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/genomic_epidemiology_2018_schedule |
Genomic Epidemiology |
Workshop Pages for Students |
Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology |
/site_images/CBW_wshop-epidem_map-icon.png |
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | |||
8:30 | Registration and Breakfast | 8:30 | Breakfast | 8:30 | Breakfast |
9:00 | Welcome (Ann) | 9:00 | Module 4: Antimicrobial Resistance Genes (Andrew) | 9:00 | Module 6: Emerging Pathogen Detection and Identification using Metagenomics Samples (Gary) |
9:30 | Module 1: Introduction to Public Health Microbiology and Genomic Epidemiology (Will) | ||||
11:00 | Coffee Break | 10:00 | Coffee Break | 10:00 | Coffee Break |
11:30 | Module 2: Pathogen Genomic Analysis I (Gary) | 10:30 | Module 4 - lab | 10:30 | Module 6 - lab |
12:30 | Lunch | 12:30 | Lunch | 12:30 | Lunch |
1:30 | Module 2 - lab | 1:30 | Module 5: Phylogeographic Analysis (Rob) | 1:30 | Module 7: Data Visualization (Anamaria) |
2:30 | Module 3: Pathogen Genomic Analysis II (Ed) | ||||
3:30 | Coffee Break | 2:30 | Coffee Break | 2:30 | Coffee Break |
4:00 | Module 3 - lab | 3:00 | Module 5 - lab | 3:00 | Module 7 - lab |
5:00 | Dinner | 5:00 | Dinner | 5:00 | Concluding Discussion and Survey |
6:00 | Keynote: Open Bioinformatics Takes Centre Stage in Infectious Disease (Fiona) | ||||
7:30 | Integrated Assignment | 6:00 | Integrated Assignment |