A ssr app starter built by Nuxt (3) + vue (3) + pinia + ofetch + vant + typescript + sass !!!
- pnpm for package management.
- Support http(s) proxy in development and server.
- Friendly SVG icon usage.
- Support PM2.
- Using pinia for state management.
- Using ofetch for http request.
- Using vant ui component libary.
- Support Typescript.
- Styling via sass and unocss.
- Internationalization via @nuxtjs/i18n.
- Easy to use environment configuration.
Make sure to install the dependencies:
# pnpm
pnpm install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3389
$ pnpm dev
Build the application for production:
# build for production
$ pnpm build
# build for ft
$ pnpm build:ft
Locally preview production build:
$ pnpm preview
Start the node server:
# start for production
$ pnpm start
# start for production with pm2
$ pnpm pm2:start
# start for production with pm2 in docker
$ pnpm pm2:docker:start
# start for ft
$ pnpm start:ft
# start for ft with pm2
$ pnpm pm2:start-ft
# start for ft with pm2 in docker
$ pnpm pm2:docker:start-ft