[git] # URI of the build-history repository to use # build history will not be created if omitted or empty xt_history_uri = ssh://git@gitpct.epam.com/epmd-aepr/build-history.git # URI of the build-manifest repository to use xt_manifest_uri = https://github.com/xen-troops/meta-xt-products.git [path] # this shall be fast drive for doing most of the build on workspace_base_dir = /home/xtfs/build-workspace # place where we store files which can be re-used, artifacts storage workspace_storage_base_dir = /home/xtfs/storage # place where we store SSTATE_DIR and ccache workspace_cache_base_dir = /home/xtfs/storage/tmp [local_conf] # correct path to the eva archives set XT_RCAR_EVAPROPRIETARY_DIR = "/path/to/eva/archives" # guests domains which to be built and installed XT_GUESTS_INSTALL = "domu" XT_GUESTS_BUILD = "domu"