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executable file
612 lines (458 loc) · 26.1 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
612 lines (458 loc) · 26.1 KB

PalWorld Server Tool

简体中文 | English | 日本語

Manage your Palworld dedicated server through a visual interface and REST API, using SAV file parsing and REST&RCON functionalities.
And it took a long and boring time to i18n...

GitHub Repo stars   Go   Python   Vue


The current mobile adaptation is good, you can view Function Screenshot

Of course, the dark mode is also arranged no problem ~

Features based on parsing of Level.sav save files:

  • Complete player data
  • Player Palworld data
  • Guild data
  • Player Backpack Item data

Features implemented using official REST API:

  • Retrieve server information
  • Obtain server metrics
  • Online player list
  • Kick/ban players
  • In-game broadcasting
  • Smooth server shutdown with broadcast message

Additional features provided by the tool:

  • Visual map management
  • Whitelist management
  • Defines and executes the RCON command
  • Automatic archive backup and management

This tool uses bbolt for single file storage, fetching and saving data from RCON and Level.sav files via scheduled tasks. It provides a simple visual interface and REST API for easy management and development.

Due to limited maintenance and development staff, we welcome front-end, back-end developers, and even data engineers to submit PRs!

Function screenshot




Enable REST API and RCON

In this project, the REST API function of the server must be enabled for normal use, and the custom RCON function depends on the RCON function.

If your private service tutorial is better written, if not, please close the server first, then modify the PalWorldSettings.ini file or WorldOption.sav file at Pal-Conf and place it in the appropriate location to enable the server.

First set Administrator password


Then set RCON and REST API


Installation and Deployment

The task of parsing Level.sav requires some system memory (often 1GB-3GB) in a short period (<20s) , this portion of memory is released after the parsing task is completed. Ensure your server has enough memory.

Rimer believes that by putting the pst tool and the game server on the same physical machine, there are some situations where you might not want to deploy them on the same machine:

  • Must be deployed separately on another server
  • Only need to deploy on a local PC
  • The game server performance is weak and not satisfied, using one of the above two schemes

Please refer to pst-agent deployment tutorial or Synchronizing Archives from k8s-pod

File Deployment

Download the latest executable files at:


Download and Extract
# Download pst_{version}_{platform}_{arch}.tar.gz and extract to the pst directory
mkdir -p pst && tar -xzf pst_v0.9.8_linux_x86_64.tar.gz -C pst
  1. Open the directory and allow execution

    cd pst
    chmod +x pst sav_cli
  2. Find the config.yaml file and modify it as per the instructions.

    For decode_path, it's usually the pst directory plus sav_cli. Can be empty, the current directory will be obtained by default

    # WebUI Config
      # WebUI Admin Password
      password: ""
      # WebUI Port
      port: 8080
      # Enable TLS
      tls: false
      # TLS Cert File Path if Enable TLS
      cert_path: ""
      # TLS Key File Path if Enable TLS
      key_path: ""
      # TLS url for sav_cli to communicate eg.
      public_url: ""
    # Task Config
      # Regular intervals to get information from the game service about the player's online presence
      sync_interval: 60
      # Player entry/exit server notification
      player_logging: true
      # Player enters server message
      player_login_message: "Player {username} has joined the server! Current online player count: {online_num}."
      # Player leaving server message
      player_logout_message: "Player {username} has left the server! Current online player count: {online_num}."
    # RCON Config
      # RCON Address Port
      address: ""
      # Server AdminPassword
      password: ""
      # Use PalGuard base64 RCON
      use_base64: false
      # RCON Timeout Sec
      timeout: 5
    # REST API Config
      # REST API address
      address: ""
      # User name of Base Auth, which is fixed to admin
      username: "admin"
      # Server AdminPassword
      password: ""
      # Request Timeout Sec
      timeout: 5
    # sav_cli Config
      # Sav File Path
      path: "/path/to/your/Pal/Saved"
      # Sav_cli Path, Could be empty
      decode_path: ""
      # Sav Decode Interval Sec
      sync_interval: 120
      # Save Backup Interval Sec
      backup_interval: 14400
      # Save Backup Keep Days
      backup_keep_days: 7
    # Automation Config
      # Auto Kick non-whitelisted
      kick_non_whitelist: false
2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:75 | Starting PalWorld Server Tool...
2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:76 | Version: Develop
2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:77 | Listening on or
2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:78 | Swagger on

For background operation (running after SSH window is closed):

# Run in the background and save the log in server.log
nohup ./pst > server.log 2>&1 &
# To view logs
tail -f server.log
Stopping Background Process
kill $(ps aux | grep 'pst' | awk '{print $2}') | head -n 1

Access via browser at or http://{Local Network IP}:8080

Access at http://{Server IP}:8080 after opening firewall and security group in cloud servers.


If you open the file for the first time, nothing will be displayed. Please wait until the first sav archive synchronization is complete

If your server configuration is sufficient and performance is good, you can try to make save.sync_interval shorter.


Download and Extract

Extract to any directory (recommend naming the folder pst).


Find the config.yaml file in the extracted directory and modify it according to the instructions.

For decode_path, it's typically the pst directory plus sav_cli.exe. Can be empty, the current directory will be obtained by default

You can also right-click - "Properties", view the path and file name, and then concatenate them. (Same for archive file path and tool path)


Instead of pasting the copied path directly into config.yaml, add another '\' in front of all '\', as shown below

It is also important to make sure that the config.yaml file is ANSI encoded, other encoding formats will cause problems such as path errors!!

# WebUI Config
  # WebUI Admin Password
  password: ""
  # WebUI Port
  port: 8080
  # Enable TLS
  tls: false
  # TLS Cert File Path if Enable TLS
  cert_path: ""
  # TLS Key File Path if Enable TLS
  key_path: ""
  # TLS url for sav_cli to communicate eg.
  public_url: ""

# Task Config
  # Regular intervals to get information from the game service about the player's online presence
  sync_interval: 60
  # Player entry/exit server notification
  player_logging: true
  # Player enters server message
  player_login_message: "Player {username} has joined the server! Current online player count: {online_num}."
  # Player leaving server message
  player_logout_message: "Player {username} has left the server! Current online player count: {online_num}."

# RCON Config
  # RCON Address Port
  address: ""
  # Server AdminPassword
  password: ""
  # Use PalGuard base64 RCON
  use_base64: false
  # RCON Timeout Sec
  timeout: 5

# REST API Config
  # REST API address
  address: ""
  # User name of Base Auth, which is fixed to admin
  username: "admin"
  # Server AdminPassword
  password: ""
  # Request Timeout Sec
  timeout: 5

# sav_cli Config
  # Sav File Path
  path: "C:\\path\\to\\your\\Pal\\Saved"
  # Sav_cli Path, Could be empty
  decode_path: ""
  # Sav Decode Interval Sec
  sync_interval: 120
  # Save Backup Interval Sec
  backup_interval: 14400
  # Save Backup Keep Days
  backup_keep_days: 7

# Automation Config
  # Auto Kick non-whitelisted
  kick_non_whitelist: false

Two ways to run on Windows:

  1. start.bat (Recommended)

    Find and double-click the start.bat file in the extracted directory.

  2. Press Win + R, enter powershell to open Powershell, navigate to the directory of the downloaded executable file using the cd command.

2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:75 | Starting PalWorld Server Tool...
2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:76 | Version: Develop
2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:77 | Listening on or
2024/01/31 - 22:39:20 | INFO | palworld-server-tool/main.go:78 | Swagger on

If you see the preceding interface, it indicates that the operation is successful. Keep the window open.


Access via browser at or http://{Local Network IP}:8080

Access at http://{Server IP}:8080 after opening firewall and security group in cloud servers.


If you open the file for the first time, nothing will be displayed. Please wait until the first sav archive synchronization is complete

If your server configuration is sufficient and performance is good, you can try to make save.sync_interval shorter.

Docker Deployment

Monolithic Deployment

Only one container is needed. Map the game's save directory to the container's internal directory, running on the same physical host as the game server.

docker run -d --name pst \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v /path/to/your/Pal/Saved:/game \
-v ./backups:/app/backups \
-e WEB__PASSWORD="your web password" \
-e RCON__PASSWORD="your admin password" \
-e REST__PASSWORD="your admin password" \
-e SAVE__PATH="/game" \

Most importantly, use -v to map the game's save file (Level.sav) directory to the container's /game directory.


If you need to persist the pst.db file:

# Create the file first to prevent it from being recognized as a directory
touch pst.db

Then add -v ./pst.db:/app/pst.db in docker run -v.

Environment Variables

Set various environment variables, similar to those in config.yaml. The table below lists them:


Pay attention to the distinction between single and multiple underscores. It's best to copy the variable names from the table below for modifications!

Variable Name Default Value Type Description
WEB__PASSWORD "" Text Password for Web interface admin mode
WEB__PORT 8080 Number Changing the container mapping port is recommended instead of modifying this
RCON__ADDRESS "" Text RCON service address, can use container network
RCON__PASSWORD "" Text AdminPassword in the server configuration file
RCON__USE_BASE64 false Bool Whether to enable RconBase64
RCON__TIMEOUT 5 Number Timeout for individual RCON service requests
TASK__SYNC_INTERVAL 60 Number Synchronize player online data
TASK__PLAYER_LOGGING false Bool Players log in/log out of broadcast messages
TASK__PLAYER_LOGIN_MESSAGE "" Text Players log in to broadcast message content
TASK__PLAYER_LOGOUT_MESSAGE "" Text The player logs out the broadcast message content
REST__ADDRESS "" Text The address corresponding to the service REST API can be used in a container network
REST__PASSWORD "" Text AdminPassword in the server configuration
REST__TIMEOUT 5 Number Request Timeout
SAVE__PATH "" Text Game save path be sure to fill in the path inside the container
SAVE__DECODE_PATH "/app/sav_cli" Text ⚠️ Built into the container, do not modify, or it will cause save analysis tool errors
SAVE__SYNC_INTERVAL 600 Number Interval for syncing player save data
SAVE__BACKUP_INTERVAL 14400 Number Interval for auto backup player save data
SAVE__BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS 7 Number Interval for auto backup player save data
MANAGE__KICK_NON_WHITELIST false Bool Automatically kicked out when it detects that a player is not whitelisted but is online

Agent Deployment

Two containers are required: palworld-server-tool and palworld-server-tool-agent.

Applicable for:

  • Separate deployment on other servers.
  • Deployment only on a local personal computer.
  • If the game server's performance is weak and does not meet the requirements, use one of the above two schemes.
First, run the agent container
docker run -d --name pst-agent \
-p 8081:8081 \
-v /path/to/your/Pal/Saved:/game \
-e SAVED_DIR="/game" \

You need to -v to the directory where the game save file (Level.sav) is located, mapping it to the /game directory in the container.

Variable Name Default Value Type Description
SAVED_DIR "" Text Game Saved path be sure to fill in the path inside the container
Then, run the pst container
docker run -d --name pst \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v ./backups:/app/backups \
-e WEB__PASSWORD="your password" \
-e RCON__ADDRESS="{GameServerIP}:{RconPort}" \
-e RCON__PASSWORD="your admin password" \
-e REST__ADDRESS="http://{GameServerIP}:{RestAPIPort}" \
-e REST__PASSWORD="your admin password" \
-e SAVE__PATH="http://{GameServerIP}:{AgentPort}/sync" \

If you need to persist the pst.db file:

# Create the file first to prevent it from being recognized as a directory
touch pst.db

Then add -v ./pst.db:/app/pst.db in docker run -v.

Environment Variables


Pay attention to the distinction between single and multiple underscores. It's best to copy the variable names from the table below for modifications!

Variable Name Default Value Type Description
WEB__PASSWORD "" Text Password for Web interface admin mode
WEB__PORT 8080 Number Changing the container mapping port is recommended instead of modifying this
RCON__ADDRESS "" Text RCON service address, can use container network
RCON__PASSWORD "" Text AdminPassword in the server configuration file
RCON__USE_BASE64 false Bool Whether to enable RconBase64
RCON__TIMEOUT 5 Number Timeout for individual RCON service requests
TASK__SYNC_INTERVAL 60 Number Synchronize player online data
TASK__PLAYER_LOGGING false Bool Players log in/log out of broadcast messages
TASK__PLAYER_LOGIN_MESSAGE "" Text Players log in to broadcast message content
TASK__PLAYER_LOGOUT_MESSAGE "" Text The player logs out the broadcast message content
REST__ADDRESS "" Text The address corresponding to the service REST API can be used in a container network
REST__PASSWORD "" Text AdminPassword in the server configuration
REST__TIMEOUT 5 Number Request Timeout
SAVE__PATH "" Text pst-agent service address, format as
http://{Game server IP}:{Agent port}/sync
SAVE__DECODE_PATH "/app/sav_cli" Text ⚠️ Built into the container, do not modify, or it will cause save analysis tool errors
SAVE__SYNC_INTERVAL 600 Number Interval for syncing player save data
SAVE__BACKUP_INTERVAL 14400 Number Interval for auto backup player save data
SAVE__BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS 7 Number Interval for auto backup player save data
MANAGE__KICK_NON_WHITELIST false Bool Automatically kicked out when it detects that a player is not whitelisted but is online

Synchronizing Archives from k8s-pod

Starting from v0.5.3, it is supported to synchronize game server archives within a cluster without the need for an agent.

After v0.5.8, due to the addition of player backpack data viewing, the directory of the entire Sav file is copied, and you must ensure that the Palu server container has a tar tool in order to compress and decompress.

Make sure that the serviceaccount used by pst has "pods/exec" permissions!

You only need to change the SAVE__PATH environment variable, in the following format:

SAVE__PATH="k8s://<namespace>/<podname>/<container>:<Game Archive Directory>"

For example:


Since the time and location (including HASH) of the Level.sav file created by the game server are uncertain at the first instance, you only need to point to the Saved directory level, and the program will automatically scan.

When pst and the game server are in the same namespace, you can omit it:


Synchronizing Archives from Docker Container

Starting from v0.5.3, it is supported to synchronize game server archives inside a container without the need for an agent.

File Deployment Usage

When your pst application is deployed through running a binary file, you just need to modify the save.path in config.yaml:

  path: "docker://<container_name_or_id>:<game_save_directory>"

For example:

  path: docker://palworld-server:/palworld/Pal/Saved
# or
  path: docker://04b0a9af4288:/palworld/Pal/Saved

Docker Deployment Usage

If the pst application is deployed as a Docker single container, then you need to modify the SAVE__PATH environment variable and mount the Docker daemon inside the pst container.

  1. Mount the daemon

In the original docker run command, add the line -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock.

  1. Modify the environment variable

Change the SAVE__PATH environment variable as follows:


For example:



If you see an error like Error response from daemon: client version 1.44 is too new. Maximum supported API version is 1.43 after running, it is because the Docker API version used by your current docker engine is too low. In this case, please add another environment variable:

-e DOCKER_API_VERSION="1.43" (your API version)

Since the time and location (including HASH) of the Level.sav file created by the game server are uncertain at the first instance, you only need to point to the Saved directory level, and the program will automatically scan.

REST API Document

APIFox Online document


  • palworld-save-tools for providing save file parsing tool implementation
  • palworld-server-toolkit for providing high performance save file parsing
  • pal-conf provides the generator configuration page
  • PalEdit for providing the initial conceptualization and logic for data processing
  • gorcon for providing the basic ability to send/receive RCON requests


According to the Apache2.0 LICENSE authorization, any reprints please indicate in the README and document section! Any commercial behavior must be informed!