nb-button({ 'content': 'Button' })
size: m
theme: normal
{string}'s' / 'm' / 'l' / 'xl'
{string}'normal' / 'action' (yellow) / 'dark' / 'pseudo' / 'pseudo-inverted' / 'promo' (big yellow)
{string} ...'name'
{string} ...'class'
{array}['my_class1', 'my_class2']
— additional classes'disabled'
{boolean} — disabled button'tabindex'
{string} ... — link to icon'iconText'
{string} ... — symbol for icon'content'
{string} ... — content of button'attrs'
{object}{'type': 'submit', 'attr2: 'value2' }
— custom DOM attributes for button'static'
{boolean} — block without nanoblocks functionality (JavaScript API)'type'
— attach button. This is not DOM type aka<input type=""/>
, this is instance type.'link'
'type': 'link' 'label' 'inline' 'file'
nb-button({ 'content': 'Link button' 'type': 'link' 'attrs': { 'href': '#' } }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Label button' 'type': 'label' 'attrs': { 'for': 'blah' } }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Span button' 'type': 'inline' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Attach file' 'type': 'file' })
nb-button({ 'content': 'Small' 'size': 's' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Medium' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Large' 'size': 'l' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Extra Large' 'size': 'xl' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'theme': 'promo' 'content': 'Large' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'theme': 'promo' 'size': 'xl' 'content': 'Extra large' })
'theme': 'action' 'pseudo' 'pseudo-inverted' 'clear' 'dark' 'promo' 'flying'
nb-button({ 'content': 'Action' 'theme': 'action' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Pseudo' 'theme': 'pseudo' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Clear' 'theme': 'clear' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Pseudo' 'theme': 'pseudo-inverted' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Dark' 'theme': 'dark' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Promo' 'theme': 'promo' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'content': 'Flying' 'theme': 'flying' })
nb-button({ 'icon': 'eye' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'iconText': '▼' }) ' ' nb-button({ 'icon': 'link' 'content': 'Открыть' })
nb-button({ 'disabled': true() 'content': 'Disabled' }