This repository provides a detailed file operations comparison between Cromwell, Nextflow and Native GATK using Mistral ( for HaplotypeCaller tool.
- Openstack Virtual Machine : m1.xlarge (with AVX support) (134.4GB Memory, 16 Cores)
- OS tested on : Ubuntu Bionic (18.04.2)
- GATK : v4.1 and above (
- Tool : HaplotypeCaller
- Java : OpenJDK 1.8.0_232
- Singularity : v3.4.2 (
- Cromwell : cromwell-47.jar (
- Nextflow : v19.10.0 (
- Mistral : v2.13.4_RC5_x86_64 (
- Input Data :
- BAM file : HG00101_align.bam (79G)
- Reference file : hs38DH.fa
- GATK Singularity Container (gatk.img)(
- There were total 5 (4 workflow + 1 native gatk) runs given on 5 different m1.xlarge OpenStack hosts to be run in parallel.
- Input data was copied to local disk of each host.
- Details of 5 runs :
- Host1 : Cromwell running GATK within a Singularity Container
- Host2 : Nextflow running GATK within a Singularity Container
- Host3 : Cromwell running GATK natively
- Host4 : Nextflow running GATK natively
- Host5 : GATK running natively
Please go through and workflow files under each subdirectory (cromwell, nextflow, gatk).