18 | 18 | {:type "basic",
19 | 19 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
20 | 20 | :to
21 |
| - [{:shell_command |
22 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchAlacritty\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
23 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 21 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 22 | + {:shell_command |
| 23 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchAlacritty\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
24 | 24 | :from
25 | 25 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "j"}],
26 | 26 | :simultaneous_options
40 | 40 | {:type "basic",
41 | 41 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
42 | 42 | :to
43 |
| - [{:shell_command |
44 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchEmacs\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
45 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 43 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 44 | + {:shell_command |
| 45 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchEmacs\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
46 | 46 | :from
47 | 47 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "k"}],
48 | 48 | :simultaneous_options
62 | 62 | {:type "basic",
63 | 63 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
64 | 64 | :to
65 |
| - [{:shell_command |
66 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchChrome\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
67 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 65 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 66 | + {:shell_command |
| 67 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchChrome\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
68 | 68 | :from
69 | 69 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "l"}],
70 | 70 | :simultaneous_options
84 | 84 | {:type "basic",
85 | 85 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
86 | 86 | :to
87 |
| - [{:shell_command |
88 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchMail\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
89 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 87 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 88 | + {:shell_command |
| 89 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchMail\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
90 | 90 | :from
91 | 91 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "m"}],
92 | 92 | :simultaneous_options
106 | 106 | {:type "basic",
107 | 107 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
108 | 108 | :to
109 |
| - [{:shell_command |
110 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchWeChat\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
111 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 109 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 110 | + {:shell_command |
| 111 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchWeChat\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
112 | 112 | :from
113 | 113 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "v"}],
114 | 114 | :simultaneous_options
128 | 128 | {:type "basic",
129 | 129 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
130 | 130 | :to
131 |
| - [{:shell_command |
132 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchKE\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
133 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 131 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 132 | + {:shell_command |
| 133 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchKE\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
134 | 134 | :from
135 | 135 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "q"}],
136 | 136 | :simultaneous_options
150 | 150 | {:type "basic",
151 | 151 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
152 | 152 | :to
153 |
| - [{:shell_command |
154 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchPDFExpert\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
155 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 153 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 154 | + {:shell_command |
| 155 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchPDFExpert\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
156 | 156 | :from
157 | 157 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "9"}],
158 | 158 | :simultaneous_options
182 | 182 | {:type "basic",
183 | 183 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
184 | 184 | :to
185 |
| - [{:shell_command |
186 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchSafari\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
187 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 185 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 186 | + {:shell_command |
| 187 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchSafari\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
188 | 188 | :from
189 | 189 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "comma"}],
190 | 190 | :simultaneous_options
204 | 204 | {:type "basic",
205 | 205 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
206 | 206 | :to
207 |
| - [{:shell_command |
208 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchPaw\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
209 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 207 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 208 | + {:shell_command |
| 209 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchPaw\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
210 | 210 | :from
211 | 211 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "period"}],
212 | 212 | :simultaneous_options
226 | 226 | {:type "basic",
227 | 227 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
228 | 228 | :to
229 |
| - [{:shell_command |
230 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchTextual\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
231 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 229 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 230 | + {:shell_command |
| 231 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchTextual\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
232 | 232 | :from
233 | 233 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "equal_sign"}],
234 | 234 | :simultaneous_options
248 | 248 | {:type "basic",
249 | 249 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
250 | 250 | :to
251 |
| - [{:shell_command |
252 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchKEEvents\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
253 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 251 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 252 | + {:shell_command |
| 253 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchKEEvents\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
254 | 254 | :from
255 | 255 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "8"}],
256 | 256 | :simultaneous_options
270 | 270 | {:type "basic",
271 | 271 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
272 | 272 | :to
273 |
| - [{:shell_command |
274 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launch\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
275 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 273 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 274 | + {:shell_command |
| 275 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launch\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
276 | 276 | :from
277 | 277 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "j"}],
278 | 278 | :simultaneous_options
292 | 292 | {:type "basic",
293 | 293 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
294 | 294 | :to
295 |
| - [{:shell_command |
296 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchBearyChat\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
297 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 295 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 296 | + {:shell_command |
| 297 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchBearyChat\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
298 | 298 | :from
299 | 299 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "b"}],
300 | 300 | :simultaneous_options
314 | 314 | {:type "basic",
315 | 315 | :parameters {:basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds 250},
316 | 316 | :to
317 |
| - [{:shell_command |
318 |
| - "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchTG\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"} |
319 |
| - {:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}}], |
| 317 | + [{:set_variable {:name "launch-mode", :value 1}} |
| 318 | + {:shell_command |
| 319 | + "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"launchTG\" in workflow \"yqrashawn.workflow.launcher\" with argument \"\"'"}], |
320 | 320 | :from
321 | 321 | {:simultaneous [{:key_code "w"} {:key_code "t"}],
322 | 322 | :simultaneous_options
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