- Use the Geojson tool to generate a JSON with marker coordinates
- Add markers to your map with
@map.on 'load', =>
geojson.features.forEach (marker) =>
el = document.createElement('div')
el.className = 'marker'
m = new mapboxgl.Marker(el).setLngLat(marker.geometry.coordinates).addTo(@map)
- Now you have HTML elements with classes. Customize them with CSS
Bonus: Get all your markers from the DOM @map.querySelector(".marker")
center: [-74.0511692, 4.6741676]
zoom: zoomValue,
speed: 3.5,
The unique way I found to preload the map in framer is move to all locations that you use before showing the prototype.
.mapboxgl-control-container {
display: none !important;
@dotL = document.createElement('div')
@dotL.className = 'mapboxgl-user-location-dot mapboxgl-marker'
new mapboxgl.Marker(@dotL).setLngLat([-74.0511692, 4.6741676]).addTo(@map)