XMake supports the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h
to look over some builtin plugins of xmake
l, lua Run the lua script.
m, macro Run the given macro.
doxygen Generate the doxygen document.
hello Hello xmake!
project Create the project file.
- lua: Run a given lua script.
- macro: Record and playback some xmake commands repeatably.
- doxygen:Generate doxygen document automatically.
- hello: The demo plugin and only print: 'hello xmake!'
- project:Generate project file for IDE, and now it can generate make, cmake, vs, xcode (need cmake), ninja project file and compile_commands.json and compile_flags.txt
Now we write a simple plugin demo for printing 'hello xmake!'
-- define a plugin task
-- set the category for showing it in plugin category menu (optional)
-- the main entry of the plugin
on_run(function ()
-- print 'hello xmake!'
print("hello xmake!")
-- set the menu options, but we put empty options now.
set_menu {
-- usage
usage = "xmake hello [options]"
-- description
, description = "Hello xmake!"
-- options
, options = {}
The file tree of this plugin:
|-- hello
| |-- xmake.lua
| notice no xmake.lua in plugins directory
Now one of the most simple plugin finished, how was it to be xmake detected it, there are three ways:
- Put this plugin directory into xmake/plugins the source codes as the builtin plugin.
- Put this plugin directory into ~/.xmake/plugins as the global user plugin.
- Put this plugin directory (hello) to the
directory of the current project and calladd_plugindirs("plugins")
in xmake.lua as the local project plugin.
Next we run this plugin
xmake hello
The results is
hello xmake!
Finally, we can also run this plugin in the custom scripts of xmake.lua
-- run this plugin after building target
after_build(function (target)
-- import task module
-- run the plugin task