- Prepare the training data and change the data path
- Download the initial model - hqpw to the weights folder
- Train the model: python3 train_demo.py --mode train
##Testing stage
- Download the pretrained model -6ikq
- Download an example of testing data -2ih0
- Test the model: python3 test_demo.py --mode test --sal_mode a --model ./models/geosod_model.pth
Our code is rewritten on the basis of this paper. Thanks a lot for the excellent code provided by the authors.
@inproceedings{zhao2019EGNet, title={EGNet:Edge Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection}, author={Zhao, Jia-Xing and Liu, Jiang-Jiang and Fan, Deng-Ping and Cao, Yang and Yang, Jufeng and Cheng, Ming-Ming}, booktitle={The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month={Oct}, year={2019}, }