Run bb dev
to get started. See bb tasks
for other commands.
Ensure index.js
requires the development target.
Run yarn repl
to start the ClojureScript compiler and Clojure REPL.
Run yarn start
to start the Metro Dev server.
Connect to the Clojure REPL started by yarn repl
, and run
user=> (require 'dev)
user=> (dev/start)
This will start the development API server.
Update the app config to use the local endpoint (for now in api.cljs
Ensure index.js
requires the production target.
Ensure the app config (for now in api.cljs
) points to production host.
Compile the production ClojureScript:
yarn cljs:build
In XCode, run a build using the Bardistry Release scheme.
Deploy backend using:
git push prod main
Ensure it restarted using either:
bb logs
Or log into the production server to check on the app service status:
ssh [email protected]
systemctl status app