Create a carousel component by code block. You can customize some of the configuration of the carousel image.
This plugin is implemented base on top of Embla Carousel. The configuration provided below is also implemented with reference to the examples given by Embla Carousel.
The configuration name is case insensitive.
config | value | explain |
folder | path/to/images/folder | Used to locate pictures. Can be used with config 『images』. You can have multiple 『folder』. |
images | path/to/image1, path/to/image2 | The path is an absolute path. Paths to different images are separated by commas. |
height | 25rem | Height of carousel component. Default is 25rem. |
loop | true/false | Images loop or not. Default is false. |
direction | ltr/rtl | Left to right or right to left. Default is ltr. |
slidessize | eg. 100%/50%/33.3% | Size of each image. Default is 100%. |
slidesToScroll | 'auto' or number | The number of images skipped per page turn. auto indicates that the value is automatically set. You can also set the number yourself. Default is 'auto'. |
dragfree | true/false | Represents whether images are automatically adsorbed when you drag and drop them. Default is false. |
align | start/center/end | The position where the image is adsorbed in the viewport. start indicates the adsorption on the left side. Default is center |
axis | x/y | Represents the direction of the roll. Default is x. |
autoplay | true/false | When set to true, carousel will automatically skip to the next image every 3s. Default is false. |
autoscroll | true/false | When set to true, carousel will automatically scroll to the next image every 3s. Default is false. |
fade | true/false | When switching images, the switching style is changed from scroll to fade. |
arrowbutton | true/false | You can hide arrow buttons by setting Arrowbutton: false . Default is true. |
folder: path/to/images/folder
images: p/t/i1, p/t/i2, p/t/i3
height: 30rem
loop: true
SlidesSize: 50%
dragfree: true
axis: x
autoplay: true
fade: false
folder: images
height: 13rem
slidessize: 33.3%
align: start
loop: true