All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Parse number values (height and width) in supportedViewports for Alexa Skill Manifest
- Update nvmrc on Javascript project to v10
- Added nvmrc to Typescript project with v10
- Update packages, lint and refactor
- update documentation, fix broken links
- Fixed misspelled DynamoDB key on serverless yml file
- Added prompt to check if the project should be generated in the same folder or not.
- When building the alexa interaction model there was a bug where even when empty the Dialog property was still being included, that's fixed now
2.2.0 - 2019-06-10
- Added support for per slot utterances in alexa (this is the beginning of dialog support)
- Added feature to generate a full Voxa 3 project in Typescript or Javascript. Generate boilerplate code with linting, analytics, serverless, suppport for all available platforms, save/get user information from DynamoDB, account linking.
- Added alexa dialog model implementation
- Added new spreadsheets keys for specific platforms in the interaction.json (alexaSpreadsheets, dialogflowSpreadsheets)
- Now alexa spec is splitted into smaller units testing specific functionality
- Fixed @sys. slots on dialogflow were converted into a different type
- Fixed issue on path option on the interaction command
- Fixed issue with platforms undefined
- Fixed empty columns on excel
2.1.2 - 2019-05-08
- Added more locales to Alexa and Dialogflow
- Added support for webhookForSlotFilling (dialogflow)
- Added support for webhookUsed (dialogflow)
- Added support for intent responses (dialogflow)
- Added support for required slots
- Fixed views overwriting existing array
- Fixed error on publishing information overwriting keys
- Filter out empty rows when processing a local spreadsheet
- Fixed empty suggestion chip on VUI
- Fixed overlap on utterance and slots
- Fixed views have an array path with object
- Fixed issue with pt-br is not attached to its parent
- Removed unused dependencies
2.1.1 - 2019-03-29
- Fixed support for having multiple UTTERANCES tabs in the spreadsheet, Eg: UTTERANCES_MAIN, UTTERANCES_NUMBER, UTTERANCES_ETC
- Added support for Office 365 workbooks
- Added support for OpenDocument spreadsheets in ods and fods format
2.1.0 - 2019-03-25
- Now supports url format for spreadsheet url
- Removed support for generic id for spreadsheets, have to explicit provide google spreadsheet shared URL
- Fix endIntent on dialogflow
- Added support for custom interaction file path
- Added test for Alexa
- Added to process local xlsx
- Added an assets processor to allow downloading media objects from a drive directory
- Added some unit tests (Dialogflow)
2.0.1 - 2019-03-05
- Added mapping for views and variables
- Dialogflow generator
- init and interaction command error on bad formatted URL
- Issue with root path and default interaction options
- removed security vulnerabilities on dependencies
2.0.0 - 2019-02-25
- TS support
- Commander support (init, interaction)
- Add support for events, signinRequired (dialogflow)
- Use native google spreadsheet API
- Default structure and support for schemas
1.0.0 - 2018-04-10
- Add support for google spreadsheet
- Add support for multiple views, interaction model, publishing information
- Add support for Alexa, Dialogflow
- Add support to download other sheet