DeployFungibleCoinZRC20 deploys a fungible coin from a connected chains as a ZRC20 on ZetaChain.
If this is a gas coin, the following happens:
- ZRC20 contract for the coin is deployed
- contract address of ZRC20 is set as a token address in the system contract
- ZETA tokens are minted and deposited into the module account
- setGasZetaPool is called on the system contract to add the information about the pool to the system contract
- addLiquidityETH is called to add liquidity to the pool
If this is a non-gas coin, the following happens:
- ZRC20 contract for the coin is deployed
- The coin is added to the list of foreign coins in the module's state
Only the admin policy account is authorized to broadcast this message.
message MsgDeployFungibleCoinZRC20 {
string creator = 1;
string ERC20 = 2;
int64 foreign_chain_id = 3;
uint32 decimals = 4;
string name = 5;
string symbol = 6;
common.CoinType coin_type = 7;
int64 gas_limit = 8;
RemoveForeignCoin removes a coin from the list of foreign coins in the module's state.
Only the admin policy account is authorized to broadcast this message.
message MsgRemoveForeignCoin {
string creator = 1;
string name = 2;
message MsgUpdateSystemContract {
string creator = 1;
string new_system_contract_address = 2;
UpdateContractBytecode updates the bytecode of a contract from the bytecode of an existing contract Only a ZRC20 contract or the WZeta connector contract can be updated IMPORTANT: the new contract bytecode must have the same storage layout as the old contract bytecode the new contract can add new variable but cannot remove any existing variable
message MsgUpdateContractBytecode {
string creator = 1;
string contract_address = 2;
string new_bytecode_address = 3;
message MsgUpdateZRC20WithdrawFee {
string creator = 1;
string zrc20_address = 2;
string new_withdraw_fee = 6;
UpdateZRC20PausedStatus updates the paused status of a ZRC20 The list of ZRC20s are either paused or unpaused
message MsgUpdateZRC20PausedStatus {
string creator = 1;
string zrc20_addresses = 2;
UpdatePausedStatusAction action = 3;
UpdateZRC20LiquidityCap updates the liquidity cap for a ZRC20 token.
message MsgUpdateZRC20LiquidityCap {
string creator = 1;
string zrc20_address = 2;
string liquidity_cap = 3;