diff --git a/java/yb-pgsql/src/test/java/org/yb/pgsql/TestPgTransparentRestarts.java b/java/yb-pgsql/src/test/java/org/yb/pgsql/TestPgTransparentRestarts.java
index f4b3db8d4264..d637d8815ffc 100644
--- a/java/yb-pgsql/src/test/java/org/yb/pgsql/TestPgTransparentRestarts.java
+++ b/java/yb-pgsql/src/test/java/org/yb/pgsql/TestPgTransparentRestarts.java
@@ -383,6 +383,58 @@ public PreparedStatement createStatement(Connection conn) throws Exception {
+  /**
+   * No restarts expected when yb_read_after_commit_visibility is relaxed.
+   * Note that this is a long read that exceeds the output buffer size.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void selectStarLong_relaxedReadAfterCommitVisibility() throws Exception {
+    new RegularStatementTester(
+        getConnectionBuilder(),
+        "SELECT * FROM test_rr",
+        getLongString(),
+        false /* expectRestartErrors */
+    ) {
+      @Override
+      public String getReadAfterCommitVisibility() {
+        return "relaxed";
+      }
+    }.runTest();
+  }
+  /*
+   * Ensures that we need not set the yb_read_after_commit_visibility GUC
+   * before the prepare statement.
+   * This test guards us against scenarios where the GUC
+   * is captured in the prepared statement to be used during execution.
+   *
+   * Example: pg_hint_plan is a planner time configuration and is to be
+   * captured in the prepare phase to be used during execution.
+   *
+   * Also, use simple query mode to test that simultaneously.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void selectStarLongExecute_relaxedReadAfterCommitVisibility() throws Exception {
+    new RegularStatementTester(
+        getConnectionBuilder().withPreferQueryMode("simple"),
+        "EXECUTE select_stmt(0)",
+        getLongString(),
+        false /* expectRestartErrors */) {
+      @Override
+      public Statement createStatement(Connection conn) throws Exception {
+        Statement stmt = super.createStatement(conn);
+        stmt.execute("PREPARE select_stmt (int) AS SELECT * FROM test_rr WHERE i >= $1");
+        return stmt;
+      };
+      @Override
+      public String getReadAfterCommitVisibility() {
+        return "relaxed";
+      }
+    }.runTest();
+  }
    * The following two methods attempt to test retries on kReadRestart for all below combinations -
    *    1. Type of statement - UPDATE/DELETE.
@@ -886,9 +938,16 @@ private Boolean expectConflictErrors(IsolationLevel isolation) throws Exception
+    // Override this function to set a different read window behavior.
+    public String getReadAfterCommitVisibility() {
+      return "strict";
+    }
     public List<ThrowingRunnable> getRunnableThreads(
         ConnectionBuilder cb, BooleanSupplier isExecutionDone) {
+      String setReadAfterCommitVisibility = "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility TO ";
       List<ThrowingRunnable> runnables = new ArrayList<>();
       // Singular SELECT statement (equal probability of being either serializable/repeatable read/
@@ -926,6 +985,14 @@ public List<ThrowingRunnable> getRunnableThreads(
+            // SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility
+            auxSerializableStatement.execute(
+              setReadAfterCommitVisibility + getReadAfterCommitVisibility());
+            auxRrStatement.execute(
+              setReadAfterCommitVisibility + getReadAfterCommitVisibility());
+            auxRcStatement.execute(
+              setReadAfterCommitVisibility + getReadAfterCommitVisibility());
           for (/* No setup */; !isExecutionDone.getAsBoolean(); /* NOOP */) {
@@ -1020,8 +1087,18 @@ public List<ThrowingRunnable> getRunnableThreads(
               Stmt stmt = createStatement(selectTxnConn)) {
             try (Statement auxStmt = selectTxnConn.createStatement()) {
+              // SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility
+              auxStmt.execute(setReadAfterCommitVisibility + getReadAfterCommitVisibility());
+            // This is a read only txn, so setReadOnly.
+            // Moreover, yb_read_after_commit_visibility option relies on txn being read only.
+            if (isolation != IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE) {
+              // SERIALIZABLE, READ ONLY txns are not actually serializable
+              // txns and we wish to test SERIALIZABLE txns too.
+              selectTxnConn.setReadOnly(true);
+            }
             for (/* No setup */; !isExecutionDone.getAsBoolean(); ++txnsAttempted) {
               int numCompletedOps = 0;
               try {
diff --git a/src/postgres/src/backend/access/transam/xact.c b/src/postgres/src/backend/access/transam/xact.c
index 5e45b0827f24..195d049ec32b 100644
--- a/src/postgres/src/backend/access/transam/xact.c
+++ b/src/postgres/src/backend/access/transam/xact.c
@@ -3829,6 +3829,10 @@ BeginTransactionBlock(void)
+	/* YB: Notify pggate that we are within a txn block. */
+	if (IsYugaByteEnabled())
+		HandleYBStatus(YBCPgSetInTxnBlock(true));
@@ -4157,6 +4161,10 @@ BeginImplicitTransactionBlock(void)
 	if (s->blockState == TBLOCK_STARTED)
+	/* YB: Notify pggate that we are within an (implicit) txn block. */
+	if (IsYugaByteEnabled())
+		HandleYBStatus(YBCPgSetInTxnBlock(true));
@@ -5091,7 +5099,7 @@ CommitSubTransaction(void)
 	/* Conserve sticky object count before popping transaction state. */
 	s->parent->ybUncommittedStickyObjectCount = s->ybUncommittedStickyObjectCount;
diff --git a/src/postgres/src/backend/executor/execMain.c b/src/postgres/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
index 54bc967bac69..c167a92d1173 100644
--- a/src/postgres/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
+++ b/src/postgres/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
@@ -162,8 +162,10 @@ standard_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
 	 * We have lower-level defenses in CommandCounterIncrement and elsewhere
 	 * against performing unsafe operations in parallel mode, but this gives a
 	 * more user-friendly error message.
+	 *
+	 * YB: We also notify pggate whether the statement is read only.
-	if ((XactReadOnly || IsInParallelMode()) &&
+	if ((IsYugaByteEnabled() || XactReadOnly || IsInParallelMode()) &&
 		!(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY))
@@ -762,11 +764,14 @@ ExecCheckRTEPermsModified(Oid relOid, Oid userid, Bitmapset *modifiedCols,
  * Note: in a Hot Standby this would need to reject writes to temp
  * tables just as we do in parallel mode; but an HS standby can't have created
  * any temp tables in the first place, so no need to check that.
+ *
+ * YB: We also notify pggate whether the statement is read only.
 static void
 ExecCheckXactReadOnly(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt)
 	ListCell   *l;
+	bool		yb_is_read_only = true;
 	 * Fail if write permissions are requested in parallel mode for table
@@ -786,10 +791,21 @@ ExecCheckXactReadOnly(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt)
 		PreventCommandIfReadOnly(CreateCommandTag((Node *) plannedstmt));
+		yb_is_read_only = false;
 	if (plannedstmt->commandType != CMD_SELECT || plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)
+	{
 		PreventCommandIfParallelMode(CreateCommandTag((Node *) plannedstmt));
+		yb_is_read_only = false;
+	}
+	if (IsYugaByteEnabled())
+	{
+		if (plannedstmt->rowMarks)
+			yb_is_read_only = false;
+		HandleYBStatus(YBCPgSetReadOnlyStmt(yb_is_read_only));
+	}
diff --git a/src/postgres/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c b/src/postgres/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
index 668d104c6c13..37dabf25be60 100644
--- a/src/postgres/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
+++ b/src/postgres/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ static bool check_transaction_priority_upper_bound(double *newval, void **extra,
 extern void YBCAssignTransactionPriorityUpperBound(double newval, void* extra);
 extern double YBCGetTransactionPriority();
 extern TxnPriorityRequirement YBCGetTransactionPriorityType();
+static bool yb_check_no_txn(int* newval, void **extra, GucSource source);
 static void assign_yb_pg_batch_detection_mechanism(int new_value, void *extra);
 static void assign_ysql_upgrade_mode(bool newval, void *extra);
@@ -485,6 +486,12 @@ static struct config_enum_entry shared_memory_options[] = {
 	{NULL, 0, false}
+const struct config_enum_entry yb_read_after_commit_visibility_options[] = {
+  {NULL, 0, false}
  * Options for enum values stored in other modules
@@ -5444,6 +5451,46 @@ static struct config_enum ConfigureNamesEnum[] =
 		NULL, assign_yb_pg_batch_detection_mechanism, NULL
+	{
+		/*
+		 * Read-after-commit-visibility guarantee: any client issued read
+		 * should see all data that was committed before the read request
+		 * was issued (even in the presence of clock skew between nodes).
+		 * In other words, the following example should always work:
+		 * (1) User X commits some data (for which the db picks a commit
+		 * 	timestamp say ht1)
+		 * (2) Then user X communicates to user Y to inform about the commit
+		 * 	via a channel outside the database (say a phone call)
+		 * (3) Then user Y issues a read to some YB node which picks a
+		 * 	read time (less than ht1 due to clock skew)
+		 * (4) Then it should not happen that user Y gets an output without
+		 * 	the data that user Y was informed about.
+		 */
+		{
+			"yb_read_after_commit_visibility", PGC_USERSET, CUSTOM_OPTIONS,
+			gettext_noop("Control read-after-commit-visibility guarantee."),
+			gettext_noop(
+				"This GUC is intended as a crutch for users migrating from PostgreSQL and new to"
+				" read restart errors. Users can now largely avoid these errors when"
+				" read-after-commit-visibility guarantee is not a strong requirement."
+				" This option cannot be set from within a transaction block."
+				" Configure one of the following options:"
+				" (a) strict: Default Behavior. The read-after-commit-visibility guarantee is"
+				" maintained by the database. However, users may see read restart errors that"
+				" show \"ERROR:  Query error: Restart read required at: ...\". The database"
+				" attempts to retry on such errors internally but that is not always possible."
+				" (b) relaxed: With this option, the read-after-commit-visibility guarantee is"
+				" relaxed. Read only statements/transactions do not see read restart errors but"
+				" may miss recent updates with staleness bounded by clock skew."
+			),
+			0
+		},
+		&yb_read_after_commit_visibility,
+		yb_read_after_commit_visibility_options,
+		yb_check_no_txn, NULL, NULL
+	},
 	/* End-of-list marker */
@@ -12807,5 +12854,22 @@ yb_check_toast_catcache_threshold(int *newVal, void **extra, GucSource source)
 	return true;
+ * YB: yb_check_no_txn
+ *
+ * Do not allow users to set yb_read_after_commit_visibility
+ * from within a txn block.
+ */
+static bool
+yb_check_no_txn(int *newVal, void **extra, GucSource source)
+	if (IsTransactionBlock())
+	{
+		GUC_check_errdetail("Cannot be set within a txn block.");
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
 #include "guc-file.c"
diff --git a/src/yb/common/common_fwd.h b/src/yb/common/common_fwd.h
index df5e40940f7f..b68ba71a91fc 100644
--- a/src/yb/common/common_fwd.h
+++ b/src/yb/common/common_fwd.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "yb/common/ql_protocol.fwd.h"
 #include "yb/common/redis_protocol.fwd.h"
 #include "yb/common/wire_protocol.fwd.h"
+#include "yb/util/strongly_typed_bool.h"
 namespace yb {
@@ -65,6 +66,8 @@ enum class DataType;
 enum class SortingType;
 namespace common {
 class Jsonb;
diff --git a/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.cc b/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.cc
index f27d7698e1d0..4a5decac7d27 100644
--- a/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.cc
+++ b/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.cc
@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@ void ConsistentReadPoint::SetReadTimeUnlocked(
-void ConsistentReadPoint::SetCurrentReadTimeUnlocked() {
-  SetReadTimeUnlocked(ReadHybridTime::FromHybridTimeRange(clock_->NowRange()));
+void ConsistentReadPoint::SetCurrentReadTimeUnlocked(const ClampUncertaintyWindow clamp) {
+  SetReadTimeUnlocked(
+    clamp
+    ? ReadHybridTime::SingleTime(clock_->Now())
+    : ReadHybridTime::FromHybridTimeRange(clock_->NowRange()));
 void ConsistentReadPoint::SetReadTime(
@@ -43,9 +46,9 @@ void ConsistentReadPoint::SetReadTime(
   SetReadTimeUnlocked(read_time, &local_limits);
-void ConsistentReadPoint::SetCurrentReadTime() {
+void ConsistentReadPoint::SetCurrentReadTime(const ClampUncertaintyWindow clamp) {
   std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
-  SetCurrentReadTimeUnlocked();
+  SetCurrentReadTimeUnlocked(clamp);
 Status ConsistentReadPoint::TrySetDeferredCurrentReadTime() {
diff --git a/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.h b/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.h
index 1f4147563bce..d06fd0b97fd4 100644
--- a/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.h
+++ b/src/yb/common/consistent_read_point.h
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ class ConsistentReadPoint {
   void MoveFrom(ConsistentReadPoint* rhs);
   // Set the current time as the read point.
-  void SetCurrentReadTime() EXCLUDES(mutex_);
+  // No uncertainty window when clamp is set.
+  void SetCurrentReadTime(
+    const ClampUncertaintyWindow clamp = ClampUncertaintyWindow::kFalse) EXCLUDES(mutex_);
   // If read point is not set, use the current time as the read point and defer it to the global
   // limit. If read point was already set, return error if it is not deferred.
@@ -91,7 +93,8 @@ class ConsistentReadPoint {
   inline void SetReadTimeUnlocked(
       const ReadHybridTime& read_time, HybridTimeMap* local_limits = nullptr) REQUIRES(mutex_);
-  void SetCurrentReadTimeUnlocked() REQUIRES(mutex_);
+  void SetCurrentReadTimeUnlocked(
+    const ClampUncertaintyWindow clamp = ClampUncertaintyWindow::kFalse) REQUIRES(mutex_);
   void UpdateLimitsMapUnlocked(
       const TabletId& tablet, const HybridTime& local_limit, HybridTimeMap* map) REQUIRES(mutex_);
   void RestartRequiredUnlocked(const TabletId& tablet, const ReadHybridTime& restart_time)
diff --git a/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.cc b/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.cc
index 04b78c1f2826..feaa05752631 100644
--- a/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.cc
+++ b/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.cc
@@ -874,6 +874,11 @@ server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger JumpClock(
   return server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger(delta, skewed_clock);
+server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger JumpClock(
+    tserver::MiniTabletServer* server, std::chrono::milliseconds delta) {
+  return JumpClock(server->server(), delta);
 std::vector<server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger> SkewClocks(
     MiniCluster* cluster, std::chrono::milliseconds clock_skew) {
   std::vector<server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger> delta_changers;
diff --git a/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.h b/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.h
index a4e51d332b52..c864e90ff84e 100644
--- a/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.h
+++ b/src/yb/integration-tests/mini_cluster.h
@@ -298,6 +298,15 @@ class MiniCluster : public MiniClusterBase {
   PortPicker port_picker_;
+// Requires that skewed clock is registered as physical clock.
+// Jumps the physical clock by delta
+// i.e. no effect on hybrid ts unless by physical clock.
+// new_clock = old_clock + delta (clocks are moving).
+// Returns an RAII structure that resets the delta change
+// when it goes out of scope.
+server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger JumpClock(
+    tserver::MiniTabletServer* server, std::chrono::milliseconds delta);
 MUST_USE_RESULT std::vector<server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger> SkewClocks(
     MiniCluster* cluster, std::chrono::milliseconds clock_skew);
diff --git a/src/yb/tserver/pg_client.proto b/src/yb/tserver/pg_client.proto
index d64fe4cad646..244dc5c8f16b 100644
--- a/src/yb/tserver/pg_client.proto
+++ b/src/yb/tserver/pg_client.proto
@@ -607,6 +607,12 @@ message PgPerformOptionsPB {
   int64 pg_txn_start_us = 22;
   AshMetadataPB ash_metadata = 23;
+  // When set,
+  // - Sets the read time locally.
+  // - Clamps the read uncertainty window.
+  // See the commit desc for more info.
+  bool clamp_uncertainty_window = 24;
 message PgPerformRequestPB {
diff --git a/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.cc b/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.cc
index dc293008593a..5869706170b1 100644
--- a/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.cc
+++ b/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.cc
@@ -1152,7 +1152,8 @@ Status PgClientSession::DoPerform(const DataPtr& data, CoarseTimePoint deadline,
 void PgClientSession::ProcessReadTimeManipulation(
-    ReadTimeManipulation manipulation, uint64_t read_time_serial_no) {
+    ReadTimeManipulation manipulation, uint64_t read_time_serial_no,
+    ClampUncertaintyWindow clamp) {
   VLOG_WITH_PREFIX(2) << "ProcessReadTimeManipulation: " << manipulation
                       << ", read_time_serial_no: " << read_time_serial_no
                       << ", read_time_serial_no_: " << read_time_serial_no_;
@@ -1165,7 +1166,8 @@ void PgClientSession::ProcessReadTimeManipulation(
     case ReadTimeManipulation::ENSURE_READ_TIME_IS_SET :
       if (!read_point.GetReadTime() || read_time_serial_no_ != read_time_serial_no) {
-          read_point.SetCurrentReadTime();
+          // Clamp read uncertainty window when requested by the query layer.
+          read_point.SetCurrentReadTime(clamp);
           VLOG(1) << "Setting current ht as read point " << read_point.GetReadTime();
@@ -1274,7 +1276,9 @@ PgClientSession::SetupSession(
           kind == PgClientSessionKind::kPlain, IllegalState,
           "Read time manipulation can't be specified for non kPlain sessions");
-      ProcessReadTimeManipulation(options.read_time_manipulation(), read_time_serial_no);
+      ProcessReadTimeManipulation(
+        options.read_time_manipulation(), read_time_serial_no,
+        ClampUncertaintyWindow(options.clamp_uncertainty_window()));
     } else if (options.has_read_time() && options.read_time().has_read_ht()) {
       const auto read_time = ReadHybridTime::FromPB(options.read_time());
@@ -1316,6 +1320,21 @@ PgClientSession::SetupSession(
       // TODO: Shouldn't the below logic for DDL transactions as well?
+    if (options.clamp_uncertainty_window()
+        && !session.read_point()->GetReadTime()) {
+        !(transaction && transaction->isolation() == SERIALIZABLE_ISOLATION),
+        IllegalState, "Clamping does not apply to SERIALIZABLE txns.");
+      // Set read time with clamped uncertainty window when reqeusted by
+      // the query layer.
+      // Do not mess with the read time if already set.
+      session.read_point()->SetCurrentReadTime(ClampUncertaintyWindow::kTrue);
+        << "Setting read time to "
+        << session.read_point()->GetReadTime()
+        << " for read only txn/stmt";
+    }
diff --git a/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.h b/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.h
index 84a4a9120137..fae27c786dce 100644
--- a/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.h
+++ b/src/yb/tserver/pg_client_session.h
@@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ class PgClientSession {
   Status ProcessResponse(
       const PgClientSessionOperations& operations, const PgPerformRequestPB& req,
       PgPerformResponsePB* resp, rpc::RpcContext* context);
-  void ProcessReadTimeManipulation(ReadTimeManipulation manipulation, uint64_t txn_serial_no);
+  void ProcessReadTimeManipulation(ReadTimeManipulation manipulation, uint64_t txn_serial_no,
+                                   ClampUncertaintyWindow clamp);
   client::YBClient& client();
   client::YBSessionPtr& EnsureSession(PgClientSessionKind kind, CoarseTimePoint deadline);
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.cc b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.cc
index 6cf5d7f28bb0..91ffcaec4638 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.cc
@@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ Status PgTxnManager::BeginTransaction(int64_t start_time) {
     return STATUS(IllegalState, "Transaction is already in progress");
   pg_txn_start_us_ = start_time;
+  // NOTE: Do not reset in_txn_blk_ when restarting txns internally
+  // (i.e., via PgTxnManager::RecreateTransaction).
+  in_txn_blk_ = false;
   return RecreateTransaction(SavePriority::kFalse);
@@ -255,6 +258,20 @@ Status PgTxnManager::SetDeferrable(bool deferrable) {
   return Status::OK();
+Status PgTxnManager::SetInTxnBlock(bool in_txn_blk) {
+  in_txn_blk_ = in_txn_blk;
+  VLOG_WITH_FUNC(2) << (in_txn_blk ? "In " : "Not in ") << "txn block.";
+  return Status::OK();
+Status PgTxnManager::SetReadOnlyStmt(bool read_only_stmt) {
+  read_only_stmt_ = read_only_stmt;
+    << "Executing a " << (read_only_stmt ? "read only " : "read/write ")
+    << "stmt.";
+  return Status::OK();
 uint64_t PgTxnManager::NewPriority(TxnPriorityRequirement txn_priority_requirement) {
   if (txn_priority_requirement == kHighestPriority) {
     return yb::kHighPriTxnUpperBound;
@@ -420,6 +437,7 @@ void PgTxnManager::ResetTxnAndSession() {
   enable_tracing_ = false;
   read_time_for_follower_reads_ = HybridTime();
   read_time_manipulation_ = tserver::ReadTimeManipulation::NONE;
+  read_only_stmt_ = false;
 Status PgTxnManager::EnterSeparateDdlTxnMode() {
@@ -525,6 +543,19 @@ void PgTxnManager::SetupPerformOptions(
     read_time_manipulation_ = tserver::ReadTimeManipulation::NONE;
     // pg_txn_start_us is similarly only used for kPlain transactions.
+    // Only clamp read-only txns/stmts.
+    // Do not clamp in the serializable case since
+    // - SERIALIZABLE reads do not pick read time until later.
+    // - SERIALIZABLE reads do not observe read restarts anyways.
+    if (yb_read_after_commit_visibility
+        && isolation_level_ != IsolationLevel::SERIALIZABLE_ISOLATION)
+      // We clamp uncertainty window when
+      // - either we are working with a read only txn
+      // - or we are working with a read only stmt
+      //   i.e. no txn block and a pure SELECT stmt.
+      options->set_clamp_uncertainty_window(
+        read_only_ || (!in_txn_blk_ && read_only_stmt_));
   if (read_time_for_follower_reads_) {
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.h b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.h
index 2744a4d1d5c9..7afc1e7fd1de 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.h
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pg_txn_manager.h
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ class PgTxnManager : public RefCountedThreadSafe<PgTxnManager> {
   Status ExitSeparateDdlTxnModeWithAbort();
   Status ExitSeparateDdlTxnModeWithCommit(uint32_t db_oid, bool is_silent_altering);
   void SetDdlHasSyscatalogChanges();
+  Status SetInTxnBlock(bool in_txn_blk);
+  Status SetReadOnlyStmt(bool read_only_stmt);
   bool IsTxnInProgress() const { return txn_in_progress_; }
   IsolationLevel GetIsolationLevel() const { return isolation_level_; }
@@ -127,6 +129,8 @@ class PgTxnManager : public RefCountedThreadSafe<PgTxnManager> {
   bool need_restart_ = false;
   bool need_defer_read_point_ = false;
   tserver::ReadTimeManipulation read_time_manipulation_ = tserver::ReadTimeManipulation::NONE;
+  bool in_txn_blk_ = false;
+  bool read_only_stmt_ = false;
   // Postgres transaction characteristics.
   PgIsolationLevel pg_isolation_level_ = PgIsolationLevel::REPEATABLE_READ;
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.cc b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.cc
index 34e8e78ce84a..bd62ba971342 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.cc
@@ -2135,6 +2135,14 @@ Status PgApiImpl::SetTransactionDeferrable(bool deferrable) {
   return pg_txn_manager_->SetDeferrable(deferrable);
+Status PgApiImpl::SetInTxnBlock(bool in_txn_blk) {
+  return pg_txn_manager_->SetInTxnBlock(in_txn_blk);
+Status PgApiImpl::SetReadOnlyStmt(bool read_only_stmt) {
+  return pg_txn_manager_->SetReadOnlyStmt(read_only_stmt);
 Status PgApiImpl::EnterSeparateDdlTxnMode() {
   // Flush all buffered operations as ddl txn use its own transaction session.
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.h b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.h
index 13d4dcd11aae..eac067085e3c 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.h
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/pggate.h
@@ -651,6 +651,8 @@ class PgApiImpl {
   Status SetTransactionIsolationLevel(int isolation);
   Status SetTransactionReadOnly(bool read_only);
   Status SetTransactionDeferrable(bool deferrable);
+  Status SetInTxnBlock(bool in_txn_blk);
+  Status SetReadOnlyStmt(bool read_only_stmt);
   Status SetEnableTracing(bool tracing);
   Status EnableFollowerReads(bool enable_follower_reads, int32_t staleness_ms);
   Status EnterSeparateDdlTxnMode();
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.cc b/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.cc
index 4bb46f0d667c..3d949d65d71d 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.cc
@@ -73,3 +73,5 @@ int yb_reorderbuffer_max_changes_in_memory = 4096;
 uint64_t yb_read_time = 0;
 bool yb_is_read_time_ht = false;
+int yb_read_after_commit_visibility = 0;
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.h b/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.h
index 0150a0e623dc..1fe91886debe 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.h
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/yb_guc.h
@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ extern int yb_reorderbuffer_max_changes_in_memory;
 extern int yb_walsender_poll_sleep_duration_empty_ms;
+extern int yb_read_after_commit_visibility;
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 } // extern "C"
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/ybc_util.h b/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/ybc_util.h
index 5ca94f702476..4fd3348a221f 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/ybc_util.h
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/util/ybc_util.h
@@ -191,6 +191,29 @@ extern int yb_walsender_poll_sleep_duration_empty_ms;
 extern int yb_reorderbuffer_max_changes_in_memory;
+ * Ease transition to YSQL by reducing read restart errors for new apps.
+ *
+ * This option doesn't affect SERIALIZABLE isolation level since
+ * SERIALIZABLE can't face read restart errors anyway.
+ *
+ * See the help text for yb_read_after_commit_visibility GUC for more
+ * information.
+ *
+ * XXX: This GUC is meant as a workaround only by relaxing the
+ * read-after-commit-visibility guarantee. Ideally,
+ * (a) Users should fix their apps to handle read restart errors, or
+ * (b) TODO(#22317): YB should use very accurate clocks to avoid read restart
+ *     errors altogether.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} YBReadAfterCommitVisibilityEnum;
+/* GUC for the enum above. */
+extern int yb_read_after_commit_visibility;
 typedef struct YBCStatusStruct* YBCStatus;
 bool YBCStatusIsNotFound(YBCStatus s);
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.cc b/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.cc
index a7ca331e0bc8..fa7ffcd7ccd7 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.cc
@@ -1706,6 +1706,14 @@ YBCStatus YBCPgSetTransactionDeferrable(bool deferrable) {
   return ToYBCStatus(pgapi->SetTransactionDeferrable(deferrable));
+YBCStatus YBCPgSetInTxnBlock(bool in_txn_blk) {
+  return ToYBCStatus(pgapi->SetInTxnBlock(in_txn_blk));
+YBCStatus YBCPgSetReadOnlyStmt(bool read_only_stmt) {
+  return ToYBCStatus(pgapi->SetReadOnlyStmt(read_only_stmt));
 YBCStatus YBCPgEnterSeparateDdlTxnMode() {
   return ToYBCStatus(pgapi->EnterSeparateDdlTxnMode());
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.h b/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.h
index 700547976444..b51c701aa2c9 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.h
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pggate/ybc_pggate.h
@@ -661,6 +661,8 @@ YBCStatus YBCPgAbortPlainTransaction();
 YBCStatus YBCPgSetTransactionIsolationLevel(int isolation);
 YBCStatus YBCPgSetTransactionReadOnly(bool read_only);
 YBCStatus YBCPgSetTransactionDeferrable(bool deferrable);
+YBCStatus YBCPgSetInTxnBlock(bool in_txn_blk);
+YBCStatus YBCPgSetReadOnlyStmt(bool read_only_stmt);
 YBCStatus YBCPgSetEnableTracing(bool tracing);
 YBCStatus YBCPgEnableFollowerReads(bool enable_follower_reads, int32_t staleness_ms);
 YBCStatus YBCPgEnterSeparateDdlTxnMode();
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_read_time-test.cc b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_read_time-test.cc
index a3e377c01176..1fcb40ac9a51 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_read_time-test.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_read_time-test.cc
@@ -445,4 +445,139 @@ TEST_F(PgMiniTestBase, YB_DISABLE_TEST_IN_SANITIZERS(TestYSQLDumpAsOfTime)) {
   ASSERT_STR_EQ(ground_truth, dump_as_of_time);
+// Mimics the CheckReadTimePickingLocation test for the relaxed
+// yb_read_after_commit_visibility case.
+// There are two primary effects of relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility:
+// - SELECTs now always pick their read time on local proxy.
+// - The read time is clamped whenever it is picked this way (not relevant).
+// This implies the following changes compared to the vanilla test
+// - Case 1: no pipeline, single operation in first batch, no distributed txn.
+//           Read time is picked on proxy for SELECTs and not DMLs.
+// - Case 3: no pipeline, multiple operations to the same tablet in first batch, no distributed txn.
+//           Read time is picked on proxy.
+TEST_F(PgReadTimeTest, CheckRelaxedReadAfterCommitVisibility) {
+  auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(Connect());
+  constexpr auto kTable = "test"sv;
+  constexpr auto kSingleTabletTable = "test_with_single_tablet"sv;
+  ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("CREATE TABLE $0 (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)", kTable));
+  ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat(
+      "CREATE TABLE $0 (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT) SPLIT INTO 1 TABLETS", kSingleTabletTable));
+  for (const auto& table_name : {kTable, kSingleTabletTable}) {
+    ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat(
+        "INSERT INTO $0 SELECT generate_series(1, 100), 0", table_name));
+    ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat(
+      "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_rows_$0(first integer, last integer) "
+      "LANGUAGE plpgsql "
+      "as $$body$$ "
+      "BEGIN "
+      "  FOR i in first..last LOOP "
+      "    INSERT INTO $0 VALUES (i, i); "
+      "  END LOOP; "
+      "END; "
+      "$$body$$", table_name));
+  }
+  // Relax read-after-commit-visiblity guarantee.
+  ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute("SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility TO relaxed"));
+  // 1. no pipeline, single operation in first batch, no distributed txn
+  //
+  // relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility does not affect DML queries.
+  for (const auto& table_name : {kTable, kSingleTabletTable}) {
+    CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+        [&conn, table_name]() {
+          ASSERT_OK(conn.FetchFormat("SELECT * FROM $0 WHERE k=1", table_name));
+        });
+    CheckReadTimePickedOnDocdb(
+        [&conn, table_name]() {
+          ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("UPDATE $0 SET v=1 WHERE k=1", table_name));
+        });
+    CheckReadTimePickedOnDocdb(
+        [&conn, table_name]() {
+          ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("INSERT INTO $0 VALUES (1000, 1000)", table_name));
+        });
+    CheckReadTimePickedOnDocdb(
+        [&conn, table_name]() {
+          ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("DELETE FROM $0 WHERE k=1000", table_name));
+        });
+  }
+  // 2. no pipeline, multiple operations to various tablets in first batch, no distributed txn
+  CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+      [&conn, kTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.FetchFormat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $0", kTable));
+      });
+  // 3. no pipeline, multiple operations to the same tablet in first batch, no distributed txn
+  CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+      [&conn, kSingleTabletTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.FetchFormat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $0", kSingleTabletTable));
+      });
+  // 4. no pipeline, single operation in first batch, starts a distributed transation
+  //
+  // expected_num_picked_read_time_on_doc_db_metric is set because in case of a SELECT FOR UPDATE,
+  // a read time is picked in read_query.cc, but an extra picking is done in write_query.cc just
+  // after conflict resolution is done (see DoTransactionalConflictsResolved()).
+  //
+  // relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility does not affect FOR UDPATE queries.
+  CheckReadTimePickedOnDocdb(
+      [&conn, kTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.StartTransaction(IsolationLevel::SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION));
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.FetchFormat("SELECT * FROM $0 WHERE k=1 FOR UPDATE", kTable));
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.CommitTransaction());
+      }, 2 /* expected_num_picked_read_time_on_doc_db_metric */);
+  // 5. no pipeline, multiple operations to various tablets in first batch, starts a distributed
+  //    transation
+  ASSERT_OK(SetHighMaxBatchSize(&conn));
+  CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+      [&conn, kTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("CALL insert_rows_$0(101, 110)", kTable));
+      });
+  ASSERT_OK(ResetMaxBatchSize(&conn));
+  // 6. no pipeline, multiple operations to the same tablet in first batch, starts a distributed
+  //    transation
+  ASSERT_OK(SetHighMaxBatchSize(&conn));
+  CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+      [&conn, kSingleTabletTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("CALL insert_rows_$0(101, 110)", kSingleTabletTable));
+      });
+  ASSERT_OK(ResetMaxBatchSize(&conn));
+  // 7. Pipeline, single operation in first batch, starts a distributed transation
+  ASSERT_OK(SetMaxBatchSize(&conn, 1));
+  CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+      [&conn, kTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("CALL insert_rows_$0(111, 120)", kTable));
+      });
+  ASSERT_OK(ResetMaxBatchSize(&conn));
+  // 8. Pipeline, multiple operations to various tablets in first batch, starts a distributed
+  //    transation
+  ASSERT_OK(SetMaxBatchSize(&conn, 10));
+  CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+      [&conn, kTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("CALL insert_rows_$0(121, 150)", kTable));
+      });
+  ASSERT_OK(ResetMaxBatchSize(&conn));
+  // 9. Pipeline, multiple operations to the same tablet in first batch, starts a distributed
+  //    transation
+  ASSERT_OK(SetMaxBatchSize(&conn, 10));
+  CheckReadTimeProvidedToDocdb(
+      [&conn, kSingleTabletTable]() {
+        ASSERT_OK(conn.ExecuteFormat("CALL insert_rows_$0(121, 150)", kSingleTabletTable));
+      });
+  ASSERT_OK(ResetMaxBatchSize(&conn));
 } // namespace yb::pgwrapper
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_single_tserver-test.cc b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_single_tserver-test.cc
index e1fa2be1ff1d..a67d1f54f98b 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_single_tserver-test.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_single_tserver-test.cc
@@ -912,6 +912,26 @@ TEST_F(PgSingleTServerTest, PagingSelectWithDelayedIntentsApply) {
+// YB picks read time as safe time when the read time is picked on DocDB.
+// Safe time is potentially a time point in the past and we should not ignore
+// the uncertainty window for that reason.
+// This test guards against SELECTs not seeing prior INSERTs from same session
+// in relaxed read-after-commit-visibility for the above mentioned reason.
+TEST_F(PgSingleTServerTest, NoSafeTimeClampingInRelaxedReadAfterCommit) {
+  ANNOTATE_UNPROTECTED_WRITE(FLAGS_TEST_inject_sleep_before_applying_intents_ms) = 100;
+  auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(Connect());
+  ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute("SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility ='relaxed'"));
+  for (int i = 0; i != 20; ++i) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Delete iteration " << i;
+    ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute("DELETE FROM t"));
+    LOG(INFO) << "Insert iteration " << i;
+    ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1)"));
+    LOG(INFO) << "Reading iteration " << i;
+    ASSERT_EQ(ASSERT_RESULT(conn.FetchRow<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM t")), 1);
+  }
 TEST_F(PgSingleTServerTest, BoundedRangeScanWithLargeTransaction) {
   auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(Connect());
   ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute("CREATE TABLE t (r1 INT, r2 INT, PRIMARY KEY (r1 ASC, r2 ASC))"));
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_txn-test.cc b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_txn-test.cc
index ba60d8622ded..a361fbdc7656 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_txn-test.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_txn-test.cc
@@ -15,11 +15,19 @@
 #include "yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_mini_test_base.h"
+#include "yb/common/pgsql_error.h"
+#include "yb/server/skewed_clock.h"
+#include "yb/tserver/mini_tablet_server.h"
+#include "yb/tserver/tablet_server.h"
 #include "yb/util/scope_exit.h"
 #include "yb/util/sync_point.h"
 #include "yb/util/test_macros.h"
 #include "yb/util/test_thread_holder.h"
 #include "yb/util/tsan_util.h"
+#include "yb/util/yb_pg_errcodes.h"
 using std::string;
@@ -28,6 +36,9 @@ using namespace std::literals;
 namespace yb {
 namespace pgwrapper {
@@ -409,5 +420,515 @@ TEST_F_EX( PgTxnTest, SelectForUpdateExclusiveRead, PgTxnTestFailOnConflict) {
+// Helper class to test the semantics of yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+// Additional infrastructure was required for the test.
+// The test requires us to simulate two connections to separate postmaster
+//   processes on different tservers. Usually, we could get away with
+//   ExternalMiniCluster if we required two different postmaster processes.
+// However, the test also requires that we register skewed clocks and jump
+//   the clocks as necessary.
+// Here, we take the easier approach of using a MiniCluster (that supports
+// skewed clocks out of the box) and then simulate multiple postmaster
+// processes by explicitly spawning PgSupervisor processes for each tserver.
+// Typical setup:
+// 1. MiniCluster with 2 tservers.
+// 2. One server hosts a test table with single tablet and RF 1.
+// 3. The other server, proxy, is blacklisted to control hybrid propagation.
+//    This is the node that the external client connects to, for the read
+//    query and "expects" to the see the recent commit.
+// 4. Ensure that the proxy is also not on the master node.
+// 5. Pre-populate the catalog cache so there are no surprise communications
+//    between the servers.
+// 6. Register skewed clocks. We only jump the clock on the node that hosts
+//    the data.
+// Additional considerations/caveats:
+// - Register a thread prefix for each supervisor.
+//   Otherwise, the callback registration fails with name conflicts.
+// - Do NOT use PgPickTabletServer. It does not work. Moreover, it is
+//   insufficient for our usecase even if it did work as intended.
+class PgReadAfterCommitVisibilityTest : public PgMiniTestBase {
+ public:
+  void SetUp() override {
+    server::SkewedClock::Register();
+    ANNOTATE_UNPROTECTED_WRITE(FLAGS_time_source) = server::SkewedClock::kName;
+    ANNOTATE_UNPROTECTED_WRITE(FLAGS_replication_factor) = 1;
+    PgMiniTestBase::SetUp();
+    SpawnSupervisors();
+  }
+  void DoTearDown() override {
+    // Exit supervisors cleanly ...
+    // Risk of false positive segfaults otherwise ...
+    for (auto&& supervisor : pg_supervisors_) {
+      if (supervisor) {
+        supervisor->Stop();
+      }
+    }
+    PgMiniTestBase::DoTearDown();
+  }
+  size_t NumTabletServers() override {
+    // One server for a proxy and the other server to host the data.
+    return 2;
+  }
+  void BeforePgProcessStart() override {
+    // Identify the tserver index that hosts the MiniCluster postmaster
+    // process so that we do NOT spawn a PgSupervisor for that tserver.
+    auto connParams = MakeConnSettings();
+    auto ntservers = static_cast<int>(cluster_->num_tablet_servers());
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < ntservers; idx++) {
+      auto server = cluster_->mini_tablet_server(idx);
+      if (server->bound_rpc_addr().address().to_string() == connParams.host) {
+        conn_idx_ = idx;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Result<PGConn> ConnectToIdx(int idx) const {
+    // postmaster hosted by PgMiniTestBase itself.
+    if (idx == conn_idx_) {
+      return Connect();
+    }
+    // We own the postmaster process for this tserver idx.
+    // Use the appropriate postmaster process to setup a pg connection.
+    auto connParams = PGConnSettings {
+      .host = pg_host_ports_[idx].host(),
+      .port = pg_host_ports_[idx].port()
+    };
+    auto result = VERIFY_RESULT(PGConnBuilder(connParams).Connect());
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(SetupConnection(&result));
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Called for the first connection.
+  // Use ConnectToIdx() directly for subsequent connections.
+  Result<PGConn> ConnectToProxy() {
+    // Avoid proxy on the node that hosts the master because
+    //   tservers and masters regularly exchange heartbeats with each other.
+    //   This means there is constant hybrid time propagation between
+    //   the master and the tservers.
+    //   We wish to avoid hyrbid time from propagating to the proxy node.
+    if (static_cast<int>(cluster_->LeaderMasterIdx()) == proxy_idx_) {
+      return STATUS(IllegalState, "Proxy cannot be on the master node ...");
+    }
+    // Add proxy to the blacklist to limit hybrid time prop.
+    auto res = cluster_->AddTServerToBlacklist(proxy_idx_);
+    if (!res.ok()) {
+      return res;
+    }
+    // Now, we are ready to connect to the proxy.
+    return ConnectToIdx(proxy_idx_);
+  }
+  Result<PGConn> ConnectToDataHost() {
+    return ConnectToIdx(host_idx_);
+  }
+  // Jump the clocks of the nodes hosting the data.
+  std::vector<server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger> JumpClockDataNodes(
+      std::chrono::milliseconds skew) {
+    std::vector<server::SkewedClockDeltaChanger> changers;
+    auto ntservers = static_cast<int>(cluster_->num_tablet_servers());
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < ntservers; idx++) {
+      if (idx == proxy_idx_) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      changers.push_back(JumpClock(cluster_->mini_tablet_server(idx), skew));
+    }
+    return changers;
+  }
+ protected:
+  // Setup to create the postmaster process corresponding to the tserver idx.
+  Status CreateSupervisor(int idx) {
+    auto pg_ts = cluster_->mini_tablet_server(idx);
+    auto port = cluster_->AllocateFreePort();
+    PgProcessConf pg_process_conf = VERIFY_RESULT(PgProcessConf::CreateValidateAndRunInitDb(
+        AsString(Endpoint(pg_ts->bound_rpc_addr().address(), port)),
+        pg_ts->options()->fs_opts.data_paths.front() + "/pg_data",
+        pg_ts->server()->GetSharedMemoryFd()));
+    pg_process_conf.master_addresses = pg_ts->options()->master_addresses_flag;
+    pg_process_conf.force_disable_log_file = true;
+    pg_host_ports_[idx] = HostPort(pg_process_conf.listen_addresses, pg_process_conf.pg_port);
+    pg_supervisors_[idx] = std::make_unique<PgSupervisor>(
+      pg_process_conf, nullptr);
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  void SpawnSupervisors() {
+    auto ntservers = static_cast<int>(cluster_->num_tablet_servers());
+    // Allocate space for the host ports and supervisors.
+    pg_host_ports_.resize(ntservers);
+    pg_supervisors_.resize(ntservers);
+    // Create and start the PgSupervisors.
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < ntservers; idx++) {
+      if (idx == conn_idx_) {
+        // Postmaster already started for this tserver.
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Prefix registered to avoid name clash among callback
+      // registrations.
+      TEST_SetThreadPrefixScoped prefix_se(std::to_string(idx));
+      ASSERT_OK(CreateSupervisor(idx));
+      ASSERT_OK(pg_supervisors_[idx]->Start());
+    }
+  }
+  int conn_idx_ = 0;
+  int proxy_idx_ = 1;
+  int host_idx_ = 0;
+  std::vector<HostPort> pg_host_ports_;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PgSupervisor>> pg_supervisors_;
+// Ensures that clock skew does not affect read-after-commit guarantees on same
+// session with relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+// Test Setup:
+// 1. Cluster with RF 1, skewed clocks, 2 tservers.
+// 2. Add a pg process on tserver that does not have one.
+//    This is done since MiniCluster only creates one postmaster process
+//    on some random tserver.
+//    We wish to use the minicluster and not external minicluster since
+//    there is better test infrastructure to manipulate clock skew.
+//    This approach is the less painful one at the moment.
+// 3. Add a tablet server to the blacklist
+//    so we can ensure hybrid time propagation doesn't occur between
+//    the data host node and the proxy
+// 4. Connect to the proxy tserver that does not host the data.
+//    We simulate this by blacklisting the target tserver.
+// 5. Create a table with a single tablet and a single row.
+// 6. Populate the catalog cache on the pg backend so that
+//    catalog cache misses does not interfere with hybrid time propagation.
+// 7. Jump the clock of the tserver hosting the table to the future.
+// 8. Insert a row using the proxy conn and a fast path txn.
+//    Commit ts for the insert is picked on the server whose clock is ahead.
+//    The hybrid time is propagated to the proxy conn since the request
+//    originated from the proxy conn.
+// 9. Read the table from the proxy connection.
+//    The read has a timestamp that is ahead of the physical clock accounting
+//    for the timestamp of the insert DML due hybrid time propagation.
+//    Hence, the read does not miss recent updates of the same connection.
+//    This property also applies when dealing with different pg connections
+//    but they all go through the same tserver proxy.
+TEST_F(PgReadAfterCommitVisibilityTest, SameSessionRecency) {
+  // Connect to local proxy.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(100ms);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit time
+  // on the data node.
+  // This hybrid time is propagated to the local proxy.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Perform a select using the the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto rows = ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Observe the recent insert despite the clock skew.
+  ASSERT_EQ(rows.size(), 1);
+// Similar to SameSessionRecency except we have
+// two connections instead of one to the same node.
+// This property is necessary to maintain same session guarantees even in the
+// presence of server-side connection pooling.
+TEST_F(PgReadAfterCommitVisibilityTest, SamePgNodeRecency) {
+  // Connect to local proxy.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  // Not calling ConnectToProxy() again since we already added
+  // the proxy to the blacklist.
+  auto proxyConn2 = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToIdx(proxy_idx_));
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn2.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(100ms);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit ts
+  // on the data node.
+  // This ts is propagated to the local proxy.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Perform a select using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn2.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto rows = ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn2.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Observe the recent insert despite the clock skew.
+  ASSERT_EQ(rows.size(), 1);
+// Demonstrate that read from a connection to a different node
+// (than the one which had the Pg connection to write data) may miss the
+// commit when using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+// Test Setup:
+// 1. Cluster with RF 1, skewed clocks, 2 tservers.
+// 2. Add a pg process on tserver that does not have one.
+//    This is done since MiniCluster only creates one postmaster process
+//    on some random tserver.
+//    We wish to use the minicluster and not external minicluster since
+//    there is better test infrastructure to manipulate clock skew.
+//    This approach is the less painful one at the moment.
+// 3. Add a tablet server to the blacklist.
+// 4. Connect to both servers for Pg connection, data host and proxy.
+// 5. Create a table with a single tablet and a single row.
+// 6. Populate the catalog cache on both pg processes so that
+//    catalog cache misses does not interfere with hybrid time propagation.
+// 7. Jump the clock of the tserver hosting the table to the future.
+// 8. Insert a row using the host conn and a fast path txn.
+//    Commit ts for the insert is picked on the server whose clock is ahead.
+//    The hybrid time is not propagated to the proxy conn since
+//    there is no reason to touch proxy conn.
+// 9. Read the table from the proxy connection.
+//    The read can miss the recent commit since there is no hybrid time
+//    propagation from the host conn before the read time is picked.
+TEST_F(PgReadAfterCommitVisibilityTest, SessionOnDifferentNodeStaleRead) {
+  // Connect to both proxy and data nodes.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  auto hostConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToDataHost());
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(100ms);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit time
+  // on the data node.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Perform a select using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto rows = ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Miss the recent insert due to clock skew.
+  ASSERT_EQ(rows.size(), 0);
+// Same test as SessionOnDifferentNodeStaleRead
+// except we verify that the staleness is bounded
+// by waiting out the clock skew.
+      SessionOnDifferentNodeBoundedStaleness) {
+  // Connect to both proxy and data nodes.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  auto hostConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToDataHost());
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto skew = 100ms;
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(skew);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit ts
+  // on the data node.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Sleep for a while to verify that the staleness is bounded.
+  // We sleep for the same duration that we jump the clock, i.e. 100ms.
+  SleepFor(skew);
+  // Perform a select using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto rows = ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // We do not miss the prior insert since the clock skew has passed.
+  ASSERT_EQ(rows.size(), 1);
+// Duplicate insert check.
+// Inserts should not miss other recent inserts to
+// avoid missing duplicate key violations. This is guaranteed because
+// we don't apply "relaxed" to non-read transactions.
+      SessionOnDifferentNodeDuplicateInsertCheck) {
+  // Connect to both proxy and data nodes.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  auto hostConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToDataHost());
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(100ms);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit ts
+  // on the data node.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Perform an insert using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  // Must still observe the duplicate key!
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto res = proxyConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(res.ok());
+  auto pg_err_ptr = res.ErrorData(PgsqlError::kCategory);
+  ASSERT_NE(pg_err_ptr, nullptr);
+  YBPgErrorCode error_code = PgsqlErrorTag::Decode(pg_err_ptr);
+  ASSERT_EQ(error_code, YBPgErrorCode::YB_PG_UNIQUE_VIOLATION);
+// Updates should not miss recent DMLs either. This is guaranteed
+// because we don't apply "relaxed" to non-read transactions.
+TEST_F(PgReadAfterCommitVisibilityTest, SessionOnDifferentNodeUpdateKeyCheck) {
+  // Connect to both proxy and data nodes.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  auto hostConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToDataHost());
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(100ms);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit ts
+  // on the data node.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Perform an update using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  // Must still observe the key with value 1
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto res = proxyConn.Execute("UPDATE test SET key = 2 WHERE key = 1");
+  // Ensure that the update happened.
+  auto row = ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRow<int32_t>("SELECT key FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_EQ(row, 2);
+// Same for DELETEs. They should not miss recent DMLs.
+// Otherwise, DELETE FROM table would not delete all the rows.
+// This is guaranteed because we don't apply "relaxed" to non-read
+// transactions.
+TEST_F(PgReadAfterCommitVisibilityTest, SessionOnDifferentNodeDeleteKeyCheck) {
+  // Connect to both proxy and data nodes.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  auto hostConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToDataHost());
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(100ms);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit ts
+  // on the data node.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Perform a delete using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  // Must still observe the key with value 1
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto res = proxyConn.Execute("DELETE FROM test WHERE key = 1");
+  // Ensure that the update happened.
+  auto rows = ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT key FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_EQ(rows.size(), 0);
+// We also consider the case where the query looks like
+// a SELECT but there is an insert hiding underneath.
+// We are guaranteed read-after-commit-visibility in this case
+// since "relaxed" is not applied to non-read transactions.
+TEST_F(PgReadAfterCommitVisibilityTest, SessionOnDifferentNodeDmlHidden) {
+  // Connect to both proxy and data nodes.
+  auto proxyConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToProxy());
+  auto hostConn = ASSERT_RESULT(ConnectToDataHost());
+  // Create table test.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute(
+  // Populate catalog cache.
+  ASSERT_RESULT(proxyConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  ASSERT_RESULT(hostConn.FetchRows<int32_t>("SELECT * FROM test"));
+  // Jump the clock on the tserver hosting the table.
+  auto changers = JumpClockDataNodes(100ms);
+  // Perform a fast path insert that picks the commit ts
+  // on the data node.
+  ASSERT_OK(hostConn.Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)"));
+  // Perform an insert using the relaxed yb_read_after_commit_visibility option.
+  // Must still observe the duplicate key!
+  ASSERT_OK(proxyConn.Execute(
+    "SET yb_read_after_commit_visibility = relaxed"));
+  auto res = proxyConn.Execute("WITH new_test AS ("
+    "INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES (1) RETURNING key"
+    ") SELECT key FROM new_test");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(res.ok());
+  auto pg_err_ptr = res.ErrorData(PgsqlError::kCategory);
+  ASSERT_NE(pg_err_ptr, nullptr);
+  YBPgErrorCode error_code = PgsqlErrorTag::Decode(pg_err_ptr);
+  ASSERT_EQ(error_code, YBPgErrorCode::YB_PG_UNIQUE_VIOLATION);
 } // namespace pgwrapper
 } // namespace yb
diff --git a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_wrapper.cc b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_wrapper.cc
index 47a621a3d822..d5b8e616198e 100644
--- a/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_wrapper.cc
+++ b/src/yb/yql/pgwrapper/pg_wrapper.cc
@@ -266,6 +266,9 @@ DEFINE_RUNTIME_PG_FLAG(
 DEFINE_RUNTIME_PG_FLAG(int32, yb_toast_catcache_threshold, -1,
     "Size threshold in bytes for a catcache tuple to be compressed.");
+DEFINE_RUNTIME_PG_FLAG(string, yb_read_after_commit_visibility, "strict",
+  "Determines the behavior of read-after-commit-visibility guarantee.");
 static bool ValidateXclusterConsistencyLevel(const char* flagname, const std::string& value) {
   if (value != "database" && value != "tablet") {