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LectureSuggested ReadingSuggested ProblemsSupplementary Resources
0IntroductionStructure of Physical Chemistry
1Probability and the Boltzmann DistributionChapter 2929.1-29.6, 29.17, 29.24-29.27
2Kinetic Theory of GasesChapter 3333.2-33.7, 33.9-33.15, 33.18-33.20,Gas Kinetics
34.23-33.27, 33.29-33.33
3Classical Transport PhenomenaChapter 3434.1-34.5
4The Birth of Quantum MechanicsChapter 1212.4-12.16, 12.19-12.22, 12.24-12.25
5The Schr\o{}dinger Equation andChapters 13-1413.10-13.28Postulates
the Birth of Quantum Mechanics
6The Particle in a BoxChapters 15-1615.2-15.5, 15.7-15.9, 15.11-15.12,PIB.pdf
15.15, 15.20, 15.25, 15.28, 15.29,
7The Harmonic Oscillatorpp. 387-39218.8, 18.11-18.17, 18.22-18.23
8The Rigid Rotorpp. 382-39218.20-18.22,18.25,18.30HCl spectrum
pp. 416-42119.14-19.18
Exam 2
9Spectroscopy, Vibrations, and RotationsChapter 1919.2, 19.13, 19.15-19.16WebMO
10The Hydrogen Atompp. 445-46020.1-20.16, 20.19-20.21, 20.26, 20.30applet
11Many Electron Atomspp. 463-481Questions 21.1, 21.2, 21.4, 21.6, 21.7,WebElements
21.10, 21.11-21.15Herman-Skillman
Problems 21.2, 21.4, 21.8, 21.9,aos.pdf
12Quantum Mechanics of Chemical Bondingpp. 517-54123.1-23.5, 23.7-23.8, 23.10-23.13,F2 MOs
pp. 563-56824.11, 24.13, 24.16-24.18
13Computational Chemistrypp. 603-645H2 calculation
H2 results
Exam 3
14Electronic Spectroscopypp. 582-591Questions 25.7, 25.21
15Statistical Mechanics and thepp. 743-76030.1,30.5,30.6,30.8-30.13
Canonical Ensemble
16Molecular Partition Functions and thepp. 765-79231.1-31.5,31.10-31.14,31.22-31.26
Ideal Gaspp. 797-81532.2-32.3,32.11,32.12,32.19,32.22,32.23,
17Reaction Thermodynamics and Equilibriapp. 816-82332.41, 32.42
18Chemical KineticsChapter 3535.28,35.29
Final Exam