Sparse python and bash source code
Package | Name | Brief | Area |
clodoo | | Check for postgres database index | maintenance | | Massive operations on multiple Odoo DBs in cloud. It is used to create configurated Odoo DBs and to upgrade more DBs at the same time. No (yet) documented | maintenance | | | Force Odoo DB password | maintenance | | | Evaluate and set Odoo workers for best performance | Deployment & maintenance | |
lisa | lisa | Linux Installer Simple App. LAMP and odoo server installer from scratch. | deployment |
odoo_score | | Odoo ORM super core | development | | Odoo shell for Odoo versions from 6.1 to 17.0 | Development & maintenance | |
os0 | Simple os interface checked for OpenVMS too | development | |
python-plus | python-plus | Various features to python 2 and python 3 programs as integration of pypi future to help to port your code from Python 2 to Python 3 | development |
vem | Virtual Environment Manager: create, copy, move, merge and many other functions with virtual environments | Deployment & maintenance | | | List pypi and bin packages for an Odoo installation | deployment | |
travis_emulator | travis | Travis Emulator on local machine. Check your project before release on TravisCi | testing |
wok_code | | Convert a csv file into rst text file with table inside | documentation | | Convert a csv file into xml file for Odoo module data | development | |
cvt_script | Make bash script to standard | development | | | Generate README.rst, index.html and ,documentation | documentation | | | Show Odoo module tree, ancestors and/or childs | development | | | Load Odoo translation (deprecated, must be replaced by weblate) | development | |
please | Developer shell | development | |
z0bug_odoo | z0bug_odoo | Integration of zerobug and Odoo. Initially forked form OCA maintainer quality tools. It works with all Odoo version, from 6.1 to 17.0 | testing |
z0lib | General purpose bash & python library | development | |
zar | zar | Zeroincombenze Archive and Replica. Backup your Odoo DBs | maintenance |
zerobug | zerobug | testing & debug library | testing |
Zeroincombenze(R) tools requires:
- Linux Centos 7/8 or Debian 9/10/11 or Ubuntu 16/18/20/22/24
- python 2.7+, some tools require python 3.7+, best python 3.9+
- bash 5.0+
cd $HOME [[ ! -d ./tools ]] && git clone cd ./tools ./ -pUT source $HOME/devel/activate_tools
cd ./tools ./ -pUT source $HOME/devel/activate_tools
- [FIX] os_system minor fixes
- [FIX] some packages line invoice2data on python 10.0
- [FIX] vem: upgrade wkhtmltopdf naming
- [FIX] packages with similar name (numpy -> numpy-financial)
- [IMP] package versions improvements
- [FIX] Python 3.12 porting
- [IMP] pg_db_active with port for postgresql multi-version
- [FIX] os_system minor fixes
- [FIX] lisa_bld_ods: replaced path owned by odoo
- [FIX] some packages line invoice2data on python 10.0
- [FIX] packages with similar name (numpy -> numpy-financial)
- [IMP] package versions improvements
- [FIX] os_system with verbose
- [FIX] please python 3.9+
- [FIX] fix bugs and improvements
- [FIX] store encrypted password
- [IMP] run_odoo_debug: now can replace modules
- [IMP] cvt_script executable
- [IMP] deploy_odooo: more improvements
- [IMP] please: minor improvements
- [IMP] please clen db: remove filestore directories too
- [IMP] Minor improvements
- [IMP] Depends on z0lib>=2.0.11
- [IMP] Some function now are move in z0lib>=2.0.12
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [IMP] pg_db_active with port for postgresql multi-version
- [IMP] Depends on z0lib>=2.0.11
- [FIX] Python 3.10 porting
- [IMP] Depends on z0lib>=2.0.11
- [FIX] lisa_bld_ods: module replacements
- [FIX] lisa_bld_ods: fixes & improvements
- [IMP] New function os_system
- [IMP] New function print_flush
- [IMP] Offical
- [FIX] No more depends on os0
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [FIX] please python 3.9+
- [FIX] deploy_odoo update addons_path in config file
- [FIX] deploy_odoo update that requires checkout, requires -f switch
- [FIX] deploy_odoo default branch from repo in actions different from clone
- [IMP] deploy_odoo new action merge
- [IMP] deploy_odoo new action new-branch
- [IMP] deploy_odoo: new features on status
- [FIX] gen_readme now check for images value for marketplace
- [IMP] gen_readme now can use .jpg and .gif images
- [IMP] new
- [IMP] run_odoo_debug checks fro pg_requirements from __manifest__.rst
- [FIX] No more depends on os0
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [IMP] It does no more depends on os0
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [IMP] It does no more depends on os0
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [IMP] package versions improvements
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [FIX] z0testlib: no more depends on os0
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [IMP] run_traced improvements
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [FIX] Rpc with odoo < 10.0
- [IMP] It does no more depends on os0
- [IMP] Python 3.6 deprecated
- [FIX] zar_upd
- [FIX] z0testlib: no crash without coverage
- [FIX] build_cmd: command not in scripts directory
- [IMP] Colored test results
- [FIX] various fixes
- [IMP] Log file of daemon process of test in tests/logs
- [IMP] run_odoo_debug: OCB repository does not search for other repositories
- [IMP] deploy_odoo now download empy repositories (to compatibility use --clean-empy-repo)
- [IMP] package versions improvements
- [FIX] in some rare cases wrong version to apply (factur-x)
- [IMP] vem: now pip<23 and setuptools<58 are applied just if neeeded
- [IMP] vem: pip is always updated to last version
- [FIX] TestEnv: no data loaded in some cases
- [FIX[ TestEnv: resource_edit manage read-only fields
- [QUA] TestEnv coverage 93% by test_test_env in
- [IMP] Parameters review
- [FIX] No file during pip install
- [FIX] Call with context Odoo 10.0+
- [FIX] case correction
- [FIX] run_odoo_debug: sometimes crashes on OCB/addons modules
- [FIX] Odoo repository documentation
- [FIX] thumbnail figure
- [FIX] please docs: count assertions
- [FIX] please test: switch -K --no-ext-test
- [FIX] deploy_odoo: crash when clone existing directory
- [IMP] deploy_odoo: new switch --continue-after-error
- [FIX] deploy_odoo/wget_odoo_repositories: store github query in cache
- [IMP] set_workers: no automatic discover for odoo multi
- [IMP] Purged old unused code
- [IMP] New odooctl command
- [REF] Partial refactoring
- [IMP] New function str2bool()
- [IMP] TestEnv: minor improvements
- [FIX] TestEnv: crash if no account.journal in data
- [IMP] Data with date range 2024
- [FIX] TestEnv: nested +multi fields with Odoo cmd
- [FIX] do_git_checkout_new_branch: ignore symbolic links
- [FIX] deploy_odoo: minor fixes
- [IMP] do_git_checkout_new_branch: oddo 17.0
- [IMP] deploy_odoo: new action amend
- [IMP] deploy_odoo: new switch to link repositories
- [IMP] deploy_odoo: removed deprecated switches
- [IMP] New repositories selection
- [IMP] arcangelo improvements: new tests odoo from 8.0 to 17.0
- [IMP] arcangelo improvements: test odoo from 8.0 to 17.0
- [IMP] arcangelo switch -lll
- [IMP] arcaneglo: rules reorganization
- [IMP] arcangelo: trigger management and new param ctx
- [IMP] arcangelo: new switch -R to select rules to apply
- [FIX] Quality rating formula
- [FIX] please install python --python=3.7
- [IMP] please publish marketplace
- [IMP] read-only repository
- [IMP] arcangelo improvements
- [IMP] manifest rewrite improvements
- [IMP] improvements
- [IMP] please test with new switch -D
- [IMP] run_odoo_debug improvements
- [FIX] vem: show right python version if 3.10+
- [IMP] improvements
- [IMP] new python version assignment from odoo version
- [REF] set_workers refactoring
- [IMP] odoorc improvements
- [IMP] Internal metadata
- [IMP] build_cmd: enable coverage on sub process
- [FIX] Re-enable coverage statistics
- [FIX] Printing message: right sequence
- [IMP] Documentation typo corrections
- [IMP] Date range file .xlsx for TestEnv
- [IMP] TestEnv: local data dir new rules
- [FIX] TestEnv: 3 level xref, sometime fails with "_" in module name
- [FIX] TestEnv: caller environment more than 1 level
- [FIX] TestEnv: sometime is_action() fails
- [FIX] TestEnv: wizard active model
- [FIX] TestEnv: wizard module name is current module under test
- [IMP] TestEnv: binding model in view for Odoo 11.0+
- [IMP] TestEnv: write with xref can update xref id
- [IMP] TestEnv: warning if no setUp() declaration
- [IMP] TestEnv: resource_download, now default filed name is "data"
- [IMP] Stable version
- [FIX] python compatibility
SHS-AV s.r.l. <>