For build prereqs, see [the CS144 VM setup instructions]( ## Sponge quickstart To set up your build directory: $ mkdir -p <path/to/sponge>/build $ cd <path/to/sponge>/build $ cmake .. **Note:** all further commands listed below should be run from the `build` dir. To build: $ make You can use the `-j` switch to build in parallel, e.g., $ make -j$(nproc) To test (after building; make sure you've got the [build prereqs]( installed!) $ make check_labN *(replacing N with a checkpoint number)* The first time you run `make check_lab...`, it will run `sudo` to configure two [TUN]( devices for use during testing. ### build options You can specify a different compiler when you run cmake: $ CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake .. You can also specify `CLANG_TIDY=` or `CLANG_FORMAT=` (see "other useful targets", below). Sponge's build system supports several different build targets. By default, cmake chooses the `Release` target, which enables the usual optimizations. The `Debug` target enables debugging and reduces the level of optimization. To choose the `Debug` target: $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug The following targets are supported: - `Release` - optimizations - `Debug` - debug symbols and `-Og` - `RelASan` - release build with [ASan]( and [UBSan]( - `RelTSan` - release build with [ThreadSan]( - `DebugASan` - debug build with ASan and UBSan - `DebugTSan` - debug build with ThreadSan Of course, you can combine all of the above, e.g., $ CLANG_TIDY=clang-tidy-6.0 CXX=clang++-6.0 .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug **Note:** if you want to change `CC`, `CXX`, `CLANG_TIDY`, or `CLANG_FORMAT`, you need to remove `build/CMakeCache.txt` and re-run cmake. (This isn't necessary for `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`.) ### other useful targets To generate documentation (you'll need `doxygen`; output will be in `build/doc/`): $ make doc To format (you'll need `clang-format`): $ make format To see all available targets, $ make help