OneQuick is not only a convenient tool but also an autohotkey library. It provides useful classes and several features by default: Clipboard manager, quick search, screen border operation, and more.
Check OneQuick.ahk for all the default features.
- OneQuick Launcher.exe runs OneQuick.ahk. It's useful and good-looking when the script autoruns.
- OneQuick.ahk is like a config file that you can modify it for your own features and it contains default features' definition.
- OneQuick.User.ahk is same as OneQuick.ahk. The file will be created and be included automatically. It contains a special class that the code inside only runs on particular PC.
- OneQuick.Core.ahk is core file of OneQuick.
- OneQuick.Cache.PC-NAME.json generates after OneQuick quit and save the information such as clipboard records.
- OneQuick: main class. You should run OneQuick.Ini() at first.
It's a framework manages icon, right click menu, default editor, browser (when you open file or link by OneQuick), save config when quit, etc. - m(), t(): short form of msgbox and tooltip.
- run(): It's a VERY IMPORTANT function in OneQuick. Almost all the commands run by this function. The command can be a label or a function name in OneQuick script, or a system build-in cmd, or other forms you may define. You can extend this function by write run_user().
- xClipboard: clipboard manager class. Provides clipboard memory list, favourite list, quick search ability, run in CMD ability.
- Schedule: schedule class like system's.
- WinMenu: app's window operation class. Set window topmost, transparent, locate app's folder, hide/show window, get window's ID/class.
- xMenu: custom menu class. Define a menu with AHK's list [].
- Sys: system interaction class. Provides lots of functions about system such as power, screen, network, volume, cursor, window.
With Sys.Cursor.IsPos(), OneQuick introduces a important feature: screen border operation.
Sync between PCs, particular codes run on particular PC
In OneQuick.User.ahk,a particular class named by your computer name is gererated automaticlly. Only in this computer the Ini() function will be run.class User_Your_Computer_Name { Run := 0 Ini() { this.Run := 1 ; e.g. diffrent pc has diffrent default editor ; OneQuick.Editor := "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe" ; your code here (1) } } #if User_Your_Computer_Name.Run ; e.g. diffrent pc with diffrent shortcut ; #m::run calc ; your code here (2) #if
Extend function run()
run() will find run_user() function to run command if it fails.run_user(command) { ; e.g. if command is a number if(RegExMatch(command, "^\d+$")) { ; short for msgbox m(command) } else { m("Can't run command """ command """") } }