- fix: phoenix router instropection too slow on big projects
- fix: phoenix router instropection fail on module Hex.API
- fix: more warning fixes
- fix: manager multi router routes on telemetry and sentry events
- fix: minor fixes
- feature: adding request context on sentry and telemetry events
- feature: small refactors on Jail module, documentation and accessors (list banned ip functions, ...)
- chore: remove router requirement, this was not a good idea !
- feature: new telemetry event [:phoenix_ddos, :request, :new]
- minor readme fixes
- chore: improve bulk cachex incr performance
- feature: http method filter on PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimitPerRequestPath
- start to supply changelog file :)
- various sentry notification payload fixes
- improve performances & scaling on blocklist/whitelist ips
Project kickoff