All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.8.19 (2023-04-24)
- #412 增加textarea的name属性配置能力 (b20c260)
- #424 增加对齐方式语法和对应按钮 (f0973d6)
- add fullScreen function (#420) (#426) (843ad64)
- support drawIo in client (92a3119)
- vscode 插件支持预览工作区图片 (cd09242)
- #439 修复sidebar设置为false失效的问题 (4474e47)
- #440 修复顶格插入表格时,预览区域表格无法进行编辑 (3e5b3b8)
- 处理右对齐工具栏的默认值问题 (dc9186d)
- 修复侧边栏二级菜单定位不准确的问题 (8bc6c3b)
- 优化判断图片是否在视区内的判断逻辑 (83efd75)
- use up-to-date script for client to avoid drawIo not found error (8ed9400)
0.8.18 (2023-04-10)
- 对正在编辑的区域进行高亮 (#413) (bac8173)
- 图片语法增加花括号扩展能力 (44d8063)
- 增加插入draw.io功能;增加编辑draw.io机制;\n fix: 修复编辑图片尺寸时有可能受代码块语法影响的问题 (e326b86)
- 增加设置主题的api (681857f)
- 增加draw.io示例里的图形种类 (2aba33b)
- #395 尝试无脑修复,需要humyfred确认 (1f30506)
- 代码块逆解析成代码块语法时有多余的中括号产生 #414 (76acd94)
- 非双栏模式,或者从双栏模式切换到单栏模式时,需要去掉高亮光标对应预览区域的机制 (6cb9821)
- 删除多余逻辑 (668993b)
0.8.17 (2023-03-27)
- 对正在编辑的区域进行高亮 (#413) (bac8173)
- 图片语法增加花括号扩展能力 (44d8063)
- 增加插入draw.io功能;增加编辑draw.io机制;\n fix: 修复编辑图片尺寸时有可能受代码块语法影响的问题 (e326b86)
0.8.16 (2023-03-13)
- 修改信息面板和手风琴语法 (a7e1f96)
0.8.15 (2023-03-06)
- 客户端增加关闭提醒和导出markdown/HTML文件功能 (#399) (520eb00)
- 优化信息面板标题的背景色值 (318740e)
- 增加手风琴语法和对应的按钮;fix: 修复换行、列表语法占位符没有行号信息的问题 (e21cc35)
- 增加信息面板语法和对应的按钮 (fc7bc1f)
0.8.14 (2023-02-21)
- 临时解决超链接和斜体语法冲突的问题,最终解决方案应该是AutoLink语法实现排他 (9d23c56)
0.8.13 (2023-02-17)
- (hooks) 自动超链接-支持展示固定长度字符 (#391) (69056e4)
- 丰富图标,优化侧边栏切换主题按钮的下拉框定位 (d17d0fe)
- 丰富图标,优化侧边栏切换主题按钮的下拉框定位 (452ae1f)
- 增加vscode plugin,可以在vscode扩展中输入cherry-markdown搜索安装该插件 (61be297)
- #388 修复复制粘贴图片时,图片alt属性丢失的问题 (21a505a)
- unity header anchor safe id (d28c488)
- 复制粘贴代码块的时候会丢失\t (a1179c5)
0.8.12 (2023-01-13)
- #374 光标处于编辑区域最低部时,预览区域滚动到了顶部 (cfdfd0d)
- #380 修复粘贴时转义&的问题,同时修复粘贴table时出现过多换行的问题\n feat: 当表格thead为空的时候,不再渲染 (266a5f1)
0.8.11 (2022-12-28)
0.8.10 (2022-12-21)
- 跨单元格的行内公式、行内代码语法改成不生效 (178a6ac)
0.8.9 (2022-11-29)
- delete unnecessary observer to adapt old version browers (869963c)
- localisation support (7ca12b7), closes #217
- 增加有序列表、无序列表按钮 (f52ff42)
0.8.8 (2022-11-08)
- support more code highlight (#347) (a37c0ac)
- support protobuf code highlight (ddfd8f6)
- 增加切换主题的功能,本次提交实现了切换主题、记忆主题功能 (c4eeb34)
- 增加四个默认的主题 (d068772)
- toolbar: fix missing Toolbar#toolbarHandlers (#349) (e55673f)
- toolbar: fix missing Toolbar#toolbarHandlers (#349) (4596b4a)
- 优化拖拽时插入的位置 #338 (d7269fb)
- 修复设置换行模式的时候有报错,增加换行模式本地记忆功能 #339 (3facef0)
- 复制代码快功能不再受preview bubble控制 #337 (同时增加图片懒加载的注释) (4dbabd0)
- 粘贴企业微信内容时编辑器有报错 #336 (d333504)
0.8.7 (2022-11-08)
- support more code highlight (#347) (a37c0ac)
- support protobuf code highlight (ddfd8f6)
- 增加切换主题的功能,本次提交实现了切换主题、记忆主题功能 (c4eeb34)
- 增加四个默认的主题 (d068772)
- toolbar: fix missing Toolbar#toolbarHandlers (#349) (e55673f)
- toolbar: fix missing Toolbar#toolbarHandlers (#349) (4596b4a)
- 优化拖拽时插入的位置 #338 (d7269fb)
- 修复设置换行模式的时候有报错,增加换行模式本地记忆功能 #339 (3facef0)
- 复制代码快功能不再受preview bubble控制 #337 (同时增加图片懒加载的注释) (4dbabd0)
- 粘贴企业微信内容时编辑器有报错 #336 (d333504)
0.8.6 (2022-10-28)
- use appendChild instead of append to adapt chrome version 53 and lower (a21925a)
0.8.5 (2022-10-21)
- transform header id to avoid being sanitized (#324) (44935d9)
- 增加上传文件格式限制,优化上传文件回调逻辑,增加视频封面功能 #328 (dbf8788)
- #321 merge from @ufec (90fb48e)
- #325 连续字号时出现间隔识别的情况 (0fb533c)
- update babel-jest version to solve conflict in node 16 (ad4dbd5)
- 修复目录不展示的问题 (8308b5c)
0.8.4 (2022-10-13)
0.8.3 (2022-10-13)
- husky: init husky in prepare instead of postinstall (37ada7d)
0.8.2 (2022-09-16)
0.8.1 (2022-09-06)
- 懒加载逻辑不能幂等 (a2198cb)
0.8.0 (2022-09-01)
- 实现快捷键显示/隐藏toolbar #268 (10cce7d)
- 通过快捷键来实现显示|隐藏 toolbar 或 设置按钮子菜单隐藏toolbar #268 (8c05a87)
- 优化字体大小按钮的选区,并增加快捷键 (901db75)
- 优化toolbar插入内容时的选区逻辑 (3b02d07)
- #301 (#302) (f8bae8b)
- 暗黑模式下调色盘文字看不清楚 (fef4aba)
- 无法使用Ctrl+Shift组合键 #290 (e07e9ac)
- Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'createBtn') #303 (#304) (1fc3689)
- lint err Expected '!==' and instead saw '!=' (90a410b)
0.7.9 (2022-08-12)
- imageLazyLoad: 修复懒加载开关配置 (01543f8)
- remove ambiguous css reset (e159254)
0.7.8 (2022-08-04)
0.7.7 (2022-08-04)
- add ruby syntax (710d65b)
- eslint: setup husky and lint-staged (487ec2d)
- support data-cm-atomic for dom plugins (01d51a3)
- update sidebar style (70d5260)
- 增加ruby语法(拼音语法)的toolbar和demo (297ef97)
- 增加新的图片懒加载机制 (735b9cc)
0.7.6 (2022-07-11)
- 代码块增加复制功能 (ac48904), closes #239
- 代码块增加复制功能 (856b5fd), closes #239
- 代码块增加复制功能 更换复制到剪贴板的方法 (ac38a7f)
- 代码块增加复制功能 更换复制到剪贴板的方法 (0b28b05)
- 没有选中文字的时候点击工具栏会自动选中光标附近的文字或行 (61ed011), closes #261
- 增加图片样式(边框、阴影、圆角) (01775bd), closes #264
- border support for image (6df8fdc)
0.7.5 (2022-07-01)
- 把二级菜单里的toolbar开放出来(#199) (95a3e09)
- 暴露预览区域图片点击事件的回调 (34725a8)
- 暴露预览区域图片点击事件的回调 (203ff13)
- emphasis: add chinese punctuations as word's boundary (6d8a769)
- support configure plantuml args (ec97968)
- build/addons: use rollup to generate addon bundles (86a5705)
0.7.4 (2022-06-07)
0.7.3 (2022-05-26)
0.7.1 (2022-05-10)
- toolbar: add quote hook & optimize quote level implementation (2416e93)
- 插入有序列表的时候,序号自增 #160 (b49d47a)
- checklist: illegal inline checklist (#200) (f3fa79a)
- code-block: fix #166 parse hr and indent code (#205) (8320f5b)
- comment-reference: fix npe problem when there is a comment reference at the beginning of the document (b97fc8f)
- update blockquote regex to split list (8b86eb3), closes #165
- update list type regex to avoid content lost (#196) (017dc43), closes #194
- 修复批量拖拽上传文件没回调就插入内容的bug (20d6ddf)
- 修复缩进代码块行号计算不准的问题 (fe129b0)
- 最小高度调整 #207 (58a090b)
- 增加使用el初始化编辑器的能力 #203 (e48d8e8)
- 通过工具栏插入内容时,默认选中被插入的内容 #206 (678f695)
0.7.0 (2022-04-12)
- code-block: fix language matching regex (4fa3b43), closes #90
- link: add bracket match check (2bf3fa8)
- suggester: fix keydown 'enter' affect the default logic of newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList (#190) (ed0a5dd)
0.6.12 (2022-03-23)
- list: use list start number (d93b242)
0.6.11 (2022-03-17)
- replace lookbehind in math regex (4dc2a7e)
0.6.10 (2022-03-17)
0.6.9 (2022-03-14)
- table-head: fix th content not rendering (98ce938)
0.6.8 (2022-02-28)
- add commonmark test suites (ef2c950)
- add commonmark test suites (c2e0c56)
- add commonmark test suites (44287e3)
- improve content cache for paragraph (a7661d7)
- eslint fix & list test case fix (2b8cb1a)
0.6.7 (2022-02-28)
- add no-escape regex in math (541b210)
- editor: fix the compatibility issue of cjk ime (#150) (05703a3), closes #82
- refresh codemirror while toggling fullscreen (a8ed1a4)
- 修复代码块内嵌套缩进时出现占位字符的情况 (999581e)
0.6.6 (2022-02-18)
- optimize error output (1282583)
- fix README content of engine mode. (4388bfa)
- list: adapt list cases to avoid array out of boundary (4061e50)
0.6.5 (2022-01-24)
- optimize error output (ed7323c)
- list: adapt list cases to avoid array out of boundary (4c5a23c)
- ts file: fix ts file couldn't submit (6ab75b3)
- image: fix poor performance when referencing data-url images (37ac086)
- lint (f4e156f)
0.6.4 (2022-01-13)
0.6.3 (2022-01-12)
0.6.2 (2022-01-10)
- delay backslash tranform time (8e32e73)
- mathjax script duplicate with multiple cherry instances (5ba3ddd), closes #73
- type error in mathjax (a5e6820)
- fix usage of lookbehind support (d9dc315)
- lookbehind: fix
returns empty string when nothing to replace (525a5ab) - suggester: adapt empty regex in safari (a3027f7)
- suggester: add leadingChars (a1fb8b1)
- suggester: extract replacer from toHtml to avoid regex error in safari (760449e)
- suggester: suggester lookbehind regex support & fix list test case (879a523)
- 0xA0 need to be treated as space (75eee5b), closes #83
- use 0xa0 unicode instead (ec9cbac), closes / #84
- eslint fix (6cb72fe)
0.6.1 (2021-12-30)
- 预览区域跟随编辑区域光标滚动 (#72) (02c500b)
- suggester: add suggester function (a8c35ed)
- suggester: improve css (4ab4bb6)
- suggester: improve css code (b333c71)
- add eslint jest plugin (23bcbb3)
- add yarnrc & update dependencies (ba8b5cd)
- init client project (#53) (9f46acf)
- use jest for unit test (0b15764)
- sanitizer: remove jsdom from browser builds & add new commonjs bundle for node env (#62) (c61df0d)
- list: fix magic number (34224a8)
- list: support checklist && add test case (f4d6a2a)
- suggester 初始化判断有问题 (cb22da6)
- custom-syntax: revert get config from customSyntax & fix type error (ebc5aee)
- list: implement list with tree (43ba79a)
0.5.15 (2021-12-12)
- mocha support typescript & add list unit test (a198733)
- 在cherry上暴露导出接口,并修复导出没考虑多实例的情况 (e21895b)
- Export: export toolbar handler api (#38) (360de5f)
- fix cherry overflow & fix customHook could config params on the Cherry config (#61) (1e24f12)
- 连续多个音视频无法正确解析 (74426b2)
- 连续多个音视频无法正确解析 (#34) (10008e9)
- 列表内的行内语法污染了列表 Fixed #40 (#41) (d7546b8)
- api-demo: basic config undefined (#37) (f269eb3)
- demo image's url (2c933f1)
- editor handleUpload has Invalid function parameter problem (1f1d92e)
- table's space and color picker's 'null' color Fixed #30 (244c190)
- use replaceLookBehind for bg、color、sub、sup (0bd9229)
- variable fix in demo scripts (97bf5b5)
- toolbar: init br button name by options (174a4cd)