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Inline classes

  • Type: Design proposal
  • Author: Mikhail Zarechenskiy
  • Contributors: Andrey Breslav, Denis Zharkov, Ilya Gorbunov, Roman Elizarov, Stanislav Erokhin
  • Status: Under consideration
  • Prototype: Implemented in Kotlin 1.2.30

Discussion of this proposal is held in this issue.


Currently, there is no performant way to create wrapper for a value of a corresponding type. The only way is to create a usual class, but the use of such classes would require additional heap allocations, which can be critical for many use cases.

We propose to support identityless inline classes that would allow to introduce wrappers for values without additional overhead related to additional heap allocations.

Motivation / use cases

Inline classes allow to create wrappers for a value of a certain type and such wrappers would be fully inlined. This is similar to type aliases but inline classes are not assignment-compatible with the corresponding underlying types.

Use cases:

  • Unsigned types
inline class UInt(private val value: Int) { ... }
inline class UShort(private val value: Short) { ... }
inline class UByte(private val value: Byte) { ... }
inline class ULong(private val value: Long) { ... }
  • Native types like size_t for Kotlin/Native

  • Inline enum classes


    inline enum class Foo(val x: Int) {
        A(0), B(1);
        fun example() { ... }

    The constructor's arguments should be constant values and the values should be different for different entries.

  • Units of measurement

  • Result type (aka Try monad) KT-18608

  • Inline property delegates

class A {
    var something by InlinedDelegate(Foo()) // no actual instantiation of `InlinedDelegate`

inline class InlinedDelegate<T>(var node: T) {
    operator fun setValue(thisRef: A, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
        if (node !== value) {
            thisRef.notify(node, value)
        node = value

    operator fun getValue(thisRef: A, property: KProperty<*>): T {
        return node
  • Inline wrappers

    • Typed wrappers
    inline class Name(private val s: String)
    inline class Password(private val s: String)
    fun foo() {
        var n = Name("n") // no actual instantiation, on JVM type of `n` is String
        val p = Password("p")
        n = "other" // type mismatch error
        n = p // type mismatch error
    • API refinement
    // Java
    public class Foo {
        public Object[] objects() { ... }
    // Kotlin
    inline class RefinedFoo(val f: Foo) {
        inline fun <T> array(): Array<T> = f.objects() as Array<T>


Inline classes are declared using soft keyword inline and must have a single property:

inline class Foo(val i: Int)

Property i defines type of the underlying runtime representation for inline class Foo, while at compile time type will be Foo.

From language point of view, inline classes can be considered as restricted classes, they can declare various members, operators, have generics.


inline class Name(val s: String) : Comparable<Name> {
    override fun compareTo(other: Name): Int = s.compareTo(other.s)
    fun greet() {
        println("Hello, $s")

fun greet() {
    val name = Name("Kotlin") // there is no actual instantiation of class `Name`
    name.greet() // method `greet` is called as a static method

Current limitations

Currently, inline classes must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Inline class must have a public primary constructor with a single value parameter
  • Inline class must have a single read-only (val) property as an underlying value, which is defined in primary constructor
  • Underlying value cannot be of the same type that is containing inline class
  • Inline class with undefined (recursively defined) generics, e.g. generics with an upper bound equal to the class, is prohibited
    inline class A<T : A<T>>(val x: T) // error
  • Inline class cannot have init block
  • Inline class must be final
  • Inline class can implement only interfaces
  • Inline class cannot have backing fields
    • Hence, it follows that inline class can have only simple computable properties (no lateinit/delegated properties)
  • Inline class cannot have inner classes
  • Inline class must be a toplevel class


  • Let's elaborate requirement to have public primary constructor and restriction of init blocks. For example, we want to have an inline class for some bounded value:

    inline class Positive(val value: Int) {
        init { 
            assert(value > 0) "Value isn't positive: $value" 
    fun foo(p: Positive) {}

    Because of inlining, method foo have type int from Java POV, so we can pass to method foo everything we want and init block will not be executed. Since we cannot control behaviour of init block execution, we restrict it for inline classes.

    Unfortunately, it's not enough, because init blocks can be emulated via factory methods:

    inline class Positive private constructor(val value: Int) {
        companion object {
            fun create(x: Int) {
                assert(x > 0) "Value isn't positive: x"
                return Positive(x)  
    fun foo(p: Positive) {}

    Again, method foo have type int from Java POV, so we can indirectly create values of type Positive even with the presence of private constructor.

    To make behaviour more predictable and consistent with Java, we demand public primary constructor and restrict init blocks.

Other restrictions

The following restrictions are related to the usages of inline classes:

  • Referential equality (===) is prohibited for inline classes
  • vararg of inline class type is prohibited
inline class Foo(val s: String)

fun test(vararg foos: Foo) { ... } // should be an error  

Java interoperability

Each inline class has its own wrapper, which is boxed/unboxed by the same rules as for primitive types. Basically, rule for boxing can be formulated as follows: inline class is boxed when it is used as another type. Unboxed inline class is used when value is statically known to be inline class.


interface I

inline class Foo(val i: Int) : I

fun asInline(f: Foo) {}
fun <T> asGeneric(x: T) {}
fun asInterface(i: I) {}
fun asNullable(i: Foo?) {}

fun <T> id(x: T): T = x

fun test(f: Foo) {
    asGeneric(f) // boxing
    asInterface(f) // boxing
    asNullable(f) // boxing
    val c = id(f) // boxing/unboxing, c is unboxed

Since boxing doesn't have side effects as is, it's possible to reuse various optimizations that are done for primitive types.

Type mapping on JVM

Depending on the underlying type of inline class and its declaration site, inline class type can be mapped to the underlying type or to the boxed type.

Underlying Type \ Declaration Site Not-null Nullable Generic
Reference type Underlying type Underlying type Boxed type
Nullable reference type Underlying type Boxed type Boxed type
Primitive type Underlying type Boxed type Boxed type
Nullable primitive type Underlying type Boxed type Boxed type

For example, from this table it follows that nullable inline class which is based on reference type is mapped to the underlying type:

inline class Name(val s: String)

fun foo(n: Name?) { ... } // `Name?` here is mapped to String

Also, if inline class type is used in generic position, then its boxed type will be used:

// Kotlin: sample.kt

inline class Name(val s: String)

fun generic(names: List<Name>) {} // generic signature will have `List<Name>` as for parameters type
fun simple(name: Name) {}

// Java
class Test {
    void test() {
        String name = SampleKt.simple();
        List<Name> ls = Samplekt.generic(); // from Java POV it's List<Name>, not List<String>

Generic inline class mapping

Consider the following sample:

inline class Generic<T>(val x: T)

fun foo(g: Generic<String>) {}

Now, type Generic<String> can be mapped either to java.lang.String or to java.lang.Object. To make the whole rule more consistent, currently we propose to map Generic<SomeType> always to java.lang.Object, i.e. we'll map upper bound of type parameter.

  • Sidenote: maybe it's worth to consider inline classes with reified generics:
    inline class Reified<reified T>(val x: T)
    fun foo(a: Reified<Int>, b: Reified<String>) // a has type `Int`, b has type `String`

Generic inline classes with underlying value not of type that defined by type parameter are mapped as usual generics:

inline class AsList<T>(val ls: List<T>)

fun foo(param: AsList<String>) {}

In JVM signature param will have type java.util.List, but in generic signature it will be java.util.List<java.lang.String>

Methods from kotlin.Any

Inline classes are indirectly inherited from Any, i.e. they can be assigned to a value of type Any, but only through boxing.

Methods from Any (toString, hashCode, equals) can be useful for a user-defined inline classes and therefore should be customizable. Methods toString and hashCode can be overridden as usual methods from Any. For method equals we're going to introduce new operator that represents "typed" equals to avoid boxing for inline classes:

inline class Foo(val s: String) {
    operator fun equals(other: Foo): Boolean { ... }

Compiler will generate original equals method that is delegated to the typed version.

By default, compiler will automatically generate equals, hashCode and toString same as for data classes.

Arrays of inline class values

Consider the following inline class:

inline class Foo(val x: Int)

To represent array of unboxed values of Foo we propose to use new inline class FooArray:

inline class FooArray(private val storage: IntArray): Collection<Foo> {
    operator fun get(index: Int): UInt = Foo(storage[index])

While Array<Foo> will represent array of boxed values:

// jvm signature: test([I[LFoo;)V
fun test(a: FooArray, b: Array<Foo>) {} 

This is similar how we work with arrays of primitive types such as IntArray/ByteArray and allows to explicitly differ array of unboxed values from array of boxed values.

This decision doesn't allow to declare vararg parameter that will represent array of unboxed inline class values, because we can't associate vararg of inline class type with the corresponding array type. For example, without additional information it's impossible to match vararg v: Foo with FooArray. Therefore, we are going to prohibit vararg parameters for now.

Other possible options:

  • Treat Array<Foo> as array of unboxed values by default


    • There is no need to define separate class to introduce array of inline class type
    • It's possible to allow vararg parameters


    • Array<Foo> can implicitly represent array of unboxed and array of boxed values:
    // Java
    class JClass {
        public static void bar(Foo[] f) {}

    From Kotlin point of view, function bar can take only Array<Foo>

    • Not clear semantics for generic arrays:
    fun <T> genericArray(a: Array<T>) {}
    fun test(foos: Array<Foo>) {
      genericArray(foos) // conversion for each element? 
  • Treat Array<Foo> as array of boxed values and introduce specialized VArray class with the following rules:

    • VArray<Foo> represents array of unboxed values
    • VArray<Foo?> or VArray<T> for type paramter T is an error
    • (optionally) VArray<Int> represents array of primitives


    • There is no need to define separate class to introduce array of inline class type
    • It's possible to allow vararg parameters
    • Explicit representation for arrays of boxed/unboxed values


    • Complicated implementation and overall design

Expect/Actual inline classes

To declare expect inline class one can use expect modifier:

expect inline class Foo(val prop: String)

Note that we allow to declare property with backing field (prop here) for expect inline class, which is different for usual classes. Also, since each inline class must have exactly one value parameter we can relax rules for actual inline classes:

// common module
expect inline class Foo(val prop: String)

// platform-specific module
actual inline class Foo(val prop: String)

For actual inline classes we don't require to write actual modifier on primary constructor and value parameter.

Currently, expect inline class requires actual inline and vice versa.