- Shortened name: Ticketing system
- Full name: Ticketing system with web application and blokchain storage system
- Description: This app allows to input ticket data into database stored as blockchain. Every ticket is stored inside a unique block with unique hashcode what allows to keep every ticket and its data unchanged.
- Authors:
- Jan Jarosz (https://github.com/JanJarosz),
- Mateusz Kacprowicz (https://github.com/M-Kacprowicz),
- Wojciech Sobczuk (https://github.com/yolobczuk)
- Licensing: This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
# | Requirement title | Description | Priority | Category |
1 | Secure Infrastructure | The ticketing system service must be impenetrable by a bad actor | Priority 1 | Non-functional |
2 | Accessible Service | The ticketing system service must be available from every device connected to the Internet | Priority 1 | Functional |
3 | User Interface | GUI must be clear and simple in order to ensure work efficacy | Priority 2 | Non-functional |
4 | Confidential Data Handling | All sensitive data (such as government IDs) must be encrypted | Priority 1 | Functional |
5 | User Register Feature | User must be registered to be able to log-in | Priority 1 | Functional |
6 | Log-in Feature | User must be logged-in in order to browse through the application | Priority 1 | Functional |
7 | Hashcoding | Application should have the option to convert numbers or text into hashcodes | Priority 2 | Functional |
8 | Blockchain Filtering | Application must have the option to print out all blocks within the blockchain as well as filtering its contents by specific categories | Priority 1 | Functional |
9 | Blockchain Filling | Application must have the option to add new tickets to the blockchain | Priority 1 | Functional |
10 | Password Recovery | User should have a possibility to recover forgotten password | Priority 2 | Functional |
11 | Deploy Of Application To Cloud Services | Application should be deployed to cloud services | Priority 2 | Functional |
12 | Log out feature | User must have a possibility to log out from the application | Priority 1 | Functional |
- Used IDEs:
- Visual Studio Code, ver. 1.74.2,
- PyCharm 2022.1.3 (Community Edition).
- Used programming languages:
- Python, ver. 3.9.2 (including use of Jinja2 template engine, ver. 3.1.2);,
- HTML, ver. 5 (including use of Boostrap framework, ver. 5.3).
- Used and required libraries (in Python):
- alembic (1.8.1),
- autopep8 (2.0.1),
- certifi (2022.6.15),
- cffi (1.15.1),
- charset-normalizer (2.1.0),
- cleanco (2.2),
- click (8.1.3),
- colorama (0.4.6),
- cryptography (38.0.4),
- Flask (2.2.2),
- Flask-Login (0.6.2),
- Flask-Migrate (4.0.0),
- Flask-SQLAlchemy (3.0.2),
- Flask-WTF (1.0.1),
- greenlet (2.0.1),
- idna (3.3),
- importlib-metadata (5.1.0),
- itsdangerous (2.1.2),
- Jinja2 (3.1.2),
- Mako (1.2.4),
- MarkupSafe (2.1.1),
- numpy (1.23.1),
- pandas (1.4.3),
- protobuf (3.20.1),
- pycodestyle (2.10.0),
- pycparser (2.21),
- Pygments (2.9.0),
- python-dateutil (2.8.2),
- pytz (2022.1),
- requests (2.28.1),
- sasoptpy (1.0.5),
- saspy (4.3.1),
- six (1.16.0),
- SQLAlchemy (1.4.45),
- swat (1.11.0),
- tomli (2.0.1),
- urllib3 (1.26.10),
- Werkzeug (2.2.2),
- WTForms (3.0.1),
- zipp (3.11.0)
- Version control system: git version 2.25.1.windows.1
- Cloud Deployment: Google Cloud Platform
- Service: Compute Engine - Virtual Machine
- Instance: E2 - 4Gb memory - SDD Persistent disk 10 Gb - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- HTTP traffic serving: Nginx - nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
- Aplication hosting: uWSGI - 2.0.21
- All codes and files are stored on https://github.com/yolobczuk/projekt_blockchain
In order to launch the application, Python 3.9.2 with compatible IDE and following libraries are required (versions are listed in the Software architecture part):
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Migrate
- Flask-Login
- security module from Werkzeug library
- hashlib
- datetime
- json
- Flask-WTF
- WTForms (with validator module)
Launching process is different for local and cloud deployment. To access cloud production version, the user must type in
in the browser search tab. Please note that this version might not work all the time and application might be faulty. Cloud version of the app is still under construction.
In order to access local production version, the user has to launch the application in the IDE and then navigate to
address. In order to access the local debug version of the app, following steps must be taken:
- in the bash terminal, type in following commands:
export FLASK_APP=blockchain.py
;export FLASK_DEBUG=True
;flask run
(for windows it might be needed to change the wordexport
) - navigate to
If the user doesn't have the database locally, following commands must be typed into the bash terminal: flask db init
; flask db migrate
; flask db upgrade
(for windows flask --app blockchain.py db init
; flask --app blockchain.py db migrate
; flask --app blockchain.py db upgrade
All user tests can be found in the folder named User tests
. Each PDF
file contains one test related to one of the
requirements from the list above.