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CLI and Snakemake Workflow

The CMMVAE comes with a cli that contains commands that are useful for submitting and monitoring experiments. Simply run cmmvae --help for more information.

Table of Contents

  1. Running the CLI
  2. Submiting Experiments
  3. Logging and Monitoring
  4. Snakemake Workflow

Running the CLI

To invoke the cmmvae CLI, use one the following commands:

cmmvae --help
Usage: cmmvae [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Main entry point for cmmvae CLI

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  logger    Logger command group.
  submit    Submit experiments using configurations from a YAML file.
  workflow  Workflow commands for experiments.

Submiting Experiments

Generates combinations of experiments to run. By default, configuration for experiments is at experiments.yaml and can be overriden with --config_file. All options specified with --config are parsed as keyword arguments as key=value (ie. --config key=value --config key2=value2). If no key values are present in the config_file then default snakemake config applys.

To configure multiple experiments at a time replace the value that changes with a dictionary of a single key track which has a dictionary of either a single key and value of list or dictionary name value pairs. The names are appened to the run_name with dot notation.

run_name: default
    model: configs/model/config.yaml
        test: configs/trainer/config.test.yaml
        # full: configs/trainer/config.yaml
        local: configs/data/local.yaml
        server: configs/data/server.yaml

The experiments.yaml configuration provided will create two experiments. One with the train_command:

fit --model configs/model/config.yaml --trainer configs/trainer/config.test.yaml --data configs/data/local.yaml --run_name=default.test.local

and the other:

fit --model configs/model/config.yaml --trainer configs/trainer/config.test.yaml --data configs/data/server.yaml --run_name=default.test.server
cmmvae submit --help
Usage: cmmvae submit [OPTIONS]

  Submit experiments using configurations from a YAML file.

  Args:     config_file (str): Path to the YAML configuration file.
  max_job_limit (int): Maximum number of jobs that can be run.     preview
  (bool): Preview job configurations without running them.

  --config_file TEXT           Path to configuration file.  [default:
  --config TEXT                Configuration options as key=value pairs
  -m, --max_job_limit INTEGER  Max number of jobs capable of outputting
                               without failure.  [default: 10]
  -t, --timestamp              Added timestamp to end of run name.
  -p, --preview                Do not run subprocess, only preview job
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

Logging and Monitoring

Review stdout and stderr files from previous snakemake submissions.

cmmvae logger --help
Usage: cmmvae logger [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Logger command group.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  history  Display the last n jobs in history.
  job      Display the job by submission jobid
  last     View the last job or a specified job.

Snakemake Workflow

Workflow commands responsible for training, running inference, and visualizing predictions.

cmmvae workflow --help
Usage: cmmvae workflow [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Workflow commands for experiments.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  cli                Run using the LightningCli.
  merge-predictions  Merge saved embeddings and metadata into one npz and...
  umap-predictions   Plot UMAP embeddings and optionally log images to...

cli: Features

The CLI offers several options to manage and configure your experiments:

  • --default_root_dir (str): Specifies the default directory for storing logs and checkpoints.
  • --experiment_name (str): Defines the name of the experiment directory.
  • --run_name (str): Specifies the name of the particular experiment run.
  • --predict_dir (str): Indicates the directory where predictions will be saved after model fitting.

If you do not intend to run a new experiment (e.g., for inference using an existing model checkpoint), you can set the --run flag to False. In this case, you must also provide:

  • --ckpt_path (str): Path to the checkpoint file to be loaded by the model.

Additional Functionality

  • Before Fit: The CLI prints the model configuration and saves its hyperparameters before beginning the fitting process.
  • After Fit: Upon completion of model fitting, the CLI automatically executes the predict subcommand using the best checkpoint found during training.

This CLI is designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly interface for conducting experiments, managing configurations, and logging results efficiently.

Snakemake Workflow

Snakemake is responsible for managing execution depending on necessary resources per rule. The Snakemake pipeline for CMMVAE follows the following rules:

Rules Overview

This Snakemake workflow consists of the following rules:

  1. all: The default rule that specifies the final target files (evaluation files) that should be produced by the workflow.

  2. train: Trains the cmmVAE model using the specified configuration and saves the model checkpoint and predictions.

  3. merge_predictions: Merges the prediction files generated during training into a unified format for further analysis.

  4. umap_predictions: Generates UMAP visualizations based on the merged predictions and saves the resulting images.



The last rule that specifies completion of all jobs.


Train the model and output a config.yaml to reinitialize state and the best model checkpoint.

In order to train models separately from Snakemake, run the following:

cmmvae workflow cli fit -c config/config.yaml --default_root_dir /path/to/root --experiment_name experiment_name --run_name run_name ...

Model Configuration

By default, Snakemake config passes those along by the following:

    f"--default_root_dir {ROOT_DIR} "
    f"--experiment_name {EXPERIMENT_NAME} "
    f"--run_name {RUN_NAME} "
    f"--seed_everything {SEED} "
    f"--predict_dir {PREDICT_SUBDIR} "

Therefore, to override default config files, you can do something like the following:

snakemake --profile workflow/profile/slurm --config train_command="fit -c ..." --run_name="version000"

In the config.yaml files, you can specify class configurations by using the following structure:

    arg1: argument1
    arg2: 2

Look to LightningCLI Documentation for more resources on configuring YAML files.

Configuring Workflow Execution

To configure the workflow execution, you can modify the configuration file located at workflow/profile/slurm. This file contains the default settings for cluster execution, including where logs are stored.

Log Management

By default, Snakemake will create a .snakemake directory in the directory where it is run, here you can find snakemake logs. When using Slurm profile: Inside the main directory, you will find a .cmmvae folder with subdirectories for each rule that is executed. These subdirectories contain the err and out files for each job, named according to the job and the jobId.

Resource Allocation

Workflow resource allocation is determined by the rule executed and the configuration provided in workflow/profile/slurm/config.yaml.

  • Training Jobs: Slurm jobs for training (train rule) are configured to run on GPU nodes by default.
  • Merging Predictions and UMAP Generation: Jobs for merging predictions (merge_predictions rule) and generating UMAPs (umap_predictions rule) are configured to run on high-memory nodes.

Running Snakemake

While Snakemake can be executed on the head node, it is recommended to run Snakemake from a submission node for long-running jobs to ensure stability and resource availability.

To test that your setup is working properly you can run the following to perform a quick pass through pipeline:

Run a single experiment based off of workflow/config.yaml:

sbatch scripts/ --config trainer=configs/trainer/config.test.yaml --config experiment_name=testing --config run_name=quick_test

or Run single or multiple experiments based off experiments.yaml:

cmmvae submit -t