 67.8 | 65.3 | 66.5 | best epoch | e099c0 |
yes | ViT-L | 57.9 | 51.1 | 54.5 | 70.4 | 67.6 | 69.0 | best epoch | f82079 |
Finetune a pretrained dual-encoder on EK-100 CLS
mkdir $EXP_PATH
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=8 scripts/ \
--root datasets/EK100/EK100_320p_15sec_30fps_libx264/ \
--video-chunk-length 15 --use-flash-attn \
--grad-checkpointing \
--use-fast-conv1 \
--batch-size 64 \
--fused-decode-crop \
--use-multi-epochs-loader \
--pretrain-model experiments/pretrain_lavila_vitb/ \
--output-dir $EXP_PATH 2>&1 | tee $EXP_PATH/log.txt
Evaluate the model after fine-tuning
mkdir $EXP_PATH
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=8 scripts/ \
--root datasets/EK100/EK100_320p_15sec_30fps_libx264/ \
--video-chunk-length 15 --use-flash-attn \
--grad-checkpointing \
--use-fast-conv1 \
--batch-size 64 \
--fused-decode-crop \
--use-multi-epochs-loader \
--pretrain-model experiments/pretrain_lavila_vitb/ \
--resume ${PATH_TO}/ \ # additional to the training script
--evaluate # additional to the training script
LLM-aug. | Backbone | Verb Top1 | Noun Top1 | Action Top1 | checkpoint | md5sum |
no | ViT-B | 67.9 | 57.6 | 47.3 | best epoch | b40f3e |
yes | ViT-B | 70.0 | 59.4 | 49.5 | best epoch | 6c3c5e |
yes | ViT-L | 73.0 | 65.4 | 54.4 | best epoch | 1871f4 |
Train a VideoMAE on Kinetics with ViT-B
mkdir experiments/videomae_pretrain_vitb_lion/
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=4 scripts/ \
--model VIDEOMAE_VITB16 \
--use-flash-attn-at-encoder --use-flash-attn-at-decoder \
--batch-size 64 --channel-last \
--fused-decode-crop --use-multi-epochs-loader --optimizer lion \
-j 8 \
--output-dir experiments/videomae_pretrain_vitb_lion 2>&1 | tee experiments/videomae_pretrain_vitb_lion/log.txt
Finetune a pretrained VideoMAE model on Kinetics-400
# training
mkdir experiments/videomae_finetune_vitb_lion_e800/
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=8 scripts/ \
--use-flash-attn --channel-last \
--finetune experiments/videomae_pretrain_vitb_lion/ \
-j 8 \
--output-dir experiments/videomae_finetune_vitb_lion_e800/ 2>&1 | tee experiments/videomae_finetune_vitb_lion_e800/log.txt
# testing
PYTHONPATH=.:third_party/decord/python/ torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=8 scripts/ \
--use-flash-attn --channel-last \
--finetune experiments/videomae_pretrain_vitb_lion/ \
-j 8 \
--output-dir experiments/videomae_finetune_vitb_lion_e800/ \
--evaluate \
--resume experiments/videomae_finetune_vitb_lion_e800/ 2>&1 | tee experiments/videomae_finetune_vitb_lion_e800/eval_log.txt
Backbone | Top-1 | Top-5 | checkpoint | md5sum | |
pre-train | ViT-B | 67.9 | 57.6 | 700-th epoch | 2bbcaf |
fine-tune | ViT-B | 80.0 | 94.5 | best epoch | 5cd5c5 |