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File metadata and controls

121 lines (93 loc) · 6.63 KB


ZomboDB provides a function named zdb.score(tid) RETURNS real that returns the score for the current matching row. You can use it in the target list of your query and can also sort by it.

Without an ORDER BY clause, SQL doesn't guarantee any kind of ordering, so it's always important to also order by the score if you want the top-ranked documents first in your results.

Using the tutorial database, an example of using scores is:

   SELECT zdb.score(ctid), * 
     FROM products 
    WHERE products ==> 'sports box' 
 ORDER BY score desc;
  score   | id |   name   |               keywords               |         short_summary          |                                  long_description                                   | price | 
  1.00079 |  4 | Box      | {wooden,box,"negative space",square} | Just an empty box made of wood | A wooden container that will eventually rot away.  Put stuff it in (but not a cat). | 17000 | 
 0.698622 |  2 | Baseball | {baseball,sports,round}              | It's a baseball                | Throw it at a person with a big wooden stick and hope they don't hit it             |  1249 | 
(2 rows)

Note that the argument provided to zdb.score() is the hidden Postgres system column called ctid. Internally, ZomboDB uses ctids to identify matching rows, and this is how you tell zdb.score() the row you want.

Also, zdb.score() is not allowed in the WHERE clause of queries. It is only allowed in ORDER BY clauses and what Postgres calls the "target list" -- the list of columns the query should return.

If you need to limit the results of a query by score you can use ZomboDB's dsl.min_score() function, or you can use a subselect of some kind, such as:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT zdb.score(ctid), * FROM products WHERE products ==> 'sports box') x WHERE x.score > 1.0;

But, this won't work:

# SELECT zdb.score(ctid), * FROM products WHERE products ==> 'sports box' AND zdb.score(ctid) > 1.0;
ERROR:  zdb.score() can only be used as a target entry or as a sort


Similar to scoring support, ZomboDB can returning highlighted fragments from fields that support it (typically text fields that use an analyzer). The function is called zdb.highlight(tid, fieldname [, json_highlight_descriptor]) RETURNS text[].

Using the tutorial database, an example of highlighting is:

     SELECT zdb.score(ctid), zdb.highlight(ctid, 'long_description'), long_description 
      FROM products 
     WHERE products ==> 'wooden person' 
  ORDER BY score desc;
  score   |                                            highlight                                             |                                  long_description                                  
 0.882384 | {"Throw it at a <em>person</em> with a big <em>wooden</em> stick and hope they don't hit it"}    | Throw it at a person with a big wooden stick and hope they don't hit it
 0.224636 | {"A <em>wooden</em> container that will eventually rot away.  Put stuff it in (but not a cat)."} | A wooden container that will eventually rot away.  Put stuff it in (but not a cat).
(2 rows)

Similarly to zdb.score(), the first argument to zdb.highlight() is the Postgres hidden system column ctid that identifies the row for which you want highlights.

As Elasticsearch can return multiple highlight fragments for any given field, zdb.highlight() returns a text[] which allows you to address each fragment individually.

ZomboDB uses Elasticsearch's defaults for highlighting, but if these are not sufficient for your needs, the third argument to zdb.highlight() allows you to set a per-field highlight definition as decribed in Elasticsearch's highlighting documentation.

ZomboDB provides a type-checked helper function (also named zdb.highlight()) that allows you to build up a highlight definition using SQL.

CREATE TYPE esqdsl_highlight_type AS ENUM ('unified', 'plain', 'fvh');
CREATE TYPE esqdsl_fragmenter_type AS ENUM ('simple', 'span');
CREATE TYPE esqdsl_encoder_type AS ENUM ('default', 'html');
CREATE TYPE esqdsl_boundary_scanner_type AS ENUM ('chars', 'sentence', 'word');

FUNCTION highlight(
    type zdb.esqdsl_highlight_type DEFAULT NULL,
    require_field_match boolean DEFAULT false,
    number_of_fragments int DEFAULT NULL,
    highlight_query zdbquery DEFAULT NULL,
    pre_tags text[] DEFAULT NULL,
    post_tags text[] DEFAULT NULL,
    tags_schema text DEFAULT NULL,
    no_match_size int DEFAULT NULL,

    fragmenter zdb.esqdsl_fragmenter_type DEFAULT NULL,
    fragment_size int DEFAULT NULL,
    fragment_offset int DEFAULT NULL,
    force_source boolean DEFAULT true,
    encoder zdb.esqdsl_encoder_type DEFAULT NULL,
    boundary_scanner_locale text DEFAULT NULL,
    boundary_scan_max int DEFAULT NULL,
    boundary_chars text DEFAULT NULL,
    phrase_limit int DEFAULT NULL,

    matched_fields boolean DEFAULT NULL,
    "order" text DEFAULT NULL) 

An example usage of this function, where we change the pre/post highlight tags is:

SELECT zdb.score(ctid), 
                     zdb.highlight(pre_tags=>'{<b>}', post_tags=>'{</b>}')
 FROM products
WHERE products ==> 'wooden person'
ORDER BY score desc;

Which results in:

  score   |                                           highlight                                            |                                  long_description                                   
 0.882384 | {"Throw it at a <b>person</b> with a big <b>wooden</b> stick and hope they don't hit it"}      | Throw it at a person with a big wooden stick and hope they don't hit it
 0.224636 | {"A <b>wooden</b> container that will eventually rot away.  Put stuff it in (but not a cat)."} | A wooden container that will eventually rot away.  Put stuff it in (but not a cat).
(2 rows)