From LeetCode:
There is a new alien language which uses the latin alphabet. However, the order among letters is unknown to you. You receive a list of non-empty words from the dictionary, where words are sorted lexicographically by the rules of this new language. Derive the order of letters in this language.
Input: ["wrt", "wrf", "er", "ett", "rftt"] Output: "wertf"Input: ["z","x","z"] Output: "" # No valid ordering
View walkthrough:
def alien_dictionary(words):
n = len(words)
# Init nodes
nodes = {}
for word in words:
for c in word:
if c not in nodes:
nodes[c] = Node(c)
# Build graph
for i in range(n-1):
for c1, c2 in zip(words[i], words[i+1]):
if c1 == c2:
elif c1 != c2:
for label in nodes:
print(label, nodes[label].to)
# Run topo sort
visiting = set()
res = []
def topo_sort(label):
node = nodes[label]
for v_label in
if v_label in visiting:
return False
if v_label in nodes:
if topo_sort(v_label) is False:
return False
del nodes[label]
while nodes:
label = next(iter(nodes))
if topo_sort(label) is False:
return ""
return ''.join(res)
From LeetCode:
You are given a binary tree in which each node contains an integer value. Find the number of paths that sum to a given value. The path does not need to start or end at the root or a leaf, but it must go downwards (traveling only from parent nodes to child nodes).
Input: """ 10 / \ 5 -3 / \ \ 3 2 11 / \ \ 3 -2 1 """ 8 Output: 3 # 1: 1 -> 5 -> 3 # 2: 5 -> 2 -> 1 # 3: -3 -> 11
View walkthrough:
class Node:
def __init__(self, val, left, right):
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
def get_num_of_matching_paths(tree, target_sum):
res = 0
pathsums = collections.defaultdict(int)
def traverse(subtree, curr_sum=0):
nonlocal target_sum
nonlocal res
if not subtree:
curr_sum += subtree.val
if curr_sum == target_sum:
res += 1
if curr_sum - target_sum in pathsums:
res += pathsums[curr_sum-target_sum]
pathsums[curr_sum] += 1
traverse(subtree.left, curr_sum)
traverse(subtree.right, curr_sum)
pathsums[curr_sum] -= 1
return res
From EPI:
Merge two binary search trees into a single binary search tree.
Input: """ 5 / \ 3 7 4 / \ 2 6 """ Output: """ 5 / \ 3 7 / \ / 2 4 6 """
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def convert_bst_to_list(tree):
def traverse(subtree):
if not subtree:
return None, None
head = tail = subtree
if subtree.left:
left_head, left_tail = traverse(subtree.left)
head = left_head
# left_tail <-> subtree
left_tail.right, subtree.left = subtree, left_tail
if subtree.right:
right_head, right_tail = traverse(subtree.right)
tail = right_tail
# subtree <-> right_head
subtree.right, right_head.left = right_head, subtree
head.left = tail.right = None
return head, tail
head, tail = traverse(tree)
return head
def merge_lists(L1, L2):
runner1 = L1
runner2 = L2
head = runner3 = Node()
while runner1 and runner2:
if <=
runner1_right = runner1.right
runner3.right = runner1
runner1.left, runner1.right = runner3, None
runner1 = runner1_right
runner2_right = runner2.right
runner3.right = runner2
runner2.left, runner2.right = runner3, None
runner2 = runner2_right
runner3 = runner3.right
if runner1:
runner3.right = runner1
runner1.left = runner3
elif runner2:
runner3.right = runner2
runner2.left = runner3
return head.right
def convert_list_to_bst(L):
length = 0
runner = L
while runner:
length += 1
runner = runner.right
runner = L
def traverse(start, last):
nonlocal runner
if not start <= last:
return None
mid = (start + last + 1) // 2
left = traverse(start, mid-1)
node = runner
runner = runner.right
right = traverse(mid+1, last)
node.left, node.right = left, right
return node
return traverse(0, length-1)
def merge_two_bsts(T1, T2):
L1 = convert_bst_to_list(T1)
L2 = convert_bst_to_list(T2)
L3 = merge_lists(L1, L2)
return convert_list_to_bst(L3)
From Daily Coding Problem / LeetCode:
Given a string, split it into as few strings as possible such that each string is a palindrome. For example, given the input string
, return["racecar", "anna", "kayak"]
.Input: "racecarannakayak" Output: ["racecar", "anna", "kayak"]
View walkthrough:
import collections
Entry = collections.namedtuple('Entry', ('start', 'count'))
def partition(s):
DP = [Entry(i, i+1) for i in range(len(s))]
def expand(left, right):
nonlocal s
if s[left] != s[right]:
while 0 <= left and right <= len(s) - 1:
if s[left] == s[right]:
entry = Entry(
DP[left-1].count + 1 if left - 1 >= 0 else 1
DP[right] = min([
DP[right], entry
], key=lambda e: e.count)
left -= 1
right += 1
for i in range(len(s)):
expand(i, i)
if i + 1 <= len(s) - 1:
expand(i, i+1)
res, i = [], len(s)-1
while i >= 0:
entry = DP[i]
i = entry.start - 1
return res[::-1]
From LeetCode:
Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line.
Input: [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]] Output: 3 """ Explanation: ^ | | o | o | o +-------------> 0 1 2 3 4 """Input: [[1, 1], [3, 2], [5, 3], [4, 1], [2, 3], [1, 4]] Output: 4 """ Explanation: ^ | | o | o o | o | o o +-------------------> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 """
View walkthrough:
def max_points(points):
n = len(points)
global_max = 0
for i in range(n):
lines = collections.defaultdict(int)
overlaps = 1
local_max = 1
for j in range(i+1, n):
dy = points[j][1] - points[i][1]
dx = points[j][0] - points[i][0]
if dy == 0 and dx == 0:
overlaps += 1
local_max += 1
gradient = None
if dy == 0:
gradient = Gradient(0, 1)
elif dx == 0:
gradient = Gradient(1, 0)
if dx < 0:
dy, dx = -dy, -dx
gcd = math.gcd(dy, dx)
gradient = Gradient(dy / gcd, dx / gcd)
lines[gradient] += 1
local_max = max(local_max, lines[gradient] + overlaps)
global_max = max(global_max, local_max)
return global_max
From EPI:
Find the longest non-contiguous, non-decreasing subsequence in an array of numbers.
Input: [4, 0, 5, 5, 7, 6, 7] Output: 5 # Example: 4 5 5 7 7
View walkthrough:
def longest_nondecreasing_subsequence_length(A):
n = len(A)
SL = sortedcontainers.SortedList(key=lambda e: e.last_val)
for x in A:
new_entry = ActiveSeq(x, 1)
i = SL.bisect_right(new_entry)
if i == 0:
prev_entry = SL[i-1]
new_entry = ActiveSeq(x, prev_entry.length + 1)
if prev_entry.last_val == x:
new_entry_idx = SL.index(new_entry)
while (
len(SL) >= new_entry_idx + 2 and
SL[new_entry_idx+1].length <= new_entry.length
return SL[-1].length
From LeetCode:
Reverse the nodes of a linked list,
at a time, and return the modified list.
is a positive integer. It is less than or equal to the length of the linked list. If the number of nodes is not a multiple ofk
, any left-out nodes at the end should remain as they are.Input: head = 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5, k = 2 Output: 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5 Input: head = 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5, k = 3 Output: 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 5Notes:
- Only constant extra memory is allowed.
- You may not alter the values in the list's nodes, only nodes themselves may be changed.
View walkthrough:
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x = None
def reverse_list_in_groups_of_k(head, k):
runner = sentinel = ListNode(None) = head
# Get length
length = 0
runner =
length += 1
# Determine number of groups
num_groups = length // k
# Reset runner
runner = sentinel
for _ in range(num_groups):
prehead = runner
backrunner, frontrunner =,
for _ in range(k-1):
frontrunner_next = = backrunner
backrunner, frontrunner = frontrunner, frontrunner_next = frontrunner
runner = = backrunner