- Fork drum-root (and drum-root-api)
- Add your name to the CONTRIBUTORS.md file
- Commit your changes and create a pull request (through your forked repository)
- Once your PR is approved and merged you are officially a contributor! You can then begin to look for tasks to do in our Trello boards. To gain access to these boards, request an invitation in our Discord channel.
- Note: Just like your first contribution, you will continue to create new pull requests through your forked repository.
To gain access to the Trello boards please request access through our dedicated Discord channel
- Available: Go ahead and claim the task. You can assign it to yourself by editing your name into the card and moving it into the
column. - Claimed: If someone else has claimed the task, speak with them or one of the project admin.
- In Code Review: You should move your task into the
Code Review
column after you have created a Pull Request for the task. Keep checking your Pull Request in case a team member asks for some changes to be made. - Non-Existant: If the feature does not appear on trello, discuss it on Discord or speak with a project admin. This is to ensure, everyone has the chance to get involved without wasting their time or rushing to add the feature.
Current things that are approved to work on and can be assigned or claimed.
Drag your task into this section and add yourself as a member when you start working on it.
This is where tasks are placed whilst the PR has been submitted and is awaiting approval. Once the code has been reviewed, it will be merged and the card can be move to Done.
All of the tasks that have been merged into the master branch.
If you have questions about how to contribute, contact a project admin through Discord (we have a dedicated channel for the project #drum-root).
We recognize all contributors Contributions can be: Answering questions, bug reports, code, documentation, content, design, PR reviews, ideas & planning, translation, tests, tutorials, etc.