import { ActionButton } from 'react-native-material-ui';
render() {
<ActionButton /> // default with icon (default icon is +)
<ActionButton icon="done" /> // with done icon
const propTypes = {
* Array of names of icons (or elements) that will be shown after the main button is pressed
* Remember, you should specify key for each element, if you use array of elements
actions: PropTypes.oneOfType([
icon: PropTypes.oneOfType([
label: PropTypes.string,
name: PropTypes.string,
* Called when button is pressed. Text is passed as param
onPress: PropTypes.func,
* Called when button is long pressed. Text is passed as param
onLongPress: PropTypes.func,
* Set true if you want to hide action button
hidden: PropTypes.bool,
* If specified it'll be shown before text
icon: PropTypes.oneOfType([
* Leave it empty if you don't want any transition after press. Otherwise, it will be transformed
* to another view - depends on transition value.
transition: PropTypes.oneOf(['toolbar', 'speedDial']),
* You can override any style for this button
style: PropTypes.shape({
container: View.propTypes.style,
icon: Text.propTypes.style,
positionContainer: View.propTypes.style,
// Toolbar styles
toolbarContainer: View.propTypes.style,
toolbarActionContainer: View.propTypes.style,
// Speed Dial styles
speedDialActionIcon: View.propTypes.style,
speedDialActionLabel: Text.propTypes.style,
speedDialActionLabelContainer: View.propTypes.style