December was a month of considerable progress, with developer activity, as always, in full swing. Politeia approved proposals are also gaining momentum, with Ditto personnel joining the comms channels to work on messaging and plans for 2019 with the broader community. The high points for the month in Decred:
- Release candidates of core software v1.4.0 are available for download on GitHub. This software includes a smart fee estimator, a critical element to support Lightning Network.
- Mobile wallet progress is robust, with the release of Android and testing for iOS. dcrandroid: v1.0.0 release candidate 2 is available on Google Play for mainnet and testnet. (
- Ditto began PR work in earnest. Trey published Ditto's big picture look at 2019 and the strategy for Decred. Following that a survey was held on Reddit asking for community input on marketing. jy-p and Dustorf traveled to NYC to onboard Ditto and hold Decred's first NYC Meetup, and work has already begun on messaging.
- Decred held major events in NYC, Mexico City, and Toronto, and will attend events in the coming months in Taipei, Singapore, Warsaw, Miami, Atlanta, Rio de Janeiro, and Guadalajara. More details here. {link}
- December marked the major integrations of hardware wallet companies Ledger and Cobo. Decred is now available on Ledger Live and marks the first native Ledger Live integration since its launch. Read more here (@LedgerHQ)
- Three new proposals were submitted to Politeia in December, and the Decred Bug Bounty Program passed, allowing for compensation of up to $25,000 payable in Decred to anyone who identifies bugs {vulnerabilities?} in Decred. More info
- Decred in the Media. Highlights for the month included an extensive interview of Murad Mahmudov on Tone Vays' YouTube show, Decred founded pronouncing the Death of the ICO, and @Haon's piece on Decred Fork Resistance. Full media list here.
Dev activity stats for December: 230 active PRs, 196 master commits, 33K added and 106K deleted lines spread across 8 repositories. Contributions came from 3-9 developers per repository.
In December the Treasury received 17,016 DCR, spent 12,570 DCR, and ended with a balance of 594,458 DCR.
December Hashrate open: 167 Ph/s and closed: 183 Ph/s, max: 207 Ph/s min: 110 Ph/s. More info, including stakepool distribution can be found at
Staking: 30-day average ticket price was 103 DCR (+0) per Min: 101 DCR, max: 107 DCR.
Nodes: As of Jan 1 there were 192 public listening nodes and 253 normal ones per Version distribution: 1.5% are v1.5.0(pre) dev builds, 1.8% on v1.4.0(rc1), 5.3% on v1.4.0(pre) (-1.2%), 55% on v1.3.0 (+5%), 20% on v1.2.0 (-5%), 10% on v1.1.2 (-1%), 4% on v1.1.0 (-1%).
In December DCR was trading between USD 14.2-21.4 / BTC 0.0042-0.0058. The average daily rate was $17.5.
Decred is set for continued expansion and acceleration through 2019. Happy New Year to all readers, we'll see you next month!
This is the 1st issue of the Decred Newsletter. {maybe keep numbering consistent with full DJ, e.g. "This is the short version of 9th issue of Decred Journal"}
All information is truncated from the Deccred Journal. The authors of Decred Journal have no ability to verify all claims. Please beware of scams and do your own research.
Your feedback and contributions are welcome on Reddit, GitHub and Matrix.
Credits (alphabetical order): bee, Dustorf, guang, Haon, kozel, liz_bagot, oregonisaac, raedah, richardred, saender, zubairzia0.