Name | Type | Description | Notes |
postingLocation | string | Posting Location.<br />Optional if you only have 1 Posting Location. | |
serviceLevel | string | Service Level<br />Valid values are 01-99.<br />Defaults to lowest service level if not provided. | [optional] |
serviceFormat | string | Service Format<br /> <br />L - Letter<br />F - Large Letter<br />P - Parcel<br />S - Printed Papers - International Services Only | [optional] |
safeplace | string | Safe Place Enhancement<br />Free text to describe a safe place to leave the parcel.<br />Returns an error if the service does not allow Safeplace. | [optional] |
saturdayGuaranteed | bool | Saturday Guaranteed Enhancement<br />Available for Domestic Special Delivery Services Only<br />Returns an error if requested and the service does not allow it. | [optional] |
consequentialLoss | string | Consequential Loss Enhancement<br />Available for Domestic Special Delivery Services Only.<br /> <br />Level1 - ??1,000<br />Level2 - ??2,500<br />Level3 - ??5,000<br />Level4 - ??7,500<br />Level5 - ??10,000<br /> <br />Returns an error if requested and the service does not allow it. | [optional] |
localCollect | bool | Local Collect Enhancement<br />Available for Domestic Special Delivery and Domestic Tracked services only.<br />Returns an error if requested and the service does not allow it. | [optional] |
trackingNotifications | string | Tracking Notifications Enhancement<br />Available for Domestic Special Delivery and Domestic Tracked services.<br />The Email notification enhancement is also available for International Tracked and International Tracked and Signed services.<br />Returns an error if requested and the service does not allow it. | [optional] |
recordedSignedFor | bool | Recorded Signed For<br />Available for all Domestic Services that are not Special Delivery, Tracked or BFPO.<br />This is an enhancement for services that don't have an in-built signature service like Special Delivery and Tracked.<br />Returns an error if requested and the service does not allow it. | [optional] |