Fast multithreaded Rust-implementation of PNC (Parallel Neighbourhood Correlation). EXPERIMENTAL.
Based on rust-py, the PNC variant of the NC Neighbourhood Correlation algorithm [1]. The PNC algorithm is described in my M.Sc. thesis [2].
Its time complexity is better than snc and snc-cpp by a factor of log(m)
, where m
is the number of alignments to the reference database per query sequence (assuming an equal number of alignments per query). See my thesis for details.
Aligner settings (Diamond v. 2.1.3):
diamond blastp --max-target-seqs 100 --sensitive --min-score 30
CPU: 8 cores, 16 threads.
Sample | Proteins | Alignments | snc-py | snc-cpp | pnc-py | pnc-rs |
S. cerevisiae | 6 k | 36 k | 6 s | 1 s | 0 s | 0 s |
HSA+MMU | 38 k | 1,2 M | 701 s | 69 s | 32 s | 1 s |
13_proteomes | 411 k | 24 M | Est.: 36540 s | 8864 s | 880 s | 25 s |
UniRef50 [subsampled] | 4 M | 176 M | N/A | N/A | N/A | 696 s |
(Aligner running time not included. snc-py
progresses consistently linearly during its main computation step, so the estimated time is a reliable lower bound for the actual time required.)
"13 proteomes" refers to: E. coli, S. cerevisiae, M. musculus, D. melanogaster, B. subtilis, R. norvegicus, H. sapiens, A. thaliana, D. rerio, C. elegans, D. discoideum, B. taurus, and O. sativa; downloaded from UNIPROT (2024).
Peak memory usage for pnc-rs
on the subsampled UniRef50 dataset was about 58 GB. The dominating term is the 4+4+4 bytes (2x query id u32's and a float32) used for storing the cross-terms (query_x_score * query_y_score) needed to complete the final NC calculation step.
The outputs of all 4 tools were sorted and compared (for HSA+MMU). Each entry deviated from the mean by at most 0.00075 [the valid range of NC-scores is 0-1], which is reasonable due to the number of significant digits and usage of 32-bit floats during the calculations in both PNC versions.
Compile with Rust cargo build -r
, where ALIGNMENTS_FILE is a file containing alignments in blast-tab format (entry format: QUERY_ACC<whitespace>REF_ACC<whitespace>SCORE<newline>
outputs the computed NC-scores to stdout
and various info-messages to stderr
There are no command line options available at this time.
Compile with Rust cargo build -r
Create a newline-separated list of memory node process IP:PORT
entries. Save to e.g. ip_addrs
Allocate N+1
nodes for the job, where N
is the number of memory nodes. I recommend experimenting with subsamples of your dataset to determine memory requirements.
Start at least one pnc-tcphashmap-node <IP:PORT>
process on each memory node, so that each entry in ip_addrs
has a corresponding process running. pnc
assumes each node has an equal amount of memory.
Run pnc ALIGNMENTS_FILE ip_addrs >
on the main node. Use the fastest available file system to store the output - it is a likely bottleneck even though the writing is single-threaded.
will shut down the pnc-tcphashmap-node
processes one by one as they're drained of data.
There are no command line options available at this time.
[1] Song N, Joseph JM, Davis GB, Durand D (May 2008). Sequence Similarity Network Reveals Common Ancestry of Multidomain Proteins. PLOS Computational Biology. URL:
[2] Eldfjell Y (Dec 2023). Neighborhood Correlation in the age of megagenomics: scaling down to scale up [M.Sc. thesis]. Stockholm University. URL: