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File metadata and controls

129 lines (93 loc) · 4.75 KB


NuGet version (pod.xledger.sql-server)

babashka pod for SQL Server. If you are scripting with babashka, and need to talk to SQL Server via Integrated Authentication, this pod is for you.


  1. Make sure you have dotnet installed:
  2. Install this project as a dotnet tool. Either:
  • Globally (easiest): dotnet tool install --global pod.xledger.sql_server
  • Locally:
    1. Create a tool manifest: dotnet new tool-manifest
    2. Install this project as a local tool: dotnet tool install pod.xledger.sql_server


(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])

;; If you installed the tool globally:
(pods/load-pod ["pod_xledger_sql_server"])
;; If you installed it locally:
;; (pods/load-pod ["dotnet" "tool" "run" "pod_xledger_sql_server"])

(require '[pod.xledger.sql-server :as sql])

(sql/execute! {
   :connection-string "Data;Application Name=my.script;Initial Catalog=my_db_name;Integrated Security=True" 
   :command-text "select top 1 * from sys.objects"
   :multi-rs true  ;; Return multiple result sets, or just the first?

=> [[{:is_schema_published false, :object_id 3, :type_desc "SYSTEM_TABLE", :modify_date "2014-02-20T20:48:35.277", :name "sysrscols", :create_date "2014-02-20T20:48:35.27", :parent_object_id 0, :principal_id nil, :type "S ", :is_ms_shipped true, :is_published false, :schema_id 4}]]

;; When you expect only 1 row:

(sql/execute-one! {
   :connection-string "Data;Application Name=my.script;Initial Catalog=my_db_name;Integrated Security=True"
   :command-text "select top 1 * from sys.objects where object_id = @object_id"
   :parameters {:object_id 3}})

=> {:is_schema_published false, :object_id 3, :type_desc "SYSTEM_TABLE", :modify_date "2014-02-20T20:48:35.277", :name "sysrscols", :create_date "2014-02-20T20:48:35.27", :parent_object_id 0, :principal_id nil, :type "S ", :is_ms_shipped true, :is_published false, :schema_id 4}

;; JSON output support (FOR JSON PATH)

(sql/execute! {
   :connection-string "Data;Application Name=my.script;Initial Catalog=my_db_name;Integrated Security=True"
   :command-text "
declare @People as table (
    id int primary key,
    [name] nvarchar(255),
    dad_id int    

insert into @People([id], [name], dad_id)
values (1, 'Bob', null),
       (2, 'John', 1),
       (3, 'Jack', 2),
       (4, 'Jill', 2);

select a.*,
    JSON_QUERY((select * from @People b where a.dad_id = for json path, without_array_wrapper)) as dad,
    (select * from @People b where = b.dad_id for json path) as children
from @People a
where id = 2 /* John */
for json path"})

=> [{:id 2, :name "John", :dad_id 1, 
     :dad {:id 1, :name "Bob"}, 
     :children [{:id 3, :name "Jack", :dad_id 2} {:id 4, :name "Jill", :dad_id 2}]}]

Running with .NET Core

This pod can be used with .NET Core and was tested on macOS as follows:

  • Clone repo. Compile with dotnet build.

  • Start SQL Server in a Docker container:

    $ docker run --rm -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=yourStrongPassword1234' -e 'MSSQL_PID=Express' -p 1433:1433
  • Execute the following babashka script:

(require '[babashka.pods :as pods]
         '[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]])

(def pod (pods/load-pod ["pod_xledger_sql_server"]))

(require '[pod.xledger.sql-server :as sql])

 (sql/execute! {:connection-string "Server=localhost;User Id=SA;Password=yourStrongPassword1234;"
                :command-text "select top 10 name from sys.objects"
                :multi-rs true

;; Required with babashka <= 0.2.2 to kill dotnet process
(pods/unload-pod (:pod/id pod))

This will print:

[[{:name "sysrscols"}
  {:name "sysrowsets"}
  {:name "sysclones"}
  {:name "sysallocunits"}
  {:name "sysfiles1"}
  {:name "sysseobjvalues"}
  {:name "sysmatrixages"}
  {:name "syspriorities"}
  {:name "sysdbfrag"}
  {:name "sysfgfrag"}]]

Design issues:

Why not copy the jdbc API more closely?

We prefer passing arguments by name instead of position, and supporting the positional argument approach would require rewriting the SQL before sending it the the database.

Why do it as a pod?

Using SQL Server with Integration Authentication requires a native dependency, which is probably hard to get working with Graal.