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Secure Development With Docker — DockerCon 2023 workshop

Setup the workshop platform


  • git
  • Docker Desktop 4.24.0 or greater
  • Docker Hub account $ORG

Docker Desktop must be configured to use containerd. In Docker Desktop, go to the Settings (⚙️ icon) > Features in development and make sure the box next to "Use containerd for pulling and storing images". If you changed the setting, click the "Apply & Restart" button.

Docker Desktop settings


Conventions: $ORG is the name of the Docker Hub account you will use. It can be a personal or a team one. Better if you have full ownership on it.

  1. Clone the repository on your local machine

  2. (optional) export ORG environment variable so you can more easily copy/paste commands

    export ORG=<your organization namespace>
  3. Configure organization for Docker Scout

    docker scout config organization $ORG
  4. Copy env.dist file to .env

  5. Edit .env and set NAMESPACE to $ORG

  6. Enroll your organization to Docker Scout

    docker scout enroll $ORG
  7. Checkout Hands-On #1

    git checkout hands-on-1
  8. Build demo images

    docker compose --profile images build

    This command will build two images we will explore. To know more about how they are built look at ./docker-compose.yml and ./backend/Dockerfile that contains the build definitions.

    In case of network issues, you can also build the following image that is prebuilt and don't need extra dependencies.

    docker compose --profile low_network build

Hands-on #1: Remediating vulnerabilities

Reset git repository

git reset --hard hands-on-1

Base Image Fix (Docker Desktop)

  1. Open Docker Desktop and select the image $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

  2. Take the time to explore the different information displayed on this page

    • Image hierarchy, layers and the Images tab
    • Vulnerabilities
    • Packages
  3. Select your base image and explore vulnerabilities specific to the base image. Then select "Recommendations for base image…" in the "Recommended fixes" dropdown in the upper right portion of the window.

  4. Select Change base image and set the current image to 3.14

  5. Open frontend/Dockerfile in your favorite file editor and apply the "Tag is preferred tag" recommendation, i.e., change the FROM line to

    FROM alpine:3.18
  6. (optional) Update the tag to v2 in docker-compose.yml

  7. Rebuild the image

    docker compose --profile scout-demo-service build
  8. Open the image inside Desktop and see the impact of your change

Base Image Fix (Docker Scout CLI)

  1. Run docker scout cves command against the image you just built:

    docker scout cves $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

  2. (optional) Explore the filters options from docker scout cves command

  3. (optional) See vulnerable packages only

    docker scout cves --format only-packages --only-vuln-packages $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

  4. Explore base image recommendations using docker scout recommendations

    -> specify the tag upfront, like we selected it in Docker Desktop

    docker scout recommendations --tag 3.14 $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

  5. Apply the "Tag is preferred tag" recommendation to the frontend/Dockerfile

  6. (optional) Update the tag to v2 in docker-compose.yml

  7. Rebuild the image

    docker compose --profile scout-demo-service build
  8. Run docker scout cves command against the image you just built and see the changes:

    docker scout cves $ORG/scout-demo-service:v2

  9. Compare the two images to see the differences:

    docker scout compare $ORG/scout-demo-service:v2 --to $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

Application Dependency Fix

  1. Explore the still existing vulnerabilities: (Desktop or CLI)
    • find vulnerable package
    • find fix version
  2. Update package.json to upgrade the dependency
  3. (optional) Update the tag to v3 in docker-compose.yml
  4. Rebuild the image
  5. Explore the built image to see what changed
    • using Desktop
    • using CLI

Extra Command

  1. Get a quick overview of your image, including vulnerabilities and recommendations

    docker scout quickview $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

Extra Image

Repeat the above steps for the $ORG/scout-demo-service-back:v1 image (or any other image you have).

Hand-on #2: Using Docker Scout to connect your data model

Reset git repository

git reset --hard hands-on-2

Registry - Integration

Create repositories

Go to and create repositories for the images you will push

  • $ORG/scout-demo-service
  • $ORG/scout-demo-service-back

Enable repositories for Docker Scout

Option 1: Use Docker Scout Dashboard

  1. Go to
  2. Select your organization in the dropdown next to your user
  3. Open the settings menu (⚙️ icon) and select Repository settings
  4. Select the repository to enable and enable it

Option 2: Docker Hub Integration using the CLI

docker scout repo enable $ORG/scout-demo-service
docker scout repo enable $ORG/scout-demo-service-back

Push images

  1. Push an image to Hub

    docker push $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1
  2. Browse and see your images (this might take up to a few minutes)

Analyze images

Reproduce the exploratory steps from Hands-on #1 on Find vulnerabilities, package information and compare your images.

You can build and push the different versions of the images you previously built (with vulnerabilities or with fixes). Or simply push the fixes you built in the first hands-on exercise.

docker push $ORG/scout-demo-service:v3

Record images to an environment

  1. Record the image to an environment (adapt to your registry)

    docker scout environment staging registry://$ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

    This will explicitly record the image that has been pushed to a registry, to the environment staging.

  2. Investigate environment information from the CLI

    docker scout environment
    docker scout environment staging
  3. Compare your fixed local image to the one recorded as part of the staging environment

    docker scout compare local://$ORG/scout-demo-service:v3 --to-env staging

  4. Browse

    • find images recorded to an environment
    • find vulnerabilities and packages in an environment
    • compare images between versions and/or environments

  5. Record v3 to the staging environment

    docker scout environment staging registry://$ORG/scout-demo-service:v3
  6. Verify you have no vulnerabilities in staging at > Vulnerabilities and select the staging environment

  7. Browse available integrations on > Settings (⚙️ icon) > Integrations

Hand-on #3: Explore & add provenance & SBOMs using Buildkit & Docker Scout

Reset git repository

git reset --hard hands-on-3

Provenance Attestation

Remember the --tag flag when we explore the base image recommendations or the dropdown to pick the right one in the UI?

docker scout recommendations --tag 3.14 $ORG/scout-demo-service:v1

This tag was needed because the base image exists under different tag (latest, 3, 3.14 at least) and the information contained in the image are not sufficient to pick the right one.

So let's fix that.

  1. We have added a new command to the end of the frontend/Dockerfile so it gets rebuilt, but quickly


    (this line was introduced when you reset to the hands-on-3 tag above)

  2. Build a new image with the provenance attestation

    ( cd frontend && \
      docker build -t $ORG/scout-demo-service:provenance \
        --provenance=mode=max --push . )
  3. Get recommendations about the image that has been pushed

    docker scout recommendations registry://$ORG/scout-demo-service:provenance

    This time you didn't provided the --tag and it picked the right one!

    Base image is alpine:3.14

  4. How did it do that? Let's look at the provenance.

    docker buildx imagetools inspect $ORG/scout-demo-service:provenance \
      --format '{{ json .Provenance.SLSA }}'

    (note we are extracting an element called SLSA!) That is a lot of information. Let's focus on information about the base image. One place to see that is in the first element of the llbDefinition array:

    docker buildx imagetools inspect $ORG/scout-demo-service:provenance \
      --format '{{ json .Provenance.SLSA }}' | jq '.buildConfig.llbDefinition[0]'

    (requires the jq command) See how the identifier has the exact SHA used as the base image?

Note on push and registry://

We need to access the provenance attestation from the image. It's written at the level of the Image Index (same as for multi-arch images). The local Docker daemon doesn't allow currently to easily access those information.

But they are available from registries. So when pushed, all these extra information will be available and CLI or tools will be able to use them.


When an image is used on the CLI or pushed to one of the first steps is to index it. It means to go through the image and find all the packages for instance.

It also means this action might be performed multiple times, like if we want to see the vulnerabilities of the image from different computers.

But it's possible to generate SBOM at the build time and push it along with the image. That way, whatever the size of the initial image, we will only require the SBOM (enhanced with provenance if available) and it will make all the CLI actions faster and be sure the information displayed on are the right ones.

  1. Change the value of the environment variable at the end of frontend/Dockerfile so the image gets rebuilt and pushed, quickly

  2. Build a new image with an SBOM attestation (and keep the provenance!)

    ( cd frontend && \
      docker build -t $ORG/scout-demo-service:attests \
        --sbom=generator=docker/scout-sbom-indexer \
        --provenance=mode=max --push . )
  3. Run any docker scout CLI command, e.g.,

    docker scout quickview $ORG/scout-demo-service:attests

    and you should see:

    ✓ Provenance obtained from attestation ✓ SBOM obtained from attestation, 79 packages indexed

    This means we only get the SBOM from the attestation, and we are not indexing locally the image anymore. It's faster and more accurate.

Explore SBOM

  1. Extract the SBOM in SPDX format:

    docker scout sbom --format spdx registry://$ORG/scout-demo-service:attests

    That is a lot of process. Let's look at some more useful format options.

  2. Display packages of the image:

    docker scout sbom --format list registry://$ORG/scout-demo-service:attests

  3. Display vulnerable packages:

    docker scout cves --format only-packages --only-vuln-packages registry://$ORG/scout-demo-service:attests

Hands-on #4: Getting back into compliance with Docker Scout

Reset git repository

git reset --hard hands-on-4

Explore policy

Up to now, we've focused on single images. Now let's see how policy highlights concerns across all our images.

  1. Build and push both images in the app.

    ( cd frontend && \
      docker build -t $ORG/scout-demo-service:4 \
        --sbom=generator=docker/scout-sbom-indexer \
        --provenance=mode=max --push . )
    ( cd backend && \
      docker build -t $ORG/scout-demo-service-back:4 \
        --sbom=generator=docker/scout-sbom-indexer \
        --provenance=mode=max --push . )
  2. View policy status for a single image using the CLI

    docker scout policy $ORG/scout-demo-service-back:4

    scout policy backend

  3. Go to and click on "Policies EA" at the top

    scout policy web site

  4. Explore the "Critical and high vulnerabilities with fixes" policy and view the details on the $ORG/scout-demo-service

Improve policy compliance

  1. From looking through the layers before, we know how to fix that. Let's update the base image in frontend/Dockerfile:

    FROM alpine:3.18
  2. Now rebuild, incrementing the tag

    ( cd frontend && \
      docker build -t $ORG/scout-demo-service:4.1 \
        --sbom=generator=docker/scout-sbom-indexer \
        --provenance=mode=max --load . )
  3. Note we did not push the image in the previous step. Entirely locally, we can see if we have improve policy compliance using the compare command we used previously when focusing on fixing vulnerabilities

    docker scout compare $ORG/scout-demo-service:4.1 --to $ORG/scout-demo-service:4

    scout policy compare 0 scout policy compare 1

    Scrolling past the Overview to the Policies section of the output, you can see you improved two policies without pushing images or running CI.

  4. We see from the above command that while we are now compliant with the "All critical vulnerabilities", we are still not in compliance with the "Critical and high vulnerabilities with fixes" policy, there are still two high vulnerabilities. From our first hands-on earlier today, we know how to fix that too. Update the express dependency in frontend/package.json to version 4.17.3 and rebuild the image.

    ( cd frontend && \
      docker build -t $ORG/scout-demo-service:4.2 \
        --sbom=generator=docker/scout-sbom-indexer \
        --provenance=mode=max --load . )
  5. Run the compare command again to see if we are fully compliant

    docker scout compare $ORG/scout-demo-service:4.2 --to $ORG/scout-demo-service:4
  6. That did the trick, so push the image

    docker push $ORG/scout-demo-service:4.2
  7. Go to

    scout policy web fix

Extra Image

Repeat the above steps for the $ORG/scout-demo-service-back image (or any other image you have).