Name | Type | Description | Notes |
consignmentNumber | string | Consignment Number<br />Only populated for services that support Multi-Packages | [optional] |
consignmentTrackingUrl | string | Consignment Tracking URL<br />Only populated for services that support Multi-Packages | [optional] |
packages | \RoyalMail\Shipping\Rest\Api\models\PackageResponse[] | Packages<br />Details each package tracking information and Unique Id. | [optional] |
routing | \RoyalMail\Shipping\Rest\Api\models\Routing | [optional] | |
labelImageFormat | string | Label Image Format | [optional] |
labelImages | string | Label Images<br />Any labels that have been created as a result of the request.<br />Depends on Label Image Format.<br /> <br />PDF<br />Base 64 encoded PDF<br /> <br />PNG<br />Base 64 encoded PNG<br /> <br />ZPL 300 / 203 dpi<br />Base 64 encoded PRN (text file)<br /> <br />Data stream<br />Not Included - see Packages for Data Stream responses | [optional] |
customsDocuments | string | Customs Documents<br />Any customs documents that have been created as a result of the request.<br />Depends on Label Image Format.<br /> <br />PDF<br />Base 64 encoded PDF<br /> <br />PNG<br />Base 64 encoded PNG<br /> <br />ZPL 300 / 203 dpi<br />Base 64 encoded PRN (text file)<br /> <br />Data stream<br />Not Included - see Packages for Data Stream responses | [optional] |
returnLabelImageFormat | string | Return Label Image Format | [optional] |
returnLabelImages | string | Return Label Images<br />Any return labels that have been created as a result of the request and label option settings.<br />Depends on ReturnLabelImageFormat.<br /> <br />PDF<br />Base 64 encoded PDF<br /> <br />PNG<br />Base 64 encoded PNG<br /> <br />ZPL 300 / 203 dpi<br />Base 64 encoded PRN (text file) | [optional] |
httpStatusCode | int | HTTP Status Code | |
httpStatusDescription | string | HTTP Status Description | |
message | string | Message<br />Successful response may include a success message.<br />Failure responses will have general reason as to why. Further details may be contained in the list of errors. | [optional] |
errors | \RoyalMail\Shipping\Rest\Api\models\ErrorDetail[] | Errors<br />Details about why a request failed. | [optional] |