name: "PG 13: Migration Tests" on: push: branches: ['main', '*.*-dev', '*.*.*-dev'] pull_request: branches: ['main'] jobs: run-pg-13-migration-tests: strategy: matrix: version: [2024.2.1.0-b185,, 2024.1.3.1-b8,] BETA_FAST_DATA_EXPORT: [0, 1] test_group: - offline - live_basic - live_advanced env: BETA_FAST_DATA_EXPORT: ${{ matrix.BETA_FAST_DATA_EXPORT }} runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 services: postgres: image: postgres:13 env: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres # Set health checks to wait until postgres has started options: >- --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5 ports: # Maps tcp port 5432 on service container to the host - 5432:5432 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 # with: distribution: "temurin" java-version: "17" check-latest: true - name: Cache local Maven repository uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ~/.m2/repository key: ${{ runner.os }}-maven-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-maven- - name: "Enable postgres with wal_level as logical and install postgis" run: | docker exec ${{ }} sh -c "echo 'wal_level=logical' >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf" docker exec ${{ }} sh -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-13-postgis postgresql-13-postgis-3" docker restart ${{ }} sleep 10 - name: Install python3 and psycopg2 run: | sudo apt install -y python3 sudo apt install -y libpq-dev sudo apt install python3-psycopg2 - name: Run installer script to setup voyager run: | cd installer_scripts yes | ./install-yb-voyager --install-from-local-source --only-pg-support sudo rm /usr/bin/pg_dump sudo ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/17/bin/pg_dump /usr/bin/pg_dump sudo rm /usr/bin/pg_restore sudo ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/17/bin/pg_restore /usr/bin/pg_restore pg_dump --version pg_restore --version psql --version env: ON_INSTALLER_ERROR_OUTPUT_LOG: Y - name: Test PostgreSQL Connection run: | psql "postgresql://postgres:postgres@" -c "SELECT version();" - name: Create PostgreSQL user run: | ./migtests/scripts/postgresql/create_pg_user - name: Start YugabyteDB cluster run: | docker run -d --name yugabytedb \ -p7000:7000 -p9000:9000 -p15433:15433 -p5433:5433 -p9042:9042 \ yugabytedb/yugabyte:${{ matrix.version }} \ bin/yugabyted start --tserver_flags="ysql_hba_conf_csv={host all yugabyte all trust,host all all all md5}" --background=false --ui=false sleep 20 - name: Test YugabyteDB connection run: | psql "postgresql://yugabyte:@" -c "SELECT version();" - name: Create YugabyteDB user run: | ./migtests/scripts/yugabytedb/create_yb_user - name: Enable yb-tserver-n1 and yb-master-n1 name resolution run: | echo " yb-tserver-n1" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts echo " yb-master-n1" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts psql "postgresql://yugabyte@yb-tserver-n1:5433/yugabyte" -c "SELECT version();" - name: Log yb_servers() run: | psql "postgresql://yugabyte@yb-tserver-n1:5433/yugabyte" -c "SELECT * from yb_servers();" - name: "TEST: pg-table-list-flags-test (table-list and exclude-table-list)" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/table-list-flags-tests - name: "TEST: pg-table-list-file-path-test (table-list-file-path and exclude-table-list-file-path)" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/table-list-flags-tests - name: "TEST: pg-case-sensitivity-single-table" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/case-sensitivity-single-table - name: "TEST: pg-datatypes" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/datatypes - name: "TEST: pg-constraints" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/constraints - name: "TEST: pg-sequences" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/sequences - name: "TEST: pg-indexes" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/indexes - name: "TEST: pg-partitions" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/partitions - name: "TEST: pg-partitions with (table-list)" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: EXPORT_TABLE_LIST='customers,sales,emp,,,,range_columns_partition_test,sales_region,test_partitions_sequences' migtests/scripts/ pg/partitions # Broken for v2.15 and v2.16: # Fixed in - name: "TEST: pg-partitions-with-indexes" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/partitions-with-indexes - name: "TEST: pg-views-and-rules" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/views-and-rules - name: "TEST: pg-misc-objects-1 (Types, case-sensitive-table-name, Domain)" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/misc-objects-1 - name: "TEST: pg-misc-objects-2 (Aggregates, Procedures, triggers, functions, extensions, inline comments)" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/misc-objects-2 - name: "TEST: pg-dependent-ddls" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/dependent-ddls - name: "TEST: pg-multiple-schemas" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/multiple-schemas - name: "TEST: pg-codependent-schemas" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/codependent-schemas - name: "TEST: pg-sample-schema-emp" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/sample-employee - name: "TEST: pg-hasura-ecommerce" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/hasura-ecommerce - name: "TEST: pg-case-sensitivity-reserved-words-offline" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'offline' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/case-sensitivity-reserved-words - name: "TEST: pg-basic-non-public-live-migration-test" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'live_basic' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/basic-non-public-live-test - name: "TEST: pg-basic-public-fall-forward-test" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'live_basic' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/basic-public-live-test # - name: "TEST: pg-basic-non-public-fall-back-test" # run: migtests/scripts/ pg/basic-non-public-live-test - name: "TEST: pg-datatypes-fall-back-test" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'live_basic' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/datatypes # case sensitive table names are not yet supported in live migration, to restricting test only to a few tables. - name: "TEST: pg-live-migration-multiple-schemas" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'live_advanced' }} run: EXPORT_TABLE_LIST="ext_test,tt,audit,recipients,session_log,schema2.ext_test,,schema2.audit,schema2.recipients,schema2.session_log" migtests/scripts/ pg/multiple-schemas - name: "TEST: pg-unique-key-conflicts-test" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'live_advanced' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/unique-key-conflicts-test - name: "TEST: pg-live-migration-partitions-fall-forward" if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.test_group == 'live_advanced' }} run: migtests/scripts/ pg/partitions