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How to Get Jenkins Emails

Dave Gill edited this page Jan 15, 2021 · 17 revisions

Who this page is for

If you are a developer and contribute code to the WRF repository, this wiki page is for you.

Purpose of this page

There are a few branches that the WRF team keeps under tight control: master, develop, and anything that starts with the string release-v. Any changes to those repositories require use of a github pull request (PR). When a PR is submitted, a background process conducts a suite of fixed tests on the proposed source code, with the purpose being to try to catch any unintended side effects that may be caused by the suggested code modification. Part of the process of the testing involves sending the individual (who has proposed the code change) an email detailing the results of the regression testing. If you are not automatically receiving emails regarding testing, this page describes the github settings that are required to enable receipt of the testing notifications.

Step 1: Get to the right account

Go to your personal github account for the WRF model. Do not attempt this from the wrf-model github organization. In this case, note that I am using the davegill github account.

Step 2: Make your email setting public

There are two places on github that deal with settings. In the upper right hand corner is either a small circular picture that you have chosen, or alternatively there is a 5x5 pixel identicon. Click that button.

From the list, select Settings. On the left hand side of this page is a table of options for your Personal settings. Select Emails.