
Release 0.8.0 (2013-11-11)
    [FIX] no longer masks direction and distance data by
          images, so we can parse it directly from HTML.

Release 0.7.10 (2013-01-16)
    [FIX] Fix parsing of Long Description in cache details.

Release 0.7.9 (2011-11-30)
    [FIX] Fix parsing of LatLon data in cache details.

Release 0.7.8 (2011-11-04)
    [FIX] Malformed HTTP Location header send by

Release 0.7.7 (2011-10-12)
    [CHG] New parsing of logs - only 25 latest logs are parsed (for now).
    [FIX] login form change.

Release 0.7.6 (2011-08-23)
    [FIX] webpage layout update.

Release 0.7.5 (2011-07-17)
    [FIX] webpage layout update.

Release 0.7.4 (2011-05-17)
    [FIX] Handling of download errors.

Release 0.7.3 (2011-05-05)
    [FIX] webpage layout update.

Release 0.7.2 (2011-04-03)
    [CHG] Use pypng for OCR.

Release 0.7.0 (2011-03-21)
    [CHG] Major refactoring, see for more details.

Release 0.6.0 (2010-11-14)
    [ADD] HTTPDatasource: Store download stats in data_dir.
    [CHG] Major refactoring, more descriptive doc strings.

Release 0.5.2 (2010-11-10)
    [FIX] webpage layout update.

Release 0.5.1 (2010-09-24)
    [ADD] SeekParser: parse province, country instead of 'location'.

Release 0.5.0 (2010-09-23)
    [ADD] CacheParser: add parsing of logs.
    [ADD] SeekParser: add searching by owner, or found by user.

Release 0.4.9 (2010-09-02)
    [ADD] CacheParser: parse more information about PMonly caches.
    [FIX] webpage layout update.

Release 0.4.8 (2010-07-30)
    [FIX] MyFindsParser: webpage layout update.
    [FIX] SeekParser: 'Here' compass bug.

Release 0.4.7 (2010-07-14)
    [FIX] PMonly cache parse waypoint.

Release 0.4.6 (2010-07-01)
    [FIX] Fix cache guid, owner id parsing.

Release 0.4.5 (2010-06-07)
    [FIX] Fix parsing of province, country.

Release 0.4.4 (2010-06-06)
    [FIX] webpage layout update.

Release 0.4.3 (2010-04-30)
    [FIX] SeekParser: Make it work with latest website structure.

Release 0.4.2 (2010-02-06)
    [CHG] CacheParser: autodetect usage of guid or waypoint (BC break!).
    [FIX] Fetcher: Catch only IOError exception.

Release 0.4.1 (2010-02-05)
    [FIX] SeekParser: cacheCount typo.
    [FIX] Fetcher: Catch download errors, on fail retry after few seconds.

Release 0.4 (2010-02-01)
    [ADD] SeekParser: new parser for searching caches by coordinates.
    [FIX] CacheParser: parse waypoint for PM only caches.

Release 0.3.1 (2010-01-13)
    [FIX] Cache parser: revert changes in size data source.

Release 0.3 (2010-01-13)
    [CHG] Better limitation of fetching from
    [FIX] MyFinds parser: attended/webcam log types.
    [FIX] Cache parser: event date (thanks to Ruda Hamak).
    [FIX] Cache parser: login bug on PM only caches.
    [FIX] Cache parser: "Unknown Cache" -> "Mystery/Puzzle Cache"
    [FIX] webpage layout update.

Release 0.2 (2009-09-09)
    [ADD] EditProfile parser.

Release 0.1.2 (2009-09-09)
    [FIX] Better source for parsing size attribute in Cache details.
    [FIX] Few minor bugfixes.

Release 0.1.1 (2009-09-07)
    [ADD] Example script.
    [CHG] Better Parsers handling: it is possible to register own Parser, and
          all parsers are now called via parse(name, args) method.
    [FIX] Few minor bugfixes.

Release 0.1 (2009-09-05)
    [ADD] MyFinds and Cache parsers.