- lllyasviel / Fooocus:Focus on prompting and generating(2,303 stars this week)
- modelscope / facechain:FaceChain is a deep-learning toolchain for generating your Digital-Twin.(1,153 stars this week)
- roboflow / supervision:We write your reusable computer vision tools. 💜(1,818 stars this week)
- graphdeco-inria / gaussian-splatting:Original reference implementation of "3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering"(657 stars this week)
- assafelovic / gpt-researcher:GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic(597 stars this week)
- NVlabs / neuralangelo:Official implementation of "Neuralangelo: High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction" (CVPR 2023)(733 stars this week)
- facebookresearch / AnimatedDrawings:Code to accompany "A Method for Animating Children's Drawings of the Human Figure"(478 stars this week)
- kuafuai / DevOpsGPT:Multi agent system for AI-driven software development. Combine LLM with DevOps tools to convert natural language requirements into working software. Supports any development language and extends the existing code.(1,140 stars this week)
- IDEA-Research / DWPose:"Effective Whole-body Pose Estimation with Two-stages Distillation" (ICCV 2023, CV4Metaverse Workshop)(208 stars this week)
- d2l-ai / d2l-en:Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge.(98 stars this week)
- vinta / awesome-python:A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources(1,221 stars this week)
- nlpxucan / WizardLM:Family of instruction-following LLMs powered by Evol-Instruct: WizardLM, WizardCoder and WizardMath(244 stars this week)
- morph-labs / rift:Rift: an AI-native language server for your personal AI software engineer(519 stars this week)
- Z4nzu / hackingtool:ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers(645 stars this week)
- fighting41love / funNLP:中英文敏感词、语言检测、中外手机/电话归属地/运营商查询、名字推断性别、手机号抽取、身份证抽取、邮箱抽取、中日文人名库、中文缩写库、拆字词典、词汇情感值、停用词、反动词表、暴恐词表、繁简体转换、英文模拟中文发音、汪峰歌词生成器、职业名称词库、同义词库、反义词库、否定词库、汽车品牌词库、汽车零件词库、连续英文切割、各种中文词向量、公司名字大全、古诗词库、IT词库、财经词库、成语词库、地名词库、历史名人词库、诗词词库、医学词库、饮食词库、法律词库、汽车词库、动物词库、中文聊天语料、中文谣言数据、百度中文问答数据集、句子相似度匹配算法集合、bert资源、文本生成&摘要相关工具、cocoNLP信息抽取工具、国内电话号码正则匹配、清华大学XLORE:中英文跨语言百科知识图谱、清华大学人工智能技术…(1,639 stars this week)
- apple / ml-fastvit:This repository contains the official implementation of the research paper, "FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization" ICCV 2023(496 stars this week)
- Textualize / textual:Textual is a Rapid Application Development framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and (coming soon) a web browser!(539 stars this week)
- ReaVNaiL / New-Grad-2024:👋 Hey there new grad🎉! We've put together a collection of full-time job openings for SWE, Quant, PM and tech roles in 2024! 🚀(597 stars this week)
- m-bain / whisperX:WhisperX: Automatic Speech Recognition with Word-level Timestamps (& Diarization)(189 stars this week)
- chatchat-space / Langchain-Chatchat:Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain | 基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答(632 stars this week)
- jackfrued / Python-100-Days:Python - 100天从新手到大师(656 stars this week)
- gventuri / pandas-ai:PandasAI is a Python library that integrates generative artificial intelligence capabilities into pandas, making dataframes conversational(117 stars this week)
- pandas-dev / pandas:Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more(134 stars this week)
- iam-veeramalla / aws-devops-zero-to-hero:AWS zero to hero repo for devops engineers to learn AWS in 30 Days. This repo includes projects, presentations, interview questions and real time examples.(323 stars this week)
- openai / whisper:Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision(562 stars this week)
- 1Panel-dev / 1Panel:🔥 🔥 🔥 现代化、开源的 Linux 服务器运维管理面板。(574 stars this week)
- projectdiscovery / katana:A next-generation crawling and spidering framework.(186 stars this week)
- dominant-strategies / go-quai:Official Go Implementation of the Quai Network(981 stars this week)
- v2rayA / v2rayA:A web GUI client of Project V which supports V2Ray, Xray, SS, SSR, Trojan and Juicity. 🚀🚀(120 stars this week)
- netbirdio / netbird:Connect your devices into a single secure private WireGuard®-based mesh network with SSO/MFA and simple access controls.(212 stars this week)
- google / cel-go:Fast, portable, non-Turing complete expression evaluation with gradual typing (Go)(28 stars this week)
- kubesphere / kubekey:Install Kubernetes/K3s only, both Kubernetes/K3s and KubeSphere, and related cloud-native add-ons, it supports all-in-one, multi-node, and HA 🔥 ⎈ 🐳(36 stars this week)
- pocketbase / pocketbase:Open Source realtime backend in 1 file(188 stars this week)
- projectdiscovery / nuclei:Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSL.(155 stars this week)
- google / uuid:Go package for UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.(33 stars this week)
- quii / learn-go-with-tests:Learn Go with test-driven development(95 stars this week)
- crawlab-team / crawlab:Distributed web crawler admin platform for spiders management regardless of languages and frameworks. 分布式爬虫管理平台,支持任何语言和框架(79 stars this week)
- jesseduffield / lazydocker:The lazier way to manage everything docker(350 stars this week)
- kubernetes / kubernetes:Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management(210 stars this week)
- SagerNet / sing-box:The universal proxy platform(88 stars this week)
- axllent / mailpit:An email and SMTP testing tool with API for developers(129 stars this week)
- hashicorp / terraform:Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.(106 stars this week)
- kubernetes-sigs / external-dns:Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services(75 stars this week)
- gophish / gophish:Open-Source Phishing Toolkit(54 stars this week)
- grafana / k6:A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript - https://k6.io(75 stars this week)
- livekit / livekit:End-to-end stack for WebRTC. SFU media server and SDKs.(94 stars this week)
- ankitpokhrel / jira-cli:🔥 Feature-rich interactive Jira command line.(58 stars this week)
- zyedidia / micro:A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor(580 stars this week)
- go-playground / validator:💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving(70 stars this week)
- moby / moby:Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems(80 stars this week)
- a16z-infra / ai-town:A MIT-licensed, deployable starter kit for building and customizing your own version of AI town - a virtual town where AI characters live, chat and socialize.(2,339 stars this week)
- documenso / documenso:The Open Source DocuSign Alternative.(750 stars this week)
- StanGirard / quivr:🧠 Your Second Brain supercharged by Generative AI 🧠 Dump all your files and chat with your personal assistant on your files & more using GPT 3.5/4, Private, Anthropic, VertexAI, LLMs...(1,549 stars this week)
- microsoft / chat-copilot:(119 stars this week)
- getumbrel / llama-gpt:A self-hosted, offline, ChatGPT-like chatbot. Powered by Llama 2. 100% private, with no data leaving your device.(6,785 stars this week)
- containers / podman-desktop:Podman Desktop - A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes(54 stars this week)
- calcom / cal.com:Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.(666 stars this week)
- openai / openai-node:The official Node.js / Typescript library for the OpenAI API(163 stars this week)
- novuhq / novu:The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center(623 stars this week)
- apitable / apitable:🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.(290 stars this week)
- vuetifyjs / vuetify:🐉 Vue Component Framework(131 stars this week)
- jackyzha0 / quartz:🌱 a fast, batteries-included static-site generator that transforms Markdown content into fully functional websites(431 stars this week)
- upscayl / upscayl:🆙 Upscayl - Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows built with Linux-First philosophy.(552 stars this week)
- medusajs / nextjs-starter-medusa:A performant e-commerce starter template with Next.js 13 and Medusa.(34 stars this week)
- desktop / desktop:Focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git.(59 stars this week)
- Yidadaa / ChatGPT-Next-Web:A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。(843 stars this week)
- Kaiyiwing / qwerty-learner:为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers(932 stars this week)
- antvis / X6:🚀 JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering.(21 stars this week)
- pixijs / pixijs:The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.(59 stars this week)
- supabase / supabase:The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.(440 stars this week)
- xitanggg / open-resume:OpenResume is a powerful open-source resume builder and resume parser. https://open-resume.com/(333 stars this week)
- refinedev / refine:Build your React-based CRUD applications, without constraints. 🌟 Star to support our work!(490 stars this week)
- excalidraw / excalidraw:Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams(379 stars this week)
- ill-inc / biomes-game:Biomes is an open source sandbox MMORPG built for the web using web technologies such as Next.js, Typescript, React and WebAssembly.(1,306 stars this week)
- smol-ai / GodMode:AI Chat Browser: Fast, Full webapp access to ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2! I use this 20 times a day.(1,592 stars this week)
- alibaba / canal:阿里巴巴 MySQL binlog 增量订阅&消费组件(238 stars this week)
- ververica / flink-cdc-connectors:CDC Connectors for Apache Flink®(92 stars this week)
- Grasscutters / Grasscutter:A server software reimplementation for a certain anime game.(281 stars this week)
- androidx / media:Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android(28 stars this week)
- iluwatar / java-design-patterns:Design patterns implemented in Java(142 stars this week)
- eugenp / tutorials:Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth":(63 stars this week)
- itwanger / toBeBetterJavaer:一份通俗易懂、风趣幽默的Java学习指南,内容涵盖Java基础、Java并发编程、Java虚拟机、Java企业级开发、Java面试等核心知识点。学Java,就认准二哥的Java进阶之路😄(125 stars this week)
- PlayEdu / PlayEdu:PlayEdu 是一款适用于搭建内部培训平台的开源系统,旨在为企业/机构打造自己品牌的内部培训平台。(103 stars this week)
- alibaba / jetcache:JetCache is a Java cache framework.(155 stars this week)
- Frooodle / Stirling-PDF:locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files(199 stars this week)
- spring-projects / spring-framework:Spring Framework(87 stars this week)
- CoderLeixiaoshuai / java-eight-part:『Java八股文』Java面试套路,Java进阶学习,打破内卷拿大厂Offer,升职加薪!(47 stars this week)
- langchain4j / langchain4j:Java version of LangChain(36 stars this week)
- elunez / eladmin:eladmin jpa 版本:项目基于 Spring Boot 2.6.4、 Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由(46 stars this week)
- datahub-project / datahub:The Metadata Platform for the Modern Data Stack(56 stars this week)
- questdb / questdb:An open source time-series database for fast ingest and SQL queries(46 stars this week)
- openjdk / jdk:JDK main-line development https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk(65 stars this week)
- quarkusio / quarkus:Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java.(28 stars this week)
- Netflix / zuul:Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.(14 stars this week)
- SeleniumHQ / selenium:A browser automation framework and ecosystem.(80 stars this week)
- Anuken / Mindustry:The automation tower defense RTS(100 stars this week)
- ali-bouali / spring-boot-3-jwt-security:Sample project on how to implement JWT security based using Spring boot 3 and Spring security 6(31 stars this week)
- GoogleCloudPlatform / java-docs-samples:Java and Kotlin Code samples used on cloud.google.com(4 stars this week)
- DataDog / dd-trace-java:Datadog APM client for Java(3 stars this week)
- aws / aws-sdk-java-v2:The official AWS SDK for Java - Version 2(10 stars this week)