A lot of files in this project are not commited into the repo and you have to set them up properly first.
- rename the sample file provided in the same path.android/app/google-services.json
- create this from Firebase console. This is for push notification and google sign-in.android/app/key.jks
- apk signing key, you can create this by yourself.android/key.properties
- credentials for the key above. guide here.lib/src/core/in-app-purchase.dart
- rename the sample file provided in the same path.lib/src/core/mal.client.dart
- rename the sample file provided in the same path.lib/src/core/api_key.dart
- rename the sample file provided in the same path.
Once you have all the files set up. You can try to run flutter run
or flutter build
NOTE: This flutter app has not been set up for iOS yet.
The backend for this app is currently closed-source. I provided mock data using mock services in the code. You can test the functions through them instead.
I will also try to update the mock data from time to time.
You can send push notification through FCM api.
Since the backend is closed-source, the type of contribution you'll probably be able to do are mostly frontend stuffs. Like design improvements or user-experience.